My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 878 Guarantee in the name of Huichunzhai

"I made everyone laugh."

Ye Chen clapped his hands, as if nothing happened, and looked at the group of demonstrators in front of him.

After being stared at by Ye Chen with such a fierce look, everyone subconsciously took a step back.

"There was a little accident just now, and we stopped a bad incident that attacked President Su. I'm really sorry for wasting everyone's time."

Ye Chen said with an embarrassed look.

The reporter next to him swallowed his throat and looked at each other with a look of astonishment on his face.

This is too shameless.

He was obviously the one who hit him, but he actually took the blame.

"Okay, I have kept you waiting for a long time. Our Su Group is absolutely sincere. This is not the place to talk. The press conference has been arranged. Why don't you sit down and let us talk slowly? Today will be inevitable I will give you an explanation."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

A group of reporters looked at me and me, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, the Su Group would actually hold a press conference?

Is it possible that they can really find conclusive evidence in just a few days?

Soon, a group of people, led by company security guards, arrived at a large, empty conference hall.

"Welcome to the Su Group. I know that you must have a lot to ask, so I will hold an impromptu press conference today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will tell you everything I know."

Su Xiyue stood in front of the stage and said in a deep voice: "And regarding this incident of poisoning by the spirit, I have some important news to tell you later."

"What important news?"

"A black-hearted enterprise must have found some excuse to shirk its responsibilities."

【Ling Ling Reading 00ks】

"If you don't give us an explanation today, I won't leave."

There was a burst of noise from the crowd.

There was no trace of anger on Su Xiyue's face. She waited until the voice in the conference hall fell down and then said calmly: "Our Su Group has always adhered to our bottom line. No matter which product it is, it has undergone rigorous testing. There will definitely be no problems with the test, I can assure you of this."

"Promise? Just a few words from your mouth and you gave us a guarantee?"

"It's because of these black-hearted companies like you that my sister-in-law is lying in a hospital bed and is now awake."

"You, a femme fatale, will not die well."

There were shrill shouts from the crowd, which were extremely unpleasant to hear.

There was a flash of cruelty in Ye Chen's eyes. He looked at a few people jumping around in the crowd and said coldly: "Keep your mouths clean. If you don't want to talk, I can help you."

"What do you mean? Are you trying to threaten us?"

The patient's family members glared at Ye Chen and said arrogantly.

"You can think that I am threatening you."

Ye Chen said lightly with a flash of evil in his eyes.

The ferocious aura like a beast surged towards several people, and the family members of the troublesome patients in the crowd were so frightened that they dared not speak.

Several people could clearly see the miserable appearance of the bald man just now.

They didn't want to be beaten up by Ye Chen like this.

"Mr. Su, I wonder what news you are going to announce today? Is it because Meiling is going to cease production?"

The reporters standing at the front could not wait for a long time, and all the cameras were pointed at Su Xiyue.

In this case, discontinuing the production of Meiling is indeed the only way to protect the reputation of the Su Group.

"The news I want to announce today is that the incident of Li Hong's poisoning has nothing to do with the enchanting spirit. In other words, the poison on Li Hong has another reason."

Su Xiyue said calmly.

"What? You said my sister-in-law was poisoned not because of your company's products?"

"You black-hearted companies are still trying to shirk your responsibilities."

As soon as Su Xiyue finished speaking, the patient's family immediately started making a fuss.

Shouted to Su Xiyue.

"Mr. Su, at this time, you can't say anything casually without evidence."

One of the reporters said sharply: "All the signs now indicate that the patient's whole body body failure was caused by the use of enchanting spirits."

"Of course I have evidence."

Su Xiyue said with a smile: "After investigation by us and the police, the main reason for this accident was that Li Hong's husband Ding Niu collaborated with outsiders to poison his wife Li Hong and then framed her for the Su Group."

"What? Was it poisoned by Dinniu?"

"How can this be."

A stone caused a thousand waves, and Su Xiyue's words shocked everyone present.

"I know everyone here is surprised, but now Ding Niu has been arrested by the police, and I have a recording of his personal confession here."

Su Xiyue gestured to the secretary next to her, and then the video of Ding Niu admitting his crime was shown on the big screen.

As this video was broadcast, Li Hong's patient's family members were stunned.

"Ding Niu, this beast, actually murdered his wife to pay off his gambling debt."

"This scumbag is a scumbag."

Li Hong's family members cursed angrily.

A group of reporters were holding cameras and frantically filming the scenes on the big screen, their faces full of excitement.

It's hard to imagine that things have reached this point and have such an amazing change.

"Even so, there are many other patients who still cannot prove that your product has no problems."

One of the reporters said meaningfully.

"Meiling is a product I designed, and the formula is based on the prescriptions of ancient Chinese medicine masters. It has also been tested by the national drug regulatory department, and there are absolutely no problems."

Ye Chen said in a deep voice.

"Did you create the enchanting spirit? As far as I know, Mr. Ye does not have any medical qualifications. How can I say that there are no problems with the prescription you wrote?"

One of the male reporters had obviously investigated Ye Chen in advance and said with a malicious look on his face: "I doubt Mr. Ye's medical level very much. I suspect that the previous news was a malicious hype by your Su Group."

Ye Chen frowned and was about to speak when a familiar voice came from the door.

"I can prove that Ye Chen's medical skills are not a lie."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then turned and looked back together, and saw Shi Heyang walking over in long strides.

"Why is this kid here? Could it be that he was resentful after losing before and now he's here to take revenge?"

Ye Chen frowned, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

A reporter next to him asked with a puzzled look.

"I am Shi Heyang of Huichunzhai, the grandson of Acupuncture King Shi Chunsheng. In the name of Huichunzhai, I guarantee that Ye Chen's medical skills are definitely not a trick."

Shi Heyang said seriously.

Shi Heyang's words were truly shocking, and all the reporters in the conference hall were stunned. (To be continued)

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