My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1015 [Heart-killing Move]

There are also public third-party data showing that in the past month, the game props of "Honor of Kings" generated a total of about 147.63 million yuan in transactions on the 5173 trading platform, including e-commerce platforms such as Dibao and Jingdong. quantity.

Among them, the most circulated game virtual props are box props and box fragment props. These virtual game props can be called "hard currency" products in the game, and there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them.

One month after the game was launched, the price of prop transactions began to experience huge fluctuations and gambling, but the price of virtual props has stabilized.

At present, the average price of a box of props in "Honor of Kings" is 6.27 yuan, with a fluctuation of about 0.3 yuan.

In addition, the activity of opening boxes to produce out-of-print limited skin props ended last week. Now, opening boxes will no longer yield out-of-print skins like Sword Fairy Li Bai. Box props are produced and consumed stably, and their prices have stabilized.

The price of limited out-of-print skin props has begun to skyrocket. On the 5173 trading platform, the price of a Li Bai Sword Immortal skin has skyrocketed to 4,200 yuan.

The skyrocketing price is due to the large-scale surge in the number of game players and the expansion of demand. On the other hand, limited out-of-print skins will no longer be produced as the event ends. Such tradable limited out-of-print skins that have been unblocked and used will be converted into Not tradable, only skins in encapsulated state can be traded.

There will only be fewer and fewer of them. Every time the block is unblocked, there will be one less tradable. And there are some merchants who deliberately hold back and not sell them first. They play with rare goods and sell them on the platform. There are even fewer ones to sell. Rare things are more valuable. , the price will naturally go up.

In addition, there is also data showing that in the first month of the launch of "Honor of Kings", a total of more than 14.6 million box props were exchanged on major third-party trading platforms.

That is to say, Krypton gold players consumed approximately 14.6 million box props in one month. Calculated based on the price of 6.27 yuan, Krypton gold players spent 91.63 million yuan in one month just opening boxes.

This has also spawned a large number of studios to flock to "Honor of Kings" to "mining", which has indirectly created tens of thousands of jobs, and a large number of studios are also recruiting people to work.

There are also civilian players on a larger scale than this who have obtained an extra income through this game. Many players use it to earn props in the game, or their character explodes and the European Emperor possesses them to open high-value props and sell them directly. Realize the freedom of game box subscription services and earn back all the money paid for subscriptions.

Whether it is the income of studios or civilian players, or the channel fees earned by third-party trading platforms, they all come from the payment of krypton gold players.

The game itself does not directly sell skins. In fact, it allocates a part of the profits to major groups such as games and work. However, this does not mean that the profits of the "Honor of Kings" operators have decreased. On the contrary, they have even increased a lot.

The number of daily active players reached 28.7 million within one month of its launch. This game has achieved much more success than Fang Hong’s previous life under Goose Factory. To be able to become so popular, the item trading system has played a major role in making this game popular. The activity index has reached a new level.

This is the first MOBA game where props can be monetized. Some players even joked about downloading "Honor of Kings" when the subscription payment is about to expire to make some money to renew the subscription service.

Now this game has expanded to 150 game channels, and more channels will definitely be added after this momentum. Among them, there are more than 30 channels in the human and machine area, and there are even 5 idle areas.

Precisely because the props can be monetized, it once attracted players who were originally not interested in MOBA games to come here to earn some subscription money and download the game. Invisibly, this game brought more players and higher revenue. Activity.

A series of factors, strengthened by positive feedback, have made "Honor of Kings" such a popular event today.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the number of user registrations of Game Box has exceeded 100 million in the first month, and the number of daily active players has reached more than 67 million. This is only achieved by the national server area alone.

The three regions of European server, American server and Asian server are not yet online.

But it’s coming soon. The specific launch date has been released. The next one to be launched is the Asian server, which is expected to be launched in August. Then the American server covering the Americas and the European server covering the European area will be launched simultaneously in September.

After the "Glory of Kings" operation team released the data, it caused a sensation in the industry. At the same time, the "pig factory" next door, Internet Network, was greatly affected. At this time, a team in the game business department of Internet Network was developing a game called "Yin Yang". The mobile game "Master" is expected to be launched into public beta in the second half of next year.

"Honor of Kings" has generated more than 600 million in platform sharing revenue in one month, which has really stimulated many people in the industry, and NetShang's "Onmyoji" project team is one of them.

It is already discussing internally whether the "Onmyoji" project should be released on the Game Box platform when it is launched next year. There was an agreement when NetEx Blizzard was sold to Game Box. If NetEx wants to publish its own games on the Game Box platform , the platform will provide free traffic and resource support.

Now I am really excited. There are few colleagues who are not jealous of the results of "Honor of Kings".

It is true that the pig factory is excited, and it is also true that it is very entangled.

Publishing on the Game Box platform can indeed bring new performance growth points. It is not even certain that the revenue proportion of outsiders' platforms will be greater, but the biggest problem in that case is that you may have to look at Game Box in the future. face.

But seeing the "Honor of Kings" taking off at the right moment and making a lot of money, I'm still struggling to get started, and the pig factory I'm running is now very screwed up.

The Game Box platform is very calm and calm, and its attitude is very clear. It welcomes the game works of all third-party game developers to log on to the Game Box platform.

Goose Factory's "League of Legends" and other games are warmly welcome if they are willing to come, especially if "Heroes Rush" is really willing to come in, it will definitely create publicity for the best resources, and we can even negotiate separately for a 30-70 split. question.

However, this kind of thing basically only exists in theory. Goose Factory itself is developing the TGP platform and will definitely not agree. Even if it is divided into 28 and 80, Goose Factory cannot agree. What an international joke.

But speaking of the A-share market, in the next few trading days this week, the A-share market continued to rebound and the market index reached above 4,900 points again, sprinting towards the 5,000 point mark.

WeChat, a newly listed new stock, has exceeded the two-digit daily limit, and its stock price has risen to 31.68 yuan, corresponding to a market value of 696.96 billion yuan.

Due to the outstanding performance of "Honor of Kings" that exceeds expectations, the current capital market's target market value for WeChat is set at the trillion level.

On Wednesday afternoon, Tian Jiayi came back from the company to inform Fang Hong of the latest developments in Zheng Jinsong's beating: "The investigation results of Jian's incident have come out, and it has been confirmed that it was not instigated by anyone, but his personal behavior."

Fang Hong didn't have much reaction when he learned about this result. Tian Jiayi turned to ask: "The wealth fund is discussing whether to sue Jian, but it has not been determined yet."

Hearing this, Fang Hong said decisively: "Since it is an individual act, there is no need to prosecute. Being understanding and not leaving an image of overwhelming others can also show the company's tolerance and the image that adults do not remember the faults of villains."

After a moment of pause, Fang Hong suddenly added intriguingly: "The A-share market is about to reverse, and Jian is now attracting much attention from the outside world. If he goes in and works on the sewing machine for a while, it will allow him to avoid the sharp drop in the market." After a few days in the detention center and then being released, he will definitely use the money to speculate in stocks by himself. Letting him out is the biggest punishment for him."

"After Jian was released from prison for a few days, he paid close attention to his movements in the A-share market. Once he went to stock trading and suffered huge losses, he secretly pushed him to become popular again, so that everyone could see that Jian was a shameless person. Do you think you are better than a wealth fund if you call it a negative teaching material? Do you think you can do it if you are a wealth fund?"

The beautiful assistant couldn't help but froze for a moment after hearing these words. When she thought about it, adopting an understanding would not only show to the outside world that adults do not remember the faults of villains, but it would also be a heartbreaking move for Jian himself.

The first-phase capital market has now opened the redemption channel. Jian will definitely redeem the funds immediately and go stock trading by himself, because he was originally clamoring to redeem the funds, but when the redemption failed, he got angry and blocked the door. Zheng Jinsong, so he will definitely redeem it, and he will definitely trade in stocks himself.

People like Jian will definitely buy on the top of the mountain in the coming disaster-level market and catch the flying knives firmly.

Finally, Fang Hong asked: "If we adopt an understanding approach, how many days of detention are we likely to have?"

Tian Jiayi replied: "There is a high probability that it will be available around June 9."

Fang Hong immediately estimated the time in his mind and released it on Tuesday, June 9th. Not surprisingly, three days later on June 12th, A-shares would reach the historical top of the current bull market. Jian would probably release it immediately to redeem it. The funds will be returned to the account within T+3 trading days, which happens to be June 12th. What a coincidence.

After the money arrives in his account, he will most likely rush into the market immediately, and he will accurately catch the top when he enters on the same day.

Fang Hong said with a smile: "Okay, let him come out on June 9th."

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