My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 86 Controlling Life and Death


Humiliation, naked humiliation.

Zhao Tianlong has never been humiliated like this since he was a child.

For such a short moment, he thought about rising up and resisting, and dying together with Ye Chen.

But in the end he still gave up, no matter it was out of cherishing life or other reasons, there was no need for him to die with Ye Chen.

He is a high-ranking prince, and Ye Chen, in his opinion, is a reckless man who knows martial arts, and the value between them is completely unequal.

So Zhao Tianlong lowered his head in humiliation, clenched his teeth, not knowing whether it was the pain in his body or the pain in his heart, his whole body trembled violently.

"This son is destined to be an extraordinary person."

A strange color flashed in Wang Li's eyes. Originally, he had a high opinion of Ye Chen, but after seeing this scene, he still realized that he underestimated Ye Chen.

A hero, a generation of heroes!

Shen Junru's heartbeat accelerated at this instant, and she fixedly looked at Ye Chen's broad back, with a flash of affection in her eyes.

This is the man he chose.

A man who can trample the famous prince of Zhonghai City under his feet.

But Zhao Tianlong can't die, at least not now.

They don't have the power to stop Zhao Sihai's anger, and Ye Chen knows this very well.

Therefore, even though Ye Chen could easily kill him, out of the consideration of the overall situation, he only managed to do so.

Sometimes, for someone like Zhao Tianlong, this feeling is worse than death.

Shen Junru bit her red lips lightly, walked over, and said softly: "Ye Chen, I'm out of breath, let him go."

Ye Chen stood up and said with a faint smile, "Since Jun Ru begged you, let me let you go this time, I don't want to have another time."

Zhao Tianlong clenched his fists fiercely, and his chest was in a burning pain. I don't know if it was because of pain or anger, his body began to tremble slightly.

"You take him away."

Ye Chen's flat voice made both Black Widow and Feihu heave a sigh of relief.

Quickly supporting Zhao Tianlong, he fled the night bar like flying to prevent Ye Chen from changing his mind suddenly.

"You offended Zhao Tianlong to death today. With his temperament, he will definitely not let you go."

Shen Junru said with a worried face.

"It's just a little guy, I don't care about it." Ye Chen dismissed it: "The main thing is that you have to be careful, I'm afraid he will be bad for you."

"Don't worry, with Uncle Li here, he still doesn't dare to be too presumptuous in my night bar."

Shen Junru said coldly: "He suffered such a big loss this time, and he will never act rashly if he is not fully prepared next time."

"Uncle Li, are your injuries okay?"

Ye Chen asked softly.

When Wang Li was fighting Liu Qianshan just now, he wore many colors on his body, and his clothes were all torn.

"It's just a small injury, just rest for a few days." Wang Li laughed and said, "I think back then, when I fought with Jun Ru's father together, it was much worse than this time."

"Okay, Uncle Li, stop bragging."

Shen Junru rolled her eyes, turned her head and shouted to Li Yue who was standing beside her, "Li Yue, bring the medicine box here."

"There's no need for the medicine box, I'll do it."

Ye Chen waved his hand and called to stop Li Yue.

"Are you coming?" Shen Junru froze for a moment, not knowing what Ye Chen meant.

With a mysterious smile on Ye Chen's face, he walked up to Wang Li: "Uncle Li, take off your clothes."

Uncle Li took off his clothes obediently, looked at Ye Chen's empty hands, and wondered: "Ye Chen, you have nothing, how can you treat me?"

"Have you forgotten how I treated you before?"

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and put his hands on the scar on Wang Li's chest.

Although Ye Chen's Yuanli was not as effective in treating others as it was for him, the injury on Wang Li's body was very light and it was easy to treat.

And in terms of effect, it is quicker and more convenient than medicine.

A huge force flowed from Ye Chen's palm into Wang Li's wound, and the bleeding wound immediately improved.

Wang Li felt a stream of cool water flowing through the wound in his chest. The originally hot wound did not feel the slightest pain. After a while, a feeling of itching spread over.

"All right."

Ye Chen moved his palm away and smiled lightly.

Shen Junru and Wang Li looked over, their eyes widened and their mouths subconsciously widened.

Wang Li rubbed his eyes with a look of disbelief.

The wound that was still bleeding, now grew new flesh.

Wang Li stretched out his hand to feel it, and there was no problem at all, it was really cured.

"How is it possible." Wang Li muttered to himself, "How could there be such a miraculous medical skill in the world."

Even Shen Junru swallowed her saliva and asked, "You can't live and die, right? Do you know the resurrection technique?"

"Resurrect your sister, you have read too many novels."

Ye Chen laughed and cursed, he is still human, how could he know the resurrection technique.

But immortality is possible.

Ye Chen was used to the surprise of Shen Junru and Wang Li.

You must know that his title of Pluto is recognized by the whole world.

Pluto controls the life and death of all beings, not only can make you die, but also can make you live.

Ye Chen's decisive killing made people terrified, but his medical skills also made people flock to him.

As long as he doesn't die and still has vitality, Ye Chen can keep him alive.

This is the so-called Pluto Hades, who lives with one hand and dies with the other.

"Since it's all right, then I'll go back first and call me if you have anything."

When Ye Chen was about to leave, he patted Shen Junru's **** casually, and in the midst of her scolding, Ye Chen laughed and left.

"Jun Ru, Ye Chen is an extraordinary person, you have to seize the opportunity."

Wang Li smiled deeply.

"Uncle Li, what you said and wrote, I have nothing to do with him at all."

Shen Junru let out a coquettish anger, stomped his feet, and ran away with a blushing face.

"This girl." Wang Li shook his head and sighed.

Black Widow and Feihu took Zhao Tianlong and Shen Qianshan out of the night bar. The younger brother who stayed outside saw that the situation was not good, and quickly helped Zhao Tianlong's people into the car.

"Prince, how are you? Where are you hurt? Do you want me to take my brother in and clear the night bar."

A black-clothed boy asked fiercely.

Zhao Tianlong looked grim, and slapped him, "Fuck you paralyzed, shameful things, get out of here."

The black-clothed brother was covering his face. He didn't know where he had offended Zhao Tianlong, so he was so frightened that he quickly rolled out.

"Prince, we must avenge this revenge. Shen Junru, that bitch, must be with him."

Black Widow clutched her chest and said weakly.

"Dare to humiliate the prince like this, I will never let him go."

In a burst of anger, Zhao Tianlong's blood surged, and another mouthful of blood spurted out, and he shouted fiercely: "If this revenge is not avenged, I swear it will not be a human being."

"Prince, it's about time to elect the boss of Dongcheng District. We can use this opportunity to catch them all."

Feihu said solemnly.

"Yes, this matter does need to be carefully planned."

Zhao Tianlong whispered softly, his eyes full of revenge.

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