My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1133 [The right time, right place, and right people]

The video connection between Fang Hong and Shi Yao has ended. This matter has been finalized. The people behind the relevant specific matters will be implemented. All you need to do is follow up and understand the progress report.

However, Fang Hong was not idle at this moment. After the video connection was disconnected, he began to write a notebook himself and gave it to Luo Qingan.

The shipyard that Qunxing wants to acquire is definitely not a small workshop. It must be a shipyard with the ability to manufacture ultra-large ships such as 300,000-ton cargo ships. Shipyards with this ability are often shipyards with Guo Jiadi's status.

So you have to write an internal reference, otherwise you may not be able to get it done. Even if you can get it done, it will take a lot of time and cost. The integration process alone will take you three to five years, and it will take eight years before the first nuclear power ship is launched. It is obvious that Fang Hong cannot accept the time cost of putting the project into operation ten years later.

However, when he asked Shi Yao to arrange it so quickly, he was obviously very confident that this matter would gain support from above and be implemented quickly.

Because the time is ripe in all aspects now, and this is the time point for the military-civilian integration strategy to be proposed this year, the shipbuilding industry itself actually has overcapacity, and more than half of the world's top ten shipbuilding giants are in China.

Furthermore, the opening up of civilian nuclear power ships can also feed back the technological upgrade of military ships.

In addition, Qunxing has made many meritorious deeds and is highly regarded. He is able to do things as they come and understand the general outline. It can be said that the right time, place, people and people are in perfect harmony.

Fang Hong estimated that whether this matter was approved or not, the results would come in no more than a month at the latest.

And there is a high probability that it will be approved. As long as the above documents are approved, the acquisition and integration of a large shipyard will be very smooth. No one will make things difficult along the way. It will be surprisingly smooth and the efficiency will be astonishingly high. The restructuring will be completed within the first half of this year.

This kind of efficiency is what Fang Hong is satisfied with.

While Fang Hong was writing this internal reference, today was also the first trading day after the Spring Festival for the A-share market.

Affected by the external market, the A-share market opened lower today, which was a bit surprising to investors. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened sharply lower than -2.84%, which was contrary to the expectations of most investors.

The foreign exchange market strengthened significantly during the Spring Festival holiday, and many people were optimistic that Big A would have a good start. The result was like this, which also made the stock investors very angry, sad for their misfortune, and angry for not fighting.

In fact, this is a short trap, trying to scare unsteady investors into handing over their chips.

However, the SGX next door opened half an hour earlier, which brought confidence. The main boards of the two cities opened lower, and the SGX 50 index next door only opened slightly lower. Now it is already in the red and is steadily rising in shock, showing a The time-sharing pattern of opening low and moving high.

As the main boards of the two cities opened, the index that opened sharply lower did not fall further, but went out of the unilateral upward trend of opening lower and moving higher. In the afternoon, the Shanghai Stock Index once turned red and rose, repairing this huge trend during the day. Gap gap.

At this time, most of the funds in the market realized that the Shanghai Stock Index's 2,638 point mark was an iron bottom and could not fall at all.

As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index closed down -0.63%. Although it is green, it is already in a very good position compared to the opening in the morning.

The most eye-catching performance in the A-share market is undoubtedly the NSE 50 Index. Since bottoming out at 780.15 points, it ended in the red again today, breaking out of the unilateral rise pattern of seven consecutive positives. It closed up +0.82% today at 947.72 points.

The next day, Tuesday, February 16th.

Yesterday's market trend followed a trend of rising before falling. The external market also rebounded strongly last night, and there was basically no negative news.

In the A-share market this morning, the NSE 50 Index took the lead in opening on the main boards of the two cities for half an hour. After going out of the unilateral seven consecutive positive rises, it was even higher today. The NSE 50 Index jumped upwards at the opening. Opened +1.22%, and opened higher all the way, showing a unilateral upward short squeeze trend.

The trend of the SGX was so good, and it also had a huge confidence-boosting effect on the main boards of the two cities. When the main board opened at about 9:30, it also jumped short and opened high, and the opening also went up unilaterally.

Today, the three major A-share trading markets all showed a general upward trend. The Shanghai Composite Index also successfully recovered the 2,800-point mark, and the Shenzhen Component Index also recovered the 10,000-point mark. Moreover, the volume increased. Big A investors also felt the long-lost feeling. money-making effect.

As of the close, the three major trading markets have surged across the board. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has surged +3.29%, to 2836.57 points, with a turnover of 199 billion; the Shenzhen Component Index has surged +3.89%, to 10045.37 points, with a turnover of 301.4 billion; the NSE 50 Index has surged rose +3.98% to 985.46 points, with a turnover of 80 billion.

The total transaction volume of the three major trading markets was 580.4 billion.

In the evening, the external market continued to rebound, and the Dow Jones Index in the US stock market had three consecutive positives, all of which were barefoot, and the external market was not negative either.

The next day, Wednesday, February 17, Big A continued to maintain an upward trend of rising volume and price. The three major trading markets once again closed in the red. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed up +1.08%, the Shenzhen Component Index closed up +1.16%, and the New Securities 50 The index also experienced an epic nine consecutive positives, closing with a sharp gain of +1.77% again.

Today's NSE 50 Index has also attracted special attention from investors, because today's closing price was locked at 1002.88 points, recovering the initial value of 1000 points since the market opened. Now there is only the last target level of 1051.58 points, as long as it breaks through At this point, the NSE 50 Index will reach a record high.

The investors who held the NSE 50 ETF were all smiles and felt like they were having a spring breeze. Especially those who dared to buy the bottom at 780.15 points were overjoyed. The NSE 50 Index rose back from its historical low, and the cumulative increase expanded to +28.55%. Its trend is so strong that it not only kills the main board index in an instant, but most individual stocks cannot catch up.

Now, no one will object to the fact that 780.15 points is a historical bottom.

The NSE 50 Index exploded from the very beginning, falling to 780.15 points in just 19 trading days. Investors felt that this drop was severe enough, but they did not expect that the rebound would be even more violent. It only took 9 days to recover. After rising for one trading day, it returned to above 1,000 points. The time to repair the rise is more than half that of the fall.

Investors from all walks of life in the market all look askance at SGX. This place is really different from the main board.

You must know that during the period when the NSE 50 Index returned to above the 1,000-point mark, the speed of new stock issuance and listing showed no intention of braking. It maintained a double-digit new stock listing rate every week, and sometimes it was even higher than twice a week. More than a dozen.

But it has not affected the upward trend of the index at all. Now when new stocks are listed on the SGX IPO, Qunxing has not spent a penny of its bottom-line funds. All funds have come to support it, and it is not enough.

More funds are still on the way. After the Spring Festival, major institutional funds, especially public funds, are rushing to launch theme fund varieties on the SGX. Because Christian customers recognize this place, there is almost no Christian support for issuing funds on the main board. It means that the newbies who have just entered the market don’t know the depth, otherwise no one would really subscribe to the main board fund.

But the opposite of the lackluster issuance of main board funds is that as long as you say you want to issue a theme fund on the SGX, you won't have to worry about no one subscribing, and you can easily raise excess funds successfully, and even many investors will become Christian investors. , but people who convert from stock investors to investors generally buy the New Certificate 50ETF directly on the exchange, and the handling fee is lower than that of OTC funds.

I see that the SGX is almost drowning, but the main board is really anxious.

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