My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1176 [Brilliance]

Tian Jiayi glanced at the document and couldn't help but said helplessly: "I guess those people are celebrating wildly now. They are so unhappy."

Hearing this, Fang Hong suddenly laughed three times, which made the beautiful assistant sitting next to him cast a suspicious look. Fang Hong said with a smile: "If I were the big shot behind them, let alone celebrating now. I can’t even laugh out loud, and my laughter is uglier than crying.”

Tian Jiayi asked doubtfully: "Isn't it?"

Fang Hong analyzed it for her: "The wonderful thing is that it doesn't seem to touch them, but in fact it shakes their foundation silently, and they can't find any reason yet."

I saw Fang Hong analyzing in an orderly manner: "Have you ever thought about what the 150 million shareholders and 450 million basic citizens of Big A will think about this? They must be extremely disappointed with the people next door, and the result must be that they all transferred to the SGX. In the market, if all the leeks in their eyes are gone, who will be harvested? Do you think it has shaken their foundation? If you were the big shot behind those people, would you still be able to laugh? "

Tian Jiayi didn't know whether the big shot behind that group of people was smiling now, but when she saw Fang Hong smiling broadly, he said, "Understand this deep-seated logic, and then look at this document, you will You know how smart the higher ups are."

Fang Hong turned serious and said: "This is why the work of SGX has been affirmed by the above. At the same time, we must be extremely clear-eyed about the current weight, significance and historical mission of SGX. We must put the SGX The exchange must be done well and there must be no room for error.”

"Because of the overall strategic layout, SGX is too important. If it is done well here, it means that the initiative is in the hands of the top. It is difficult for those people to touch them now. The main reason is that they are well hidden and can't find faults. , but if they can't help themselves and start committing crazy and deadly behaviors, no matter who moves out, it will be difficult to rely on, and no matter what mountain they are, they will not be able to rely on it. Furthermore, it is still unclear whether the mountain will be able to support you at that time. Even cutting with you at the speed of light."

After Fang Hong sorted it out and analyzed it, Tian Jiayi understood it and couldn't help but admire the wisdom and foresight of the superiors.

At the same time, he also understood the great importance of the SGX today, which can be said to be the focal point of the entire layout. Tian Jiayi also deeply understood the meaning and purpose of not letting Fang Hong get involved in that matter. As long as the SGX is fully revitalized and hundreds of millions of stockholders and hundreds of millions of citizens switch from the next door, the foundation of these people will be shaken and it will inevitably become an irreversible trend. It is nothing more than a matter of time.

For that group of people, this is almost a deadlock situation. If you don't do anything, all the "leeks" will be gone. If you do something, you will most likely be caught. I am worried that there is no reason to deal with you. How about you deliver it yourself?

At the end, Tian Jiayi couldn't help but smile and said: "So those people should be very upset now. The good news is that it was a false alarm and it doesn't have to be a dead end. The bad news is that they have entered the stage of chronic death."

But Tian Jiayi soon said: "If you look at it from their perspective, how can they break this situation of being unable to advance or retreat? I believe they will never sit back and wait for death, right?"

Fang Hongyan said one word concisely and comprehensively: "Run!"

Seeing the beautiful assistant's gaze, blinking and not speaking, Fang Hong immediately asked: "Then you said that in the face of this situation, if you don't move, you will die slowly, and if you move, you will die faster, or even die suddenly. What else can you do? How to break it apart from Korrun? Is there a better way? Will the fish die and the net break? The fish will definitely die, but the net may not be broken, so Korrun is one of the few best strategies in the current situation they are facing. "

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi was speechless for a moment to refute, and then said thoughtfully: "If you follow your analysis, they will only be more determined to transfer the harvested wealth overseas, and they will transfer a little bit regardless of losses. There are also international short sellers who are eyeing it, and the foreign exchange market and foreign exchange reserves will be under pressure again. So the depreciation of the RMB in the second half of the year is a major trend."

All of this is not a single isolated incident, but is interconnected and even deeply interconnected. It can be said that one move affects the whole body. This is where the complexity lies.

After a while, Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "We have been laying out the peripheral area for a long time, including encrypted digital currencies. It is unrealistic to intercept all the wealth that has been lost from the mainland to overseas. As for how much we can intercept, just try our best. "

Fang Hong leaned back on the sofa, looked at the ceiling and said to himself: "As I said before, if we improve the SGX market, many things will go much smoother. They can't cut it." The leeks of stock investors, if you can’t get the money, why don’t you take the money and transfer it to other countries?”

"Therefore, we still need to understand the profound connotation of the theory of contradictions, understand what the main contradiction is, what the secondary contradiction is, and what the main direction of the main contradiction is. Once these are clarified, we can lay out the plan with God's help."

In fact, Tian Jiayi's conjecture was not wrong. Those people were really in a very tight situation now.

There is really no need to worry about someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night. At least for a long time, the stone hanging in the heart can be settled safely. This is also the result they want, but it is not the result they ultimately want.

Because the interface that is unfavorable to them has never been lifted, that is, the thorn in the flesh of the SGX has not been removed, then this problem has not been fundamentally solved.

The big shot hiding behind actually sees the situation very clearly, and deeply understands that at the strategic level, he is in a big losing situation. So what if he wins more at the tactical level? Still can't change the final outcome.

The younger brothers below are now popping champagne to celebrate that nothing happened. But at this time, the boss has to boost morale and let the younger brothers celebrate. Telling the truth will make this team difficult to lead, so he knows that the strategic level is big. Even if you lose, you have to pretend to have won the strategy and celebrate the big win. This is where you screw up. In fact, the big boss is almost worried to death behind closed doors.

After thinking about it, the big boss is also making preparations with two hands. One hand is to stabilize the younger brothers to maintain their fighting capacity, while the other hand is to quietly make money and quietly transfer wealth overseas, so that there will be a guarantee if there are changes in the future.

Sure enough, the offshore RMB exchange rate has been running smoothly below 6.5 for about a month and a half. After entering May, it entered the depreciation channel again due to various internal and external complex environmental factors.

The international short-selling forces have not been idle, and have been shorting from time to time. Although it is not as intense as before and after the opening of the game, the international short-selling forces have not completely given up. They just gave up in the first half, which means there is still a second half waiting.

Similarly, Qunxing is not idle here either. It is always implementing Fang Hong's 10 trillion strategic plan and steadily and orderly increasing its holdings of RMB in the offshore market. In short, no matter how the foreign exchange market fluctuates, whether it depreciates or appreciates, it will always matter. One strategy: Overweight!

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