My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1103 [Funds from all walks of life are enthusiastic, and the naysayers are collectively spee

Come Saturday, December 26th.

News related to SGX has been further revealed, with several issuers releasing some blockbuster data.

The focus is on the issuance of the NSE 50 ETF fund. Investors can subscribe through the fund company's official website or a third-party agency sales platform. They can sell it on the day it is listed, or of course they can continue to hold it.

Securities companies are also agency sales agencies. Xinhong Securities sells the NSE 50 ETF fund on an agency basis. Currently, five issuers including Yifangda, ICBC, and Huaxia have launched their own NSE 50 ETF fund products. The issuers are different but the investment It basically makes no difference which one you buy, because they are all passive index funds that track the SGX 50 Index.

"The data results are out. According to the caliber data statistics compiled by all parties, the SGX is highly favored by the market, and this time it is supported by real money." At this moment, Tian Jiayi was reporting to Fang Hong: "Five SGX 50 ETF funds The issuances have all been a great success, with the total scale reaching 67.558 billion yuan, all of which have reached the tens of billions level, especially the scale of the 'Hua Xia Xin Securities 50 ETF Fund', which has reached a huge scale of 21.6 billion for the first time."

Obviously, this data far exceeded market expectations. Everyone knew that the listing of the SGX was highly anticipated by various funds, but they did not expect that investors would be so enthusiastic and optimistic about this new place.

Tian Jiayi added: "According to incomplete statistics, the scale of funds participating in the initial subscription of on-exchange ETFs, LOF and over-the-counter ETFs, LOF and active funds exceeded 160 billion, and the popularity of SGX exceeded everyone. expectations.”

These are basically small and medium-sized retail investors with no entry barriers. They cannot buy SGX stocks directly, so they turn to these funds to invest in SGX stocks indirectly.

Fang Hong couldn't help but nodded and said to himself: "Not bad. With the addition of some private equity institutions and retail investors, there is no problem in the overall scale exceeding 200 billion."

Tian Jiayi couldn't help but smile and said: "The group of people who used to bet on top-level design mechanisms like the SGX and no one would play with them are now collectively silent. Is this kind of popularity called unpopular? Is this called no one playing?"

Fang Hong also smiled and said nothing.

Facts have proved that God K is as influential and appealing as ever.

At present, there is a new consensus among the top groups in the capital circle. Investment companies on the main board may not necessarily make money (secondary market), but companies will definitely make money when they go public (primary market).

Based on this situation, the conclusion drawn is: if you want to make money from the primary market, go to the main board, and if you want to make money from the secondary market, go to the SGX.

Moreover, the greater possibility here in SGX is that both the primary market and the secondary market can make money, and both the secondary market can make money. Then it will definitely be difficult to lose money in the primary market. It is relatively difficult to make money in SGX. Money, that's the biggest difference.

For those who really want to invest in the sun, they are obviously more willing to play on the SGX.

After a while, Tian Jiayi said: "By the way, there is one more thing. According to foreign media reports, the stock god Warren Buffett has expressed a strong interest in the SGX recently. He also expressed his interest in the SGX during an interview with foreign media. The SGX has made an evaluation, and overall it is positive. In addition, some overseas capital institutions are also optimistic about the SGX, and some even hope that the SGX can open up the northbound capital channel."

It is worth mentioning that SGX currently does not open investment channels to foreign capital, and funds from the north cannot trade SGX stocks.

Fang Hong smiled calmly and said: "It shows the real good things. Experts know the goods, and it is natural for capital to pursue profits. Europe and the United States have accumulated more than a hundred years of rich experience in finance. Some experts have read the SGX If you look at the top-level design system rules, you will know that this market is very different from the motherboard."

Overseas capital investment institutions not only see the shadow of the Indus stock market in the SGX, but also see the shadow of the US Nasdaq index. Many places are quite familiar to them.

This is indeed true, because Fang Hong is not stubborn. Although he is unhappy with America, he will not completely deny her good qualities just because of his position. When Fang Hong made the top-level design for SGX, he also absorbed advanced things from mature European and American capital markets. However, he did not copy them directly, but took the essence and discarded the dross. Finally, he analyzed the actual local situation and adapted measures to local conditions and took advantage of the situation. With today's SGX.

For example, if we still insist on the T+1 mechanism, this is based on the actual local situation. T+0 is indeed not suitable. It may be possible in the future, but at least it is not suitable now or for a long time to come.

Tian Jiayi thought to himself and said: "SGX does not open investment channels to foreign investors, but if foreign investors really want to come in, there is a high probability that they will not be able to completely stop it. They can completely let funds enter through the 'curve entry' method."

The so-called "curve entry into the market" means entering through diversified funds such as proxy holding and secret holding.

Fang Hong said: "I have never thought about being able to absolutely prevent foreign capital from entering the market, nor do I plan to do so. The funds entering the market through a curve will not be large in scale, and I dare not do anything blatantly and wantonly. This is good. It can help. What I use, why not do it?”

The method of curve entry into the market is procedurally illegal, which means that when foreign investors come in, they naturally don’t dare to see the light of day, and they don’t dare to make a big splash. Unless they are caught out, nothing will happen. But once you are caught, you will have no choice but to be slaughtered, because your funds have entered the market illegally, and you can do it legally and compliantly.

So once he is caught and locked by Fang Hong, whether it is direct directional blasting or turning a blind eye, the initiative is in his hands.

In this way, foreign capital can also use its value for its own use and bring financing capabilities to the SGX. As long as it does not engage in honest and normal investment and takes reasonable profits, Fang Hong will also acquiesce and will not let others make money at all. Will not come either.

In Fang Hong's long-term plan, he also wants to compete with Europe and the United States for the right to speak in the financial field on a global scale. In other words, the SGX will definitely open up channels for foreign investment in the future.

After I have the pricing power in this place, I welcome investors from all over the world to come and play in my place, and even come to my place to go public. In the future, I will provide companies around the world with an alternative to "listing in the United States". : Listed in China.

For example, in the future, the tycoons in the Middle East can also list some companies on the SGX. Star Capital is also planning the layout of the African market, as well as countries and regions along the Belt and Road. For some friendly partners, we can also choose some Good project companies are listed on the SGX.

To realize this long-term strategy, of course, people must make money, and the reasonable return on their investment will naturally be taken away by them. Only in this way will more people be willing to come and play, and in this way can we further strengthen our financial position on a global scale. The right to speak and market pricing power.

However, the SGX certainly cannot open up to foreign investment at the moment because the time is not yet ripe. The key still depends on how quickly the aircraft carrier can be launched.

After all, if you want people to put things in your place, you must first prove to them that you have the strength to ensure that the things placed in your place are safe and will not be taken away. Even if they are taken away, you have the ability to take them away again. Come back, so you have to show off your muscles and bowling power, let others see and believe that you can hold the scene, then they can safely leave the things with you for safekeeping.

No matter how much this world is modified, the international rules of the game have always followed the law of the jungle.

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