My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 825: The Power of the Immortal Erosion Insect

In an instant, the sharp sword energy rushed straight to the nine heavens and pierced the sky. Within a few dozen feet of the Jiujianxian, the sword energy swirled around and the sound of the sword energy was sharp and harsh.

A group of people not far from the Jiujianxian felt a sword energy coming towards their faces, and their clothes were torn to pieces by wisps of tiny sword energy.

"Such a strong sword energy."

Ye Chen squinted his eyes, a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

This move of Jiujianxian is already comparable to the first ray of sword energy released from his sword-raising gourd.

No wonder he could compete with the sword god Dugu Huangtian. This sword energy opened Ye Chen's horizons. A strong master at the master level should not be underestimated.

The fine sword energy was like rain, covering everything within a radius of tens of meters.

The corpse insects in the sword energy were instantly swallowed up completely by the sword energy. Even the poisonous gas emitted by the corpse insects was isolated dozens of meters away.

But I don’t know how long this ancient tomb has existed. The corpse insects inside seem to be endless. As the Jiujianxian kills, more corpse insects crawl over from a distance, and there are fist-sized corpses in the insect swarm. insect.

These large corpse worms are somewhat different from ordinary corpse worms. Their teeth and claws are sharper, and the shells on their bodies are even harder, revealing a strong death aura. They actually have the smell of underworld water, and are full of strength. , actually comparable to An Jin’s master.

Moreover, under the residual power of the sword energy, the large corpse insect actually resisted the scattered sword energy of the Jiujianxian and rushed towards the crowd.

A dark power master is nothing to Ye Chen and Jiujianxian, but if there are a group of dark power experts, even Ye Chen will feel a little numb.

"Senior, these are corpse insects that mutated after swallowing the water of the underworld."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and said with a look of horror.

Corpse worms were originally born from the death energy. After absorbing the death energy from the underworld water, the corpse worms became obviously much stronger.

Although they will still be annihilated by Jiujianxian's sword energy, some large corpse insects can actually withstand a wisp of Jiujianxian's sword energy without dying.

This kind of thing is extremely bad news for everyone.

The Jiu Sword Immortal is a powerful man comparable to the Grandmaster Realm. Even the sword energy he swings casually can resist it. The attacks of other Dragon Soul members may be difficult to cause damage to it.

There are a lot of these large corpse insects. If they all rush over, they will probably be in danger.

"Suzaku, take people across the underworld quickly."

Ye Chen roared, grabbed his hands in the air, and wisps of sword energy transformed from Yuan Li appeared in his hands, and swung it towards the corpse insect.

At the same time, a strong murderous aura emanated from Ye Chen's body.

The violent killing intent even broke through the shackles of the death aura. The corpse insects around him paused and looked at Ye Chen with a slight stir.

Taking advantage of this moment, the other Dragon Soul members jumped towards the other side with all their strength.

After all, the worst ones were also the strong ones. The distance of two to three meters did not put much pressure on them. Soon, most of them had jumped over.

At this time, the temptation of life outweighed the fear of killing, and the corpse insects rushed towards Ye Chen and Jiujianxian with a burst of murderous passion.

"Senior, there are too many corpse insects. Let's retreat to the other side of the river."

Ye Chen turned his head and said to Jiu Jianxian.

"You go back first, and I will take the rear."

The Wine Sword Immortal narrowed his eyes and used his finger as a sword. The sharp sword energy prevented a single corpse insect within a radius of dozens of meters.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the insect swarm, and several winged corpse insects actually stepped over Jiujianxian and Ye Chen.

Fly towards other Dragon Soul members who have not yet jumped to the opposite side.

"Flying corpse insects?"

Ye Chen's expression changed, and he blasted the corpse insect in front of him with one punch. Suddenly, he had an idea and summoned the immortal insect from the dragon pattern ring.

As the king of all insects in the Miao Territory, as soon as the Immortal Erosion Insect appeared, a heavy pressure radiated in all directions. The insect swarm that was originally desperate for life stopped in an instant.

The Erosion Fairy Insect exhaled a breath of cold air, flew to Ye Chen's shoulder, and arched towards Ye Chen lazily.

"I didn't expect the Immortal Corruption Insect to be so strong. If I had known that these Corpse Insects were afraid of the Immortal Corruption Insect, I wouldn't have had to spend so much effort."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the flying immortal insects broke through the pressure of the immortal insects, and with a hiss, they rushed towards Ye Chen.

Feeling that its majesty had been challenged, the Immortal Eclipse screamed and blew out a breath of cold air.

In an instant, several corpse insects were frozen into ice cubes and fell to the ground, breaking into pieces.

"It's so cold."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

With the current strength displayed by the Immortal Erosion Insect, even a strong person in the late Xiantian stage would be seriously injured if the Immortal Erosion Insect sprays this breath of cold air.

These flying corpse insects had a high status among the insect swarm. After these corpse insects died, the insect swarm instantly became quiet and even began to slowly retreat backwards.

"The King of All Insects in the Miao Territory, the Immortal Insect, is truly a blessing."

The Jiujianxian glanced at the immortal insect on Ye Chen's shoulder and said meaningfully.

"It's just good luck."

Ye Chen said with a sneer on his face.

"Go over first and talk later."

Jiujianxian jumped up and reached the other side of the river.

Ye Chen followed closely and jumped over.

Perhaps due to fear of the underworld water or other reasons, the insect swarm dispersed after they jumped over and had no intention of crossing the river, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

No one wants to fight with such a group of corpse insects who are not afraid of death. If they are not careful, it will be a dead end.

"Let's go, that should be the entrance to the ancient tomb. Let's go first to the ancient tomb."

Suzaku looked at the giant bronze door not far away and said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded and came to the bronze door.

The bronze door was covered with moss and had a sense of age. There was nothing noteworthy except for a groove in the middle of the door.

"This should be where the key is, Suzaku, take the key with you."

Ye Chen said in a deep voice.

"The key is here."

Suzaku nodded, took out a small box from his arms, and opened the box. What was inside was the key that he had found before.

Suzaku placed the key in the groove with a solemn expression, and then took a few steps back.

As the key was placed in the groove, the entire bronze door suddenly shook, and countless moss fell from the door.

There was a look of nervousness on everyone's faces, and they subconsciously took a few steps back, staring closely at the bronze door.

At this time, the ancient jade placed in the groove suddenly shone brightly, and wisps of unique spiritual energy floated out from the ancient jade, creating a strange pattern on the bronze door. Then the bronze door slowly opened backwards, a slightly A dark passage appeared in front of everyone.

"The door finally opened."

A blazing look flashed in everyone's eyes. (To be continued)

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