My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1027 [He beats his, I beat mine]

The market opened as scheduled at 13:00 in the afternoon. Stimulated by the good news that gathered at noon, the two markets immediately squeezed short positions as soon as the market opened, staging a shocking counterattack.

In just five minutes, the market index jumped 3.5 percentage points straight from the zero axis level.

After retreating for about 20 minutes, it started to attack again at 13:30. Half an hour before the end of the trading day, heavyweight stocks collectively pulled up, and the market index soared. The GEM rose by more than 6 percentage points, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets exceeded 300. Only individual stocks hit their daily limit.

Only 17 of the Galaxy concept stocks 22 reached the daily limit. The popular leader Toutiao hit the daily limit, with the stock price rebounding to 128.95 yuan, with a market value of 161.1 billion; the new WeChat stock hit the daily limit, with the stock price rebounding to 33.28 yuan, with a market value of 732 billion; quantitative capital hit the daily limit, and the stock price rebounded to 680.42 yuan, with a market value of 951.2 billion.

Even Xingyu Technology, which has the largest market value, rose by more than 7 percentage points and successfully regained the 1.9 trillion mark.

"Get up! Get up! We are united as one..." As the market closed, and the market index continued to break through daily highs, a group of aunts in the sales department of a certain brokerage company sang the national anthem collectively.

Today's stock market is really experiencing a long drought. The index once again fluctuated by more than 10% throughout the day, and the whole market ushered in a spectacular scene of a 50% discount.

When the market index successively recovered 3900 points, 4000 points, 4100 points, and 4200 points, all the way to the highest point of the day, 4279 points, and surged by more than 5 percentage points in a short-squeeze style, the latest news posted on many people’s WeChat Moments was People in the financial circle are jumping into the market to buy the bottom.

As of the close, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose sharply by +5.53%, setting the largest single-day increase in this bull market since 2015 and the largest intraday amplitude in six years. The index closed at 4277.22 points, and the closing price was basically the highest price throughout the day.

A long Yang line, thousands of troops buy it to meet each other.

Everyone agreed that the country's 72-hour gold rescue was a success. However, only a very small number of real giants such as Fang Hong knew clearly that this was a bull trap. Under such intensive and favorable stimulation, it only lasted one day. In the next three trading days this week, more tragic and catastrophic explosions will be staged.

There is another factor for closing higher today, and that is because tomorrow is a major holiday for Hong Kong's return. Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is closed for the holiday today and will continue to be closed tomorrow.

None of these incidents are isolated, but are intricately blended together. In fact, the international financial war has already begun. Seven countries including the stock market plummet, foreign exchange depreciation, and non-law soldiers suddenly appeared at this juncture. announced that it would not sign the AIIB signing agreement.

The capital market is also closely related to the AIIB, RMB internationalization and the integrated strategy of complementing each other along the One Road and One Belt.

What has to be said is that the opponent found an excellent opportunity and took advantage of the critical moment to remove the leverage and directly pierced the inflated bull market bubble with a stick, so that Big A staged a century-level flash crash.

There are many powerful enemies from the outside looking around, there are internal ghosts in the family who are cooperating to become monsters, and there are also a group of sophisticated egoists in the middle who are fishing in troubled waters and sitting on the fence, jumping back and forth repeatedly. The complexity and seriousness of the situation can be seen clearly.

This wave of big A was really caught off guard. Domestic investors were defeated like a mountain and were completely helpless.

After today's sharp rise and closing, the international short-selling forces have successively mobilized public opinion in the foreign media to bet against the stock market, and some insiders and double-faced people who carry the red flag to oppose the red flag have also cooperated.

The next day, Wednesday, July 1st.

During this important holiday, investors in the A-share market and the two markets are eagerly looking forward to a continuous upward trend, and another big positive line like yesterday's to establish an upward bullish trend.

However, there was no continuous short-squeeze-style surge that investors had expected. The Shanghai Stock Index opened more than 1 point lower in early trading, and then rebounded to near the zero axis. It remained fluctuating near the zero axis throughout the morning, and then turned red for a while. It turned up, then turned green and fell back.

The market opened in the afternoon and dropped directly to -1 percentage point, which means it fluctuated around 4230 points. At this time, investors who were looking forward to a big rise in early trading have already lowered their expectations. Today, we don’t expect to perform like yesterday, from underwater -5%. With the "50% discount" on the market at +5% above the market, the market will be satisfied if it can close in the red and rise by one or two points.

Before 14 o'clock, investors' sentiment was generally optimistic. Although it was still turbulent, at least it did not continue to fall to a new intraday low. It is very likely that big funds would "sneak attack" in the late trading to push up the valuation.

After all, today is July 1st. On such an important day, the main players have to work, right?

However, after 14 o'clock, the investors guessed the "sneak attack" in the late trading, but they did not guess that the "sneak attack" was not the bulls' attack, but the incoming army of shorts!

A sudden news directly crashed the market. It was rumored that QFII and RQFII were vigorously shorting A-shares. Immediately afterwards, news that foreign investors were vigorously shorting A-shares spread wildly in the market. The funds were immediately crushed and everyone fled after hearing the news. Some domestic institutions even They took advantage of the opportunity to sell wildly, and even added fuel to the fire by opening short futures orders.

Retail investors in the two cities couldn't stand it either. They followed the trend and fled due to panic. A tragic stampede occurred in the last half hour of trading. In just ten minutes, the market index plummeted by more than 5 percentage points, showing no resistance throughout the process.

Fang Hong is also keeping an eye on the market. Recently, he has been staring at the market every day since the early trading, from the beginning until the closing.

At this time, a new message alert came from Fang Hong's WeChat. He picked up his phone and took a look. It was a message from Tian Jiayi: [The market closes in ten minutes. Do we want to take action? Traders and funds are always ready, waiting for your instructions. ]

The security factor of WeChat is supported by Chen Yu's network security technology and it is from the Galaxy Group, so there is no need to worry about data being leaked through the backend, and many confidential things can be said directly on WeChat.

Fang Hong replied briefly: [No need! ]

The current situation, this trend, this panic index, even if ten bulls come, it will not be able to hold back, and tens of billions of funds will be thrown away without making a sound. The money of the stars is not blown by the strong wind, but the real reason The reason is that now is not the time to make a strong move. The previous 15 billion was just an appetizer.

Tian Jiayi replied: [It’s just that if this continues, my opponent will be arrogant and proud. ]

The opponents she refers to are foreign short-sellers and insiders who act as monsters.

Fang Hong was very calm. He replied: "Then let's cut each other's shares. It depends on whether they cut more in A-shares or I cut more in the international foreign exchange market and U.S. stocks." We were originally in a passive defensive counterattack. Domestic investors either sought self-protection, fished in troubled waters, or even copied Guo Jia's team. However, they had planned for a long time, jointly acted, and took the initiative. ]

Fang Hong continued to reply: [This is a super headwind game. You must not follow their rhythm. Otherwise, it is not called passive defense and counterattack, but passive beating. Just remember the teacher's words. He hits his, and I hit mine. . ]

Tian Jiayi replied: [This is just a scene of a fight between gods and gods. Retail investors have suffered a lot, and most of them have been cut in half. ]

In these words, the beautiful assistant obviously really has great sympathy for the thousands of retail investors in Big A, and she also seems helpless between the lines.

Editor Fang Hong sent a message: [Three feet of ice will not freeze overnight. Because of this, we need to fight for the implementation of the SGX registration system pilot in this financial war and take advantage of this opportunity. If we don’t follow it, we will not fight it again. Eat one pot of rice and start a new pot of rice ourselves. ]

...(End of chapter)

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