My Fintech Empire

Chapter 998 [Deep-level long-term layout]

How will you feel when you know the truth? He must have made a fuss and wanted to scold the public.

Mr. Zhang is completely unaware that the angel investors who fully supported him are Qunxing Capital, which drove him away from Toutiao, because the investment institutions that provided him with angel round financing and Series A investment are actually Qunxing Capital’s puppets. , on the surface it has nothing to do with Stars Capital, but in fact it is absolutely controlled by Stars Capital.

Not only did Mr. Zhang not realize it, but he was also very grateful to this investor for his insight into heroes.

At present, under Fang Hong's instruction, this investment institution plays the role of Mr. Zhang Bole, and it goes for financial investment. It does not interfere with Mr. Zhang's operation and decision-making of the company, and is only responsible for investing money in his company.

Because this is part of the plan, first play the role of Bole well, completely gain his trust, and make him owe a penny. This is the prerequisite for the follow-up plan to be launched.

On the other hand, the launch of Toutiao’s short video business Douyin APP has also entered the countdown. Mr. Zhang is not aware of this now. When he saw that Qunxing Capital took over Toutiao, he immediately shut down Neihan Duanzi, thinking that Qunxing Capital did not like it. The short video track is rejoicing at the lack of a huge competitor.

However, the days of secret joy will not last too long. When Mr. Zhang’s short video business has just started to pick up, he has also invested huge financial costs, time and energy. Douyin suddenly went online and Qunxing Capital brought so many social platforms under its arm to provide Traffic entrance and resource tilt, Mr. Zhang's heart is definitely going to the rhythm of the dog again.

The game that Fang Hong laid for him was to use up all the funds he had cashed out from Toutiao, and once again push him to the end of the hero, making it impossible for him to survive in the domestic Internet circle.

Then the "angel investment institution" that he regards as a loser and owes a favor can jump out and say: Don't be discouraged, I am very optimistic about you. It's not that you are not good, but that your opponent is too strong, why not avoid it?铓?

Once Mr. Zhang asks, he will naturally lead out:

There is Qunxing Capital in China, and you are obviously targeted by Qunxing Capital. Whatever you do, he will challenge you in the ring. He is not short of money, but you have to keep being bloodletted. If you want to survive in such a siege, what are your chances? Very little.

We should avoid its sharp edges and develop in places where the influence of Qunxing Capital cannot be radiated. Therefore, we should seek to gain a foothold in foreign markets. As long as we have a firm foothold in the international market to ensure that we can survive, we can go back to seek big opportunities after we have our own basic market. With the development of the market in China, we will not be helpless against Qunxing Capital.

For Mr. Zhang, who has reached the end of his life as a hero and cannot survive in the domestic Internet circle, as long as he has no intention of quitting and still wants to continue fighting, the advice given by investors is the only option. There seems to be no second option. There is a path for him to choose.

At this time, Mr. Zhang's funds are likely to be burned to a great extent, and he has no surplus food in his hands. If he wants to go overseas and strive for more, he will rely on this Bole angel investor to continue to provide him with financing support.

At this time, I readily agreed to continue to vote for him, but this time I had to offer to share the voting rights. Mr. Zhang, who was at the end of the hero, accepted such a big favor, and all the money he had previously invested in Mr. Zhang was wasted without any questions. They blame you and encourage you, but they also continue to invest money without hesitation like a big grievance so that you can fight again. How many such angel investors are there in the world?

If someone wants the right to vote, do you still have the nerve to say "refuse"?

It is estimated that Mr. Zhang would rather retire than say these two words. In fact, he can only agree. If he refuses shamelessly, it will cause a big blow to his reputation in the investment circle. Such a good investor If you treat me like this, what will others think?

Damage to his reputation in the industry will affect subsequent financing, so as long as Mr. Zhang wants to continue to struggle, facing the conditions proposed by angel investors, he actually has no choice at all and can only nod and agree.

Fang Hong went to great lengths to set up such a situation for him in order to have the ability to turn the tide in case of an emergency in the future.

On the one hand, his talent is needed to expand overseas markets, and on the other hand, because Fang Hong has the reference of past life memories, he knew that many years later, when Tik-Tok was under extreme pressure from the United States, he almost failed to withstand the pressure from the United States. Handed the knee out.

Precisely because of the lessons learned from his past life, Fang Hong must leave room for himself to turn the tide. If he fails to withstand the pressure in this life, he will intervene decisively to stop it, or even kick him out again.

Tik-Tok is an international social media platform that Fang Hong attaches great importance to. It is a strategic place to break away from European and American control of global public opinion. However, when the Palestinian-Israeli conflict breaks out again, Tik-Tok becomes the only one in the world that can tell the truth. platform for dissemination.

The reason why the West hates Tik Tok so much but fails to control it or ban it is actually the biggest resistance is the opposition of their local people, especially people in North America who oppose the ban because they believe that Tik-Tok is not only It is as simple as a short video entertainment platform, but it is the most important and even the only platform where they can truly and freely express their voices.

At the same time, it is also related to the jobs of many people, because a large number of video producers rely on Tik-Tok to survive, and banning it is equivalent to cutting off their financial resources, so naturally they will not agree.

Therefore, Fang Hong needs to get voting rights from Mr. Zhang. If necessary, he needs to intervene through Puppet’s angel investors. For example, in the future, Tik-Tok must reduce its profits and give more benefits to the platform’s video producers. More profit sharing and traffic support will allow more ordinary people in Europe and the United States to rely on the income from the Tik-Tok platform to survive.

The more people who rely on the platform, the better. As long as the number of people who rely on the Tik-Tok platform is larger, the greater the resistance that some American congressmen will have to ban it, and this resistance comes from internal pressure.

If congressmen dare to ban Tik-Tok, the local people will kick them out. For the sake of votes, congressmen will also block it. Some congressmen may even come out to oppose the ban in order to gain more votes in order to gain power.

All in all, one of Fang Hong’s strategies is to bind Tik-Tok to as many groups as possible, especially the local middle and lower class people, and to constantly instill a truth into the local people subtly: Tik-Tok is your bottom class It is the last platform to speak freely. Keeping this platform means protecting your freedom and your right to speak out. It is also a platform that can create income for you.

Therefore, if Tik-Tok wants to stand firm in the international market, it must not naively rely on the fundamentalism of market economics, nor should it maximize commercial interests. It must bind as many groups as possible, and sharing profits is definitely a very important step. effective way.

By publishing content on this platform, the income of video producers is higher than that of other platforms. The same video can be monetized for 10 US dollars on YouTube and 20 US dollars on Tik-Tok, which will naturally attract more video bloggers. Come.

Especially by giving profits to middle- and lower-class video bloggers, so that they can have a vision of living a good life on Tik-Tok, they will become the most solid supporters of the platform, and whoever’s interests will be at heart will never change. truth.

...(End of chapter)

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