My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1055 [Short sellers are shut down and beaten, whoever sells Shabi today]

"Haha, today I also let the short sellers experience that they can't buy stocks if they want to, and they can't open positions if they want to. They can only watch and experience the feeling of going to jail." On the main screen of the Stars Capital trading hall, a friendly trader said with a smile. .

"I think I can get off work early today, haha." Another friendly soldier also laughed.

"What's next? Wouldn't it be nice to see the short sellers restless?" a friendly trader said with a smile.

The entire atmosphere at this moment was extremely relaxed and lively. The outcome had been decided fifteen minutes ago. In their eyes, there was actually no suspense about the process. The victory was now sealed.

Now is the time to enjoy the long-lost moment of victory, and to enjoy the moment when sitting on the short side is like sitting on pins and needles, like being in prison.

At this moment, friendly forces from all walks of life were filled with admiration for Fang Hong. As soon as they took charge, they turned the tide and brought everyone a hearty victory.

Fang Hong withdrew his gaze, tilted his head and privately ordered to the men next to him: "Go and tell the publicity person to spread the logic and let everyone know what we have done and what situation the short sellers are facing at the moment."

The subordinates nodded repeatedly: "Understood!"

There is no need to cover up now, and the bear command must already know that it is being shut down and beaten.

What we need to do now is to spread the news so that investors in the two cities, whether they are bearish or bullish, know that short sellers cannot make any waves today. Don't be stupid and sell at this time. There will be a big rise tomorrow. , and it has surged 100%. Whoever sells Sabi at this time.

As a result, short sellers also cannot buy shares in the spot market.

Of course, there is an additional hidden benefit for Fang Hong, that is, the reputation value will definitely skyrocket again.

But at the moment, the Shenzhen Component Index has also risen sharply by +4% and is about to reach its daily limit. Today, the Shenzhen Component Index only needs to rise to +4.32% to reach the daily limit. The reason is the same. There are too many listed companies in the suspension stage. The Shenzhen Component Index The stocks that have not reached a trading halt of +10% have all reached their daily limit.

The reason why there is no daily limit at the moment is because several stocks of Galaxy stocks have not moved yet, but have fallen back. Because all the funds have gone to those stocks that were collectively shorted, as a result, no one is following the stocks of Galaxy stocks, and short-term investors have run away. , but it has declined somewhat.

If the Shenzhen Component Index is to close its daily limit today, it must be that several large-cap stocks of Qunxingxing in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange must also reach their daily limit. Originally, trading was suspended on a large scale today, and several of the stocks of Qunxingxing are large-cap stocks worth hundreds of billions. There are also super large-cap stocks worth hundreds of billions like WeChat.

In addition, the 1507 contract has also sealed the daily limit. The short sellers were so excited in the past two days that they were even lowering the price when the market opened in the morning. Now the short sellers are crying and clamoring to go long.

It's useless, just seal the daily limit.

Even if you want to buy the stock, you can't. Under this extreme market situation, cash delivery will happen next week, and short sellers are now being shut down and beaten.

You can only beg your opponent to save your life, but you have to bring money to me to buy your life, and I can only set the price, because now I have a monopoly on the entire market, and you can't find anyone else to bid. What price will I bid? You can only accept it unless you don't want the dog's life.

If your opponent completely pinches your throat, even if you don't die, you will still have to shed your skin.

At this moment, on the main screen of the trading hall of Qunxing Capital Headquarters, while friendly forces from all walks of life were chatting and discussing in a rather relaxed atmosphere, some noisy sounds suddenly appeared on the live images of two sub-screens, accompanied by camera shake, and then Just disconnected.

This also brought everyone's discussion to a halt. Everyone realized that something was probably going on on the side where the signal was disconnected, and someone was going to be arrested.

At this moment, the friendly forces from all walks of life are tacitly understanding and calm, and they are not afraid of the shadows. They already know that early this morning, the second-in-command of the G Security Department personally led the team to the village, and worked with the village to investigate and crack down on illegal and criminal activities in the securities and futures field. .

Although everyone tacitly understood it, they did not expect that the relevant parties would act so vigorously. The market was not closed for the early trading at this time, and they still grabbed it directly without any delay.

Although there is no blood or gunpowder in this financial war, it is still a life-and-death struggle.

On the other side, the news also spread.

There are many science experts in the market to explain what is happening and what is happening in the A-share market at the moment, and investors from all walks of life are discussing it hotly.

[So, the bears are completely defeated today? Can the bears still fight back? ]

[If you fight back, you will fight back. In the next life, the short sellers are already the meat on the chopping board. ]

[I have never played futures, but I still don’t understand why the short sellers want to go long at this time, but they are not allowed to go long? ]

[It’s very simple, because if short sellers want to hedge their losses now, they can only go to the spot market to buy stocks. This is going long. The reason why short sellers are not allowed to go long is because the 1507 contract will be delivered next week. This will cause a two-way blockage for short sellers and prevent smooth delivery. Or pay a huge price. ]

[What is futures delivery? Why is the impact so big? ]

[The futures delivery date is an important time node. The contract expiration time is on the third Friday of the month, which is next week this month. Before the expiration date, traders must decide whether to close the position or take delivery. If it is delivered, the loan and goods must be delivered to the other party in accordance with the delivery method and time specified in the contract; if the position is closed, the contract held must be sold or bought back before the delivery date. ]

[Yes, but now the main short positions are all locked up by opening long orders on the 07 contract, and they are selling short on the 08 contract, widening the price difference between the two. Yesterday, Zhongjin Financial Exchange was unable to open a position, and next week the 07 contract will be delivered. At this time, the short position must be moved, but there is currently a price difference between the two contracts and it will definitely widen further. The short position will have to bear huge losses if it moves the position to another month. At this time, the short position can only go to the spot market to buy stocks to hedge, but I’m sorry. , the daily limit is sealed, you can’t buy stocks, and this way is also unavailable. ]

[Uh-huh...the more I listen, the more confused I am and my head is buzzing, but I don’t know how serious it is...(face covering.jpg)]

[Although I can’t understand it, I can shout 666! Will shout K Shenniu pen! ]

[In short, you just need to know that the current short-sellers are in a state of jail and waiting for death. Whoever sells stocks today will be the one who will eat meat tomorrow. ]

[As expected of God K, he gave the short sellers a big surprise when he came up. What the hell is a surprise...]

[Today's 07 intraday limit, short sellers cannot close their positions, and can only buy stocks in the spot market. Visually, short-term index futures sellers can only go long in the spot market. Don't worry about buying the bottom these days. It's hard to say in the long term. After all, it is extreme now. The market situation may be unpredictable and unexpected at any time. ]

[If a movie were made, the cases that happened during this period would be such a wonderful financial movie...]

[If I really change my mind to a movie, I will definitely contribute a movie ticket. ]

[I would like to call today the Great Miracle Day! ]

[Pull the empty dog! ]

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