My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1140 [Leading the new trend in the industry]

It is precisely because Qunxing has mastered the knife that cuts the cake that he can truly achieve precise control over the gross profit margin of goods. Fang Hong hopes to cultivate a real consumption concept for consumers, while at the same time combining the purchase price and sales price of agricultural product supermarkets. The prices are marked together.

For example, the purchase price of watermelons is 1.2 yuan, the sales price is 1.29 yuan, and the profit is 9 cents.

All categories in the agricultural products supermarket are so clearly marked, directly marking the profit of the product, allowing consumers to choose whether they are willing to pay for the current service price. If consumers feel that it is not worth it, they should not buy it.

In this way, agricultural producers can optimize their own price and category management through consumer pressure.

Agricultural products merchants can become super fast and have many competitive advantages. Among them, cost-effectiveness is also one of the factors of strong competitiveness. It truly achieves what others don’t have, what they have, what they have, and what they have, and what they have.

This is based on Qunxingxing's strict control of the entire supply chain and reasonable distribution of profits. Under such a system, agricultural products supermarkets are professional in batch direct purchasing. In addition to joining the purchasing alliance, they have also established their own Direct procurement system further reduces procurement costs.

The competitive advantage is also reflected in the warm environment inside supermarkets. In many agricultural supermarkets operating in third- and even fourth-tier cities, consumers will feel that the environment here is very international when they come to the store. And because of the user-friendly store design, consumers can shop comfortably in a very spacious space. The entire supermarket has a constant temperature in all seasons, with special emphasis on consumers' rest areas.

Moreover, the product display in supermarkets is also quite sophisticated, so that appreciating the product display is a kind of enjoyment, and can even be said to be an art of product placement.

We have also managed the smell of the supermarket to the extreme. You will not smell a particularly fishy smell when you go to the fresh food area, and as long as you are separated by an aisle, the fishy smell of the fresh food area on one side will not be smelled on the other side. A little fishy smell.

It fully mobilizes people's five senses, so consumers feel that visiting agricultural products supermarkets is a kind of enjoyment. Other supermarkets simply do not have this experience, and the fishy smell hits their faces before they even reach the fresh food section.

There are many aspects of the ultimate service level, such as selecting bananas, raw, ripe, or half-ripe. The color card comparison of bananas will be provided next to it to help consumers choose bananas of different grades. When they go to the frozen shelves, We also provide warm gloves to prevent customers from freezing their hands when handling these frozen products.

Agricultural products supermarkets have built a trust network between people through this series of ultimate services, thus forming their own brand effects and network benefits, and at the same time improving customers' switching costs. It can be said to have redefined The retail industry has formed its own unique moat, which is the fundamental reason why agricultural product merchants and supermarkets can defeat their competitors locally.

Nowadays, in many cities with agricultural products supermarkets, the large shopping malls of retail giants have basically removed the sales of agricultural products and fruits, because they really cannot compete with agricultural products supermarkets, and consumers will not be able to buy fruits, vegetables, meat products, etc. Go directly to the agricultural product supermarket.

These retail giants are very fortunate that Agricultural Supermarkets only focuses on agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, and various fresh meat products, and has not expanded into department stores. Otherwise, the agricultural products category would have been removed from the shelves, and the supermarkets might have gone bankrupt.

In fact, having said that, Fang Hong has not thought about expanding into department stores, but if he really does so, it will be difficult to cover major cities across the country, and he will have to play around new cities.

Because the water here is quite deep, you have to mediate between the local gangsters in each city and the interests of various localities. If you attack with full coverage, it will disturb a lot of people's cheese, and it will be difficult for you as an outsider to really do it. If we only have a foothold, we will not be able to cover the whole country.

Focusing only on selling vegetables and agricultural products is not only to provide better professional and ultimate services, but also to provide smoother access to major cities in other places.

You have made it clear that you only deal in the subcategory of agricultural products, and will never reach out to steal your profits in other areas. You can rest assured on this, and I guarantee it with the credibility of Qunxing.

Because of this, there are more than 400 agricultural product supermarkets across the country, covering more than 70% of major cities in the country, and local snakes are not so strong in resistance. After all, they can't stand up to behemoths like Qunxing. We must weigh and weigh.

Fang Hong will naturally not tell this kind of inside story in the live broadcast room, but he is also very confident that he can affect the industry and even social trends. Although the agricultural products supermarket only sells vegetables, as long as it takes root in the local city, this model and The business philosophy will also have a subtle influence on the entire retail industry and other large supermarkets.

When the time comes, local supermarkets will definitely see that your approach is feasible, and they will follow this idea to open up the situation. After all, there are not just one or two local snakes, and some people also want to get ahead.

In this way, agricultural product merchants and supermarkets can stay out of the matter, and it becomes a game of interests between local leaders.

At this moment, Fang Hong, who was facing the live broadcast camera, said: "The last thing is the breakdown of experience. In fact, as operators today, we need to answer a question: What exactly are consumers?"

Fang Hong said while walking: "I heard many people say that consumers are God, consumers are traffic, and consumers are the source of profits. But in our understanding, it is different. We think consumers are First of all, there are people, people with needs, and people who yearn for a better life and pursue happiness.”

"Today we are no longer as poor as we were decades or hundreds of years ago. We have entered an era of relative economic affluence. It does not mean that life will be more luxurious from now on, but that the experience will be richer and there will be more possibilities. .”

"With the advent of the e-commerce era, in fact, comprehensive needs such as low cost, diversification, and convenience have basically been met. Nowadays, it is said that it is the era of new retail, so at this time the demand What has changed?"

"Consumers want high-quality products and just the right discounts in terms of price; their demand for category selection has become preferential and strict selection, and they hope to be endorsed by the ability of a professional platform; their demand for experience is high quality, fun and loving , personality, etc.”

"It can be seen that consumers at this time actually have three new demands, namely price demand, category demand and experience demand."

"Our agricultural product supermarket has chosen the need for experience, so we have turned the happy experience of sincerity, sincerity, trust and so on into a value proposition and a carrier of shopping experience. We are not selling goods to customers, but It is to convey trust, sincerity, and happiness to customers, and then they will unconsciously introduce a system called comprehensive experience management.”

"How do we understand this kind of comprehensive experience management?" When Fang Hong said this, he pointed at the shelf next to him and said: "For example, this product display has very detailed instructions, such as the various types of seafood ingredients. How to eat and taboos on some foods.”

Fang Hong looked at the camera again and smiled: "What our agricultural products dealers do is from front-end product display to back-end procurement management, comprehensive experience management of the entire system, layer by layer through Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and customers' needs. The experience is interactive.”

...(End of chapter)

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