My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1180 [Cause a sensation]

All the funds are siphoned to the SGX, and in turn, mixed public funds are used to take care of the sons of Team Guo Jia who are waiting for food on the main board. Then the only ones who are really injured are those people, because they will gradually lose blood and will be Continuous bleeding.

Tian Jiayi thought for a while and expressed his doubts: "Using active hybrid funds from public and private equity institutions to select some main board targets can indeed indirectly provide liquidity to listed companies, but the problem is that the financial rentiers can also This is how to play, how to solve this potential problem?"

Fang Hong said calmly with a bit of a smile: "You are right, and what you said will definitely happen, but it doesn't matter. This kind of thing is most afraid of being exposed to the light, so the initiative is completely in our hands. , we can make targeted explosions at any time, and we only need to expose it to declare the fund to be liquidated."

Financial rentiers want to use this method to "parasitize" in mixed funds, but if the "host" dies suddenly, there is no possibility of parasitism.

All it takes is for this hybrid fund to become popular and the fund manager will be screwed as well.

The Christians went to the SGX to buy your fund, only to find out after being exposed that you secretly bought some junk stocks on the main board, and even took over some junk stocks at high prices.

No wonder it underperforms the market.

I don’t know if it’s okay, but if it’s exposed as a hot topic or something, whether it’s the fund, the fund manager or even the institution that issues the fund, they may be scolded to death by the Christians. What’s more serious than this is that they will be abandoned by the Christians and never be seen again. It will be fatal if I buy your products again.

In the current era of mobile Internet and new media, news spreads extremely quickly, and the last hot topic can be known to everyone overnight.

If this kind of thing really happens, Christians will definitely put it on the blacklist after scolding it. Then it will face a wave of redemptions and the fund will be liquidated. In the future, Christians will carefully look at the fund products issued by this institution to avoid it.

If you hang out with that group of people, you have to consider whether you can bear the price of being abandoned by the basic citizens.

But at this moment, Fang Hong said: "Stock investors have all come to the SGX. Regarding the liquidity problem on the main board, in addition to relying on the diversion of mixed funds from public equity institutions to provide liquidity for the listed companies of Guojia Team, Qunxing We also need to allocate some funds to provide financing support.”

It doesn’t mean that the main board next door has no investment value. High-quality core assets have fallen out of value. Large-weighted targets such as Maoti, Wuliangye, and Shenhua are now at the bottom of history, not to mention Yangqi Guo. The listed companies of Jiadian provide financing, which has investment value in itself. Now is a good time to buy at the bottom, and it is time for the stars to take action.

Time came to June. After a heavy-volume long positive line broke through a new record high at the end of last month, the NSE 50 Index still continued its upward trend. Although there were surges and falls in multiple trading days, the overall price continued to close. The Yang line maintains an upward momentum, and from time to time it reaches a new historical high.

Entering the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, there are many negative news.

First of all, external factors such as turbulence in the external market, intensifying risks of Brexit, and a sharp decline in the stock market have affected the post-holiday bullish sentiment.

During the holiday season, news broke out in the Mainland that a joint-stock bank's non-standard financial products had defaulted, which may involve billions of yuan in funds. The incident caused a chain reaction and led to major losses in the interbank lending business of two other joint-stock banks worth nearly 100 billion yuan. question.

In addition, various rumors during the holidays seemed to indicate that hot money was flowing out on a large scale, and the offshore RMB exchange rate also depreciated and exceeded the 6.6 mark during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday.

On Monday, June 13, after returning from the holiday, affected by many bad news factors, the A-share market opened sharply, with only the concept of gold on the market in the red, and the Shanghai Index fell again and fell below 2,900 points.

As of the close, the three major trading markets collectively fell. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell -3.21% to 2833.07 points; the Shenzhen Component Index fell -4.40% to 9862.59 points; and the New Securities 50 Index fell -2.91% to 1583.47 points.

The main negative line of the main board index fell sharply today, basically engulfing the long positive line that rose sharply at the end of last month. However, the NSE 50 index is much more resistant to falling. As long as the decline is too deep, there will be a lot of funds to buy the bottom.

During this period, Fang Hong was promoting one thing, and that was the launch of the SGX Market Stabilization Fund, because Metro Finance needed to contribute half of it.

Fang Hong also went to the city to participate in a seminar on this matter. This is not a small amount of money, but it is not surprising to see how smoothly this matter is promoted in Xincheng. Not to mention 500 billion, or double it. Even 1 trillion can be settled.

After the seminar, the issue was adopted on the same day, and the details of the process are unknown to the outside world.

Logically speaking, the stabilization fund should not be funded by local finance, but should be allocated by the national finance, because the SGX targets companies from all over the country, not just local companies in New Town.

In the future, there will inevitably be foreign companies that "list in China" and ring the bell on the SGX. This will definitely happen in the future. It is just a matter of time. It is originally within Fang Hong's long-term strategic plan.

If all goes well, the first foreign company to enter the SGX market will be either in Africa or the Middle East. SGX will then directly compete with the North American capital market.

The local finance department of Xincheng received half of the funds from the stabilization fund, which is a bonus item at the national level. On a larger scale, it will share the worries of the country and save a lot of money for the national finance.

Judging from the current actual situation, New City needs to pay for 500 billion of it. The purpose is to convince the public, because the other half has to be paid by relevant entities participating in the SGX market.

Xincheng local finance has taken over half of it with a large sum of money, and the stars have taken the majority of the remaining half. Don't say that you have suffered a loss. If the market is to be done well, everyone has to contribute. It is not a matter of a certain entity, but of all those involved in this market. All subjects have responsibilities.

Other relevant entities participating in the SGX market were speechless at first glance. They could not find any faults but could still convince the public.

The next day, the NSE 50 Index stopped falling and stabilized, rising slightly by +0.18% to close at 1586.35 points after the market.

Less than twenty minutes after the market closed in the afternoon, SGX officially issued a major announcement, which once again caused a sensation in the capital market.

This major announcement was the confirmation of the establishment of the "SGX Stabilization Fund". Investors from all walks of life were surprised. The market is waiting for SGX to launch more indices, especially small and mid-cap stock indices and their ETFs. It's getting higher day by day.

As a result, I couldn't wait, but I waited for the stabilization fund.

According to information publicly disclosed by the SGX, the start-up capital scale of the stabilization fund is 1 trillion, with New City Finance providing 500 billion, and market-related entities providing another 500 billion, for a total of 1 trillion.

When the outside world saw the news, they were quite shocked. The first thought in their minds was that Xincheng was not an ordinary rich man. The astronomical figure of 500 billion yuan could be paid at any time without ambiguity. The key is that people can afford it. ah.

However, everyone is relieved. Xincheng is a nationally recognized new first-tier city. There are so many big manufacturers and giants gathered together, and there are even super giants like Qunxing Capital. It is not a new thing to have abundant financial pockets.

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