My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1148 [Jianghu people gave him the nickname

The next day, Friday March 18th.

The SGX market opened on time at 9 o'clock in the morning. After yesterday's long Yang line rose sharply by +5.44%, the SGX 50 index opened flat today and returned to the 5-day average price line in the first half hour of the morning.

But at around 9:26, Matrix Quantum, the former Quantitative Capital, disclosed the company’s 2015 annual financial report at this time.

About the past two minutes, major market software pushed SMS messages:

[Cailianshe Telecommunications: Matrix Quantum announced its 2015 financial statements, with annual revenue of 399.085 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 68%; net profit of 151.452 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 82%. 】

As soon as this news came out, the share price of Matrix Quantum, which is the second largest company in terms of market capitalization on the SGX, rose sharply, which also helped the SGX 50 Index to close in the red and turn positive.

The stock's popularity has also risen rapidly, but many of the comments from investors in the comment section of its stock forum are full of confusion.

[Okay, I'm really confused. What's going on? Revenue and profit both cut in half, and net profit cut in half again and again. Shouldn't it be falling? ]

[I can’t understand it either...]

[Is there anything you don’t understand? It’s more than expected, so it’s soaring. ]

[No, this is beyond expectations? What is the logic? ]

[Didn’t you read the pre-disclosure of the annual report released by Matrix Quantum in February? At that time, it had been disclosed that revenue and profit in 2015 were expected to drop by more than 50%. The market had already expected this. Many institutions analyzed that Matrix Quantum’s revenue would also drop to more than 80%. The result was that it did not break 70%. This is Seriously exceeded expectations. ]

[I'm still confused...]

[I suggest you just listen to K God honestly, buy the new certificate 50ETF with your eyes closed, and then do whatever you have to do...]

[How could this be so outrageous? Don’t look at the huge drop in 2015. That’s because 2014 was a special year. Following Qunxing’s father’s counterattack on Wall Street, he made a lot of money, which caused the base value of the previous value to be too inflated. However, the situation in 2014 was obviously a rare thing, and it was beyond reasonable It’s an extraordinary surge in scope, but you can see it if you look back at the growth in 2013. ]

[The previous figures for 2014 are indeed outrageous. I just took a look at Matrix Quantum’s 2014 financial report. The annual revenue was 1,254.649 billion, and the annual net profit was 853.596 billion...]

[right! This year should be compared with 2013 to consider it a relatively normal growth. Matrix Quantum's revenue in 2013 was 99.7 billion, and in 2015 it was close to 400 billion. This growth curve is much smoother and seems much more normal. ]

[There is a saying, even if you calculate this growth curve, it is outrageous. It is equivalent to an average doubling growth for two consecutive years. In 2013, it was close to 100 billion, in 2014, 200 billion, and in 2015, it was close to 100 billion. Four hundred billion, this average annual growth curve is also very scary...]

[So it far exceeded market expectations, so the stock price has skyrocketed. ]

[Matrix Quantum is nicknamed "Little Qunxing" by people in the world. It's fake. This title is not just given casually. It's calm and calm...]

[Blind guess, Matrix Quantum may have made a fortune in the foreign exchange market with its parent company at the beginning of this year. ]

[That was also a matter of the 2016 financial report. What does it have to do with last year? Oh no, doesn’t that mean that Matrix Quantum’s 2016 financial report meeting...Woc! ! ! ]

[Buy quickly, buy quickly, oh, I don’t have the authority of SGX...]

Not long after the news of Matrix Quantum's annual report came out, it was already 9:30. The SGX next door had already opened for half an hour. After turning red, it fluctuated all the way up, which also boosted market sentiment. At this time, the main board index, which happened to be open, began to rise. .

Today, Matrix Quantum is nicknamed "Little Stars" by investors. This nickname is indeed quite appropriate. Although it is a high-tech company, especially after changing its name to Matrix Quantum, the investment business has become a sideline of the company. .

But the money-making ability of this side business is extremely fierce, and the company’s artificial intelligence quantitative investment is a unique skill that has not been spread to outsiders.

Before the performance was disclosed, the market generally expected Matrix Quantum's annual revenue to be around 310 billion. Unexpectedly, it was close to 400 billion, which seriously exceeded expectations.

And there is another point that has attracted market attention and even attracted the imagination of various funds.

At the beginning of this year, Qunxing Capital defended the RMB in the offshore exchange rate market, fought against international short-selling forces, and once again defeated the invading enemies. At the same time, it made a huge profit. This is a well-known thing in the circle, but people don’t know about Qunxing Capital. It’s just about the specific amount of money earned.

Maybe this "small group of stars" Matrix Quantum will also participate in this battle to defend the RMB. If we refer to the wave in 2014, wouldn't this year's performance be at a picturesque pace?

This expectation is very strong, and investors holding Matrix Quantum stocks are also very reluctant to sell.

Just after 10 o'clock, major market software pushed a news message:

[Matrix Quantum rose +10.00% and closed the daily limit, the stock price continued to hit a record high of 109.87 yuan, the market value was 1.5361 billion, and the current transaction volume was 7.9 billion]

This daily limit has pushed Matrix Quantum’s stock price and market value to record highs, exceeding the current market value of 1.47 trillion in the first line of the universe, making it the second-largest listed company in the A-share market after Xingyu Technology.

The SGX is also attracting much attention. The companies ranked first and second in market capitalization of Big A are all on the SGX, and they are all high-tech companies.

In the past, investors often criticized Big A as being either financial banking stocks or oil stocks, and that there were only a few high-tech companies, not even a few with a market capitalization of over RMB 100 billion, let alone one with a market capitalization of RMB 1 trillion.

Nowadays, the first and second largest companies in market value are high-tech companies, and there are also many companies in the top 20 in market value, such as Jiuzhou Blue Arrow, WeChat, etc.

But these star-level high-tech giant companies are all on the SGX.

As a result, SGX has become a very shining star in the mainland capital market. Investors also say that SGX is becoming more and more like the American stock market and more and more like the old Nasdaq. The market has changed. Since the financial crisis that swept the world in 2008, a big change has occurred in the U.S. stock market: the market value of high-tech companies has exceeded that of financial companies.

Less than two minutes after Matrix Quantum’s daily limit news was quickly pushed, major market software once again pushed a news message:

[The NSE 50 Index continued to rise, rising by more than +2%, rising to 1060 points, setting a new historical high since the market opened]

When this news was pushed out, the NSE 50 Index had already exceeded 1060 points and continued to rise. About five minutes later, it rushed above 1070 points, and the NSE 50 Index's increase further expanded to 3 percentage points.

As time went by, around 10:20, Xingyu Technology also disclosed its 2015 financial report. Moreover, Xingyu Technology had not previously released pre-disclosure data for the annual report. Because the company's performance did not surge or plummet by more than 50%, there was no need for pre-disclosure. .

Soon after, major market software also pushed news:

[Cailianshe Telecom: Xingyu Technology officially released its 2015 financial statements. The company's annual revenue was 775.156 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.92%; net profit was 465.09 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.23%]

As soon as this news came out, the stock price of Xingyu Technology also rose accordingly.

...(End of chapter)

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