My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1081 [Children only choose, adults want them all]

The total number of satellites launched so far in human history is only more than 9,000, and the Star Network will have more than 50,000 satellites. In other words, the number of satellites launched by the "Star Network" project is 5.5 times the number of existing satellites.

This made it difficult for many astronomers who learned the news to accept it, and they immediately jumped out to express their opposition.

According to astronomers, if the "Star Network" project is planned to be fully covered, then astronomical observation instruments on the earth's surface will be greatly interfered by the "Star Network". Human beings currently mainly use electromagnetic waves to detect the universe, as well as the new ones born this year. Gravitational wave detection methods.

When electromagnetic waves in the universe illuminate the satellites of the "Star Network", the electromagnetic waves will not reach the earth's surface due to reflections from the satellites.

Moreover, the satellites planned in the "Star Network" project will also emit light themselves, which will interfere with the observation data of ground telescopes. Just like the satellites released by the "multiple satellites in one rocket" launched by the "Blue Arrow-5A" heavy-load rocket a while ago, they are scattered in space like starlight.

It’s just that there are more than 100 satellites. Astronomers said that they can also observe by moving the observation location or waiting until the satellites leave the observation position.

However, if all 50,000 satellites planned in the "StarNet" project are launched, there will be no way to avoid observation. Even the Hubble Space Telescope will also be affected. The only way to do this is to place the observation equipment on the moon. normal observations, which would significantly increase the cost of astronomical research.

Therefore, astronomers are strongly opposed to the "StarNet" project, especially astronomers in Europe and the United States.

However, this kind of opposition obviously cannot stop Jiutian Star Network from advancing the "Star Network" project plan, and Fang Hong ignored it. Domestic astronomers are also silent now, because there will be survey space telescopes available in the future.

Unlike the Hubble Telescope, which operates in low-Earth orbit, the survey space telescope is sent to the Lagrange point on the backside of the Earth. This space location is an ultra-long distance of 1.5 million kilometers from the Earth and will basically not affect When it comes to astronomical observations, even if it has an impact, it is only in a very small area of ​​the sky.

According to the basic principles of cosmology, the universe is uniform and isotropic on a large scale. The universe has no absolute center, or there is a center everywhere.

If you translate it into human language, it’s the same everywhere.

In this case, if we don't observe the very small part of the sky that has an impact, we'll be done with it.

There are relatively few ground-based astronomical observation equipment in China, and the survey space telescope project is funded by Stars Capital. Stars Capital will not use it even if it has tossed things out. This is not what Stars Capital should do. It will be completed by then. It’s not for you astronomy professionals to play with, so it’s naturally difficult for the domestic astronomy community to say anything.

Anyway, there will be a survey telescope that can be used in the future, so naturally it will be hung high.

Foreign astronomers are a little anxious, because it will indeed affect many ground-based astronomical observation equipment. If you want to use a survey telescope, you have to queue up to apply, which depends on your face.

After all, it has objectively affected my academic research, so I am still very angry now.

Three days later, another voice targeted the "Star Network", putting much more pressure than the astronomy community.

The title of the latest article in the British-led "Jane's Defense Weekly" is: The emergence of "Starnet" brings hidden dangers to national defense security for countries around the world!

This article first defines the strategic concept of "sea, land, air and space network".

With the continuous development of science and technology, the territory of the country is constantly changing. The earliest territory is the continent, that is, the territory; the development of navigation technology has further expanded the country's territory to the "territorial sea"; the development of aviation technology has further expanded to the "airspace" "; With the development of aerospace technology, it has expanded to "space"; with the development of network technology, it has further expanded to the virtual world, also known as the "fifth space."

However, this article obviously changed the concept. "Space" is not the territorial airspace of a certain country. Satellites must orbit the earth, and they must pass through the outer space of each country.

Otherwise, everyone should stop building satellites. This is obviously impossible, so space can only be shared by all mankind. Moreover, the Outer Space Treaty that came into effect in 1967 has stipulated that space does not belong to airspace and should be used by all mankind. development.

"Jane's Defense Weekly" said that the whole story is to pave the way for what is to come. The content of the subsequent article stated that the establishment of a global network by "Starnet" will increase the cyber attacks and information security risks of various countries on a large scale. Satellite networks will be used maliciously, posing threats to countries' network infrastructure, military communications and national confidential information.

Moreover, the "StarNet" project has a large number of satellites, which will form a large number of satellite groups and space junk in space. The existence of these satellites and space junk will cause interference and conflict to human space activities and satellite communications.

In addition, the article further stated that the "Star Network" will further intensify global competition, especially in the military field.

"In recent times, the 'Star Network' project has suffered a series of external pressures. I don't know..." Tian Jiayi mentioned this matter. Fang Hong immediately interrupted her and said calmly: "Don't worry too much about this. , these results have been predicted before the launch of 'Star Network', and the superiors are also aware of it. Our report on potential problems in various aspects has also made it very clear. Even if there is pressure from the outside, the big bosses will push back. "

Tian Jiayi: "Okay then..."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "Europeans and Americans are impatient, which means we have done something right. only needs to do two things well. One is to deny all the dirty water poured in from the outside, and the other is to effectively Smoothly advance the 'Star Network' project."

Anyway,’s response to this matter is: serve all mankind and benefit the world.

In short, the intention must be lofty and based on greatness and integrity.

Fang Hong has already clearly written a report on the "Star Network" matter. Objectively speaking, this matter is of great benefit from many levels.

The "star network" in the sky does not conflict with Huawei's terrestrial 5G base stations, and the market is large enough to allow the two models to coexist and complement each other when necessary.

In this case, only children can choose, and adults naturally want them all.

The first is the application on land. The network on land will be more popular and convenient. People can access the Internet, communicate and obtain the information they need anytime and anywhere through smartphones, tablets and other devices.

In addition, large-scale data collection and sharing on land will become possible, which will play an important role in urban planning, environmental protection, and traffic management.

Then there are applications in the ocean, which is one of the most extensive and resource-rich regions on the planet. However, currently it is still difficult to obtain and communicate information about the ocean. Through the establishment of a land, sea, air and space network system, the acquisition and transmission of marine information will be more convenient, and marine scientific research, marine resource development, and marine disaster early warning will benefit.

Then there are aerial applications. The aviation industry can achieve more efficient flight management and safety control, avoid air traffic congestion and accidents, and aerial networks can also become an important means for people to work, entertain and communicate on the go, providing more efficient services. Lots of convenience and choice.

Finally, there are space applications. With the development and progress of aerospace technology, space is no longer an area beyond human reach. The "Star Network" can make navigation and communication more convenient, including the use of space resources, and greatly improve space exploration capabilities. etc.

In addition, a major feature of "Star Network" is that it can be seamlessly connected between military and civilian uses. For example, aerial applications can optimize the aviation industry in the civilian field and provide more convenience and choices for mobile office, entertainment and communication. But switching to the military field, it can provide precise navigation, control and deployment, fixed-point strikes, etc. for drones.

It can be seen from this that there are many objective attributes. "Star Network" does not mean that you will not do it if you object. What if I don't do it and you do it secretly?

Not to mention anything else, given the limited space orbital resources, under the principle of occupying seats first, we have to occupy the pits first.

I can do without it, but I can’t live without it.

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