My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1152 [I’m so anxious, I’m so anxious, I can’t sit still anymore]

Big A investors look at the trend graph of the NSE 50 Index and the more they look at it, the more they look like the crazy bull market in the first half of last year. They really thought it had reached the top every time there was a correction, but the adjustment stopped abruptly, and then there was a A big positive line broke through to a new high.


It’s so similar!

This period of skyrocketing market has resulted in a cumulative increase of nearly 70 points, but the majority of investors who have firmly held one share unmoved all the way, including many people who hold the New Securities 50 ETF, even intervened at the bottom of around 800 points. There are very few people who can hold one share all the way without buying it.

On the one hand, the bullish trend of NSE50 is too exaggerated and exceeds the understanding of most investors.

On the other hand, the market situation in 2015 is just around the corner. Every time there is some adjustment, I feel that the New Securities 50 Index is going to collapse. I am afraid that my happiness will be in vain, so I choose to clear or reduce positions to avoid risks.

Obviously, the big A investors are very uncomfortable with the trend of the NSE 50 Index, but this does not prevent the holders from being happy during this period, because they are making a lot of money.

At the close of trading today, the comment section of the stock forum was all buzzing about the NSE 50 Index.

[Really dreaming back to the first half of 2015...]

[The main board has so far risen by 17 points from its lowest point, and it is indispensable that it was driven by the sentiment of the NSE 50 Index. During the same period, the NSE 50 Index was almost 70 points, and it has reached more than 1,300 points. It can be seen that the motherboard really stretches the crotch! ]

[Even if calculated from the initial value of 1,000 points, the annual line of the New Securities 50 Index has increased by more than 32 points. ]

[According to this approach, maybe the NSE 50 Index will surpass the pace of the Shanghai Composite Index in terms of points this year. ]

[Exceeding the Shanghai Composite Index in points? WOC, that's too exaggerated. If the NSE 50 index breaks through 3,000 points within the year, wouldn't that mean it will double? Can the rise from the lowest point reach +284%, which is nearly three times the increase? Impossible, absolutely impossible! ]

[I dare not say 3000 points, but with the performance of the NSE 50 Index, I feel there is no chance that the annual line will break 2000 points. ]

[After reading the comment area, I feel that the crazy bull market of New Certificate 50 is almost over. ]

[Come on, anyway, I have no brains to trust God K now. I don’t dare to buy on the main board. But if there is a deep correction in the NSE 50 index, I will definitely dare to buy at the bottom. The more it falls, the more I dare to buy! ]

[I didn’t listen to God K at 780 points, and I regretted it so much. Fortunately, on March 18, the new certificate 50 broke through the historical high and chased the ETF. I still hold it now, and it has more than 30 points. I am very happy. ]

[Okay, old man, you can actually hold it. Many people who bought the bottom at 800 points did not make as much as you did. They got the bottom but sold their money. ]

[As a member of the main board, I feel that you SGX stockholders are the most pitiful stockholders I have ever seen. You live in fear of rising prices every day, and you all say that the SGX 50 Index will collapse sooner or later after such a sudden rise. , but I don’t know the specific day. Precisely because I don’t know, this kind of fear will be the most uncomfortable, because it may come at any time...

On the contrary, investors like me who are stuck at the low level of the main board are the happiest investors in the world. They have been accumulating strength at the low level and are ready to explode at any time, but they just don’t know when the outbreak will occur. After all, the unknown is very happy, because at any time May come. ]

[Hahahahaha, awesome...]

[This wave of back-and-forth was almost overwhelming...]

[He really made me cry to death...]

[My 40-meter machete is not contained, so I can only bury the friendly troops. ]

[I seriously agree with what this old man said. He didn’t lie. Every word is true. Ever since I cut my votes on the main board and then bought the New Securities 50ETF, I have indeed been living in fear of rising prices every day, looking at the red stock account. It's rising every day, and the fear in my heart is also rising... (dog head.jpg)]

[The new certificate is 50, please slow down the increase and adjust it. I'm afraid, really! ]

[Don’t go up, don’t go up, wait for the motherboard...]

The skyrocketing rise of the SGX 50 Index has made the SGX the most popular place in Big A. The eyes of hundreds of millions of investors are focused on the SGX 50 Index.

At the same time, more and more investors who were stuck on the main board couldn't bear it. After learning from the pain, they decided to cut off their flesh and blood, and then threw themselves into the arms of the SGX and bought the SGX 50 ETF. During this period, there are currently five major SGX 50 ETF exchange-traded funds on the market. The size of the capital market has soared.

Among them, the market size of Hua Xia Xin Securities 50 ETF has broken through the 100 billion mark in record time, becoming the largest fund among all exchange-traded ETF funds in the three major A-share trading markets.

The entry threshold of SGX starts at NT$1 million. More than 90% of A-share retail investors cannot reach this threshold, so they can only buy SGX 50 ETF funds, or buy SGX 50 ETF feeder funds and other fund types off-exchange.

According to incomplete statistics, during the rise of A-shares during this period, more than 80% of the OTC funds flowed into the SGX. Not only was the main board almost ignored by the incremental OTC funds, there was still a lot of money running away on the exchange, and investors were cutting their teeth. I liquidated my position and went to buy the new certificate 50 ETF.

Although the main board indexes of the two cities are also strengthening at this time, they are actually very fragile and new shares cannot be issued.

As for the current situation of Big A, especially the issuance speed of new shares on the main board depends on the speed of Ji Min's application (jie) and purchase (pan), the explosion on the SGX and the market funds pouring into the next venue, causing the main board to It is getting colder and colder. If this trend continues, new stocks will not be sold out.

Relevant interest groups finally couldn't sit still and began to take action. Shortly after the market closed in the afternoon, they began to mobilize their mouthpieces to actively attack the SGX in terms of public opinion.

Around 17:20 in the afternoon, Jingxin lives in the villa.

"Today there was a financial forum in the circle, which brought together a group of financial scholars to communicate, and the media also carried out extensive reports. You should have seen the relevant news and information, right?" Tian Jiayi, who had just returned from the company, found himself in the gym at this moment. Fang Hong, who nodded: "I saw it, the big book reported it in close-up, it's hard not to know."

Tian Jiayi on the side said: "I also watched the replay video of their forum exchange. It seemed that they were discussing the topic of financial development. In fact, after watching it, they were criticizing the recent sharp rise of the New Securities 50 Index. .”

"In this so-called financial forum exchange, a group of so-called financial experts and scholars said with a worried look that the stock market just experienced a bubble disaster last year. It finally burst the bubble and returned the value to a reasonable range. It has just improved. The NSE 50 Index is creating a new bubble, with a surge of +70% in the short term, and the collapse will definitely be another stock market crash."

"In addition, Xingyu Technology and several other companies with a market capitalization of trillions have been specifically criticized, saying that Xingyu Technology's market value of 3.6 trillion has actually exceeded the price-earnings ratio of 77 times, and the bubbles contained in it are unimaginable. Completely separated from the net value of real assets, the proportion of bubbles has reached more than twice the net value of the company's real assets, and other listed companies in the galaxy have also inflated serious bubbles."

Speaking of this, Tian Jiayi paused for a moment and added: "I can hear between the lines that they are shorting the NSE 50 Index and deliberately creating panic among bulls. If the NSE 50 Index really collapses and triggers a linkage effect in the market, the main board index will be It will also drag us down. If there is a catastrophic market version 4.0, they will definitely label us as the sinners of the market."

After finishing his workout, Fang Hong put the fitness equipment aside and said with a half-smile: "I'm so anxious, I'm so anxious, I can't sit still anymore."

...(End of chapter)

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