My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1188 [On the hot news search]

Chu Changxing, who was conducting video communication, said: "Not long ago, the boss communicated with me. He is mediating the matter and intends to push for a compromise plan. The Kunpeng-5C drone will definitely not be commercially available, but The Kunpeng-5B UAV still has a high possibility."

"Of course, the military has also said that it is not appropriate that such large cargo drones are flying all over the country and can be bought and sold at will. Kunpeng-5B drones also most likely cannot be bought and sold at will."

"Based on this situation, Mr. Fang plans to set up a company to obtain exclusive franchise rights to provide unmanned transportation services to third-party companies through a compromise form of 'lease instead of purchase'..."

After hearing what Chu Changxing said, the person in charge of Shunfeng was also stunned, especially he keenly noticed the word 'exclusive franchise'.

In other words, except for companies that have obtained the exclusive franchise rights, no one else can do it. Wouldn’t this mean that in the future only Clusters will unilaterally form a de facto monopoly in the field of large-scale drone commercial logistics? Doesn’t it mean that if you want to use large commercial drones for logistics and transportation, you can’t avoid this company?

Then there is no bargaining power and negotiation ability at all.

After a while, the person in charge of Shunfeng looked at Chu Changxing in the video and joked half-jokingly: "Mr. Chu, the military suddenly intervened in this matter, couldn't it be your intention?"

Chu Changxing could naturally tell that he was trying to test the situation with a joke, and at the same time he was expressing concerns.

This situation inevitably makes people think this way, deliberately letting the military intervene, and then everyone can't play, and then you get an exclusive license to achieve a de facto monopoly in this field.

After a while, Chu Changxing seriously denied his joke on the spot: "How is it possible? Your misunderstanding is really huge. How can you have such huge energy?"

Hearing this, the person in charge of Shunfeng smiled and did not answer, thinking that you, Chu Changxing, are credible if you don't have such energy, but where is the big boss of your family?

After Fang Hong became famous, especially since he has become so influential today, all his details have been infiltrated and studied, and there are many people who are doing back-up work on him.

There have long been rumors in the world that his background is not simple, and he is not truly a self-made person from the bottom. His grandfather went to the 38th Parallel in the last century, and he is a descendant of serious meritorious deeds.

There are also rumors that although his grandfather had been discharged and returned to his field in the last century, several of his former subordinates regarded him as a bole and a man of good fortune, and now he holds a high position in the military. In other words, he still has influence here. In short, he has a strong military background, so it is not surprising that the person in charge of Shunfeng has such thoughts or speculations.

Not to mention, now Fang Hong can directly reach Tianting.

The person in charge of Shunfeng also quickly understood that no matter whether Fang Hong used some resources behind the scenes to do it intentionally, one thing is certain. In the field of large-scale drone freight logistics, others will most likely not be able to get involved.

Either Galaxy will get the exclusive franchise rights, or large drones will really not be allowed to engage in commercial cargo logistics.

Apart from anything else, not everyone can get such an exclusive license, at least not Shunfeng. This is especially certain.

At the end, he sighed and then said to Chu Changxing: "It's a very important matter. I can't make the decision on this matter. I have to report the situation to the company headquarters, and the headquarters will make the final decision."

Chu Changxing nodded and said with a smile: "Understood, isn't this the first time I greet you when something unexpected happens? I am both sorry and sincere."

The video connection between the two parties ended, and the person in charge of Shunfeng immediately reported the matter to the company headquarters.

Whether the 1.7 billion order in which the contract was initialed is canceled or adjusted to a new plan of "renting instead of buying", this is a choice that needs to be made. In fact, the 1.7 billion fund itself is a trivial matter for a large company like Shunfeng. pile, not to mention the money hasn’t been given yet.

The point is that this sudden change made Shunfeng realize that the idea of ​​drone freight logistics proposed by it since 2012 is likely to be aborted. This is the place that has the greatest impact on Shunfeng, which means the company’s long-term development strategic plan. Adjustments had to be made.

But then again, it's not entirely a bad thing for Shunfeng. At least Kunpeng Technology "explored the path" for it and knew the results in advance, saving a lot of investment now. If it can't be used by then, the loss may be even greater. .

It's fine now. If you know you can't use it but don't let it be used, you can make timely adjustments in this regard to reduce losses and stop losses. From this perspective, it's not entirely a bad thing. It's also important to make sure you can't do something.

However, another issue should not be considered. If a company in the galaxy really obtains the exclusive franchise qualification for large-scale drone commercial logistics, it means that the unmanned freight logistics industry will still develop.

If you don’t use it, what if your competitors do?

Shunfeng's management team has thought over and over again. If Galaxy Group really obtains the exclusive qualification, the "lease instead of purchase" issue will still have to be followed up, and it will be regarded as purchasing drone transportation capacity to optimize its own logistics system.

For Shunfeng and even other logistics companies, this has both good and bad sides.

The bad side is that unmanned freight logistics cannot be decided by itself. It has to follow other people's rules and pay long-term rental fees. It also has little bargaining power because there is only one provider in the entire market and there is no second platform to purchase from. Capacity.

The good side is that you save worry and effort, just pay the money and it's done. You don't need to do the maintenance of the drone yourself. It doesn't have anything to do with you if anything happens, such as some accidents, drone crashes, etc. The responsibility does not lie with the logistics company, and the economic losses incurred are shouldered by the transportation capacity platform. After all, the logistics company that purchased the transportation capacity also belongs to Party A who purchased the service.

After comprehensive consideration, Shunfeng still feels that if Qunxing really obtains the exclusive franchise qualification for large-scale drone freight logistics, it will still have to purchase transportation capacity and rent instead of buy.

Chu Changxing went to the military exercise site to recommend the "Kunpeng-5C" drone and the aircraft was seized by the military. It was not known where it came from. At the same time, some performance parameter data also leaked out, including the unmanned aerial vehicle of this type. Photos of the aircraft and pictures of the cargo pod being airdropped to the ground spread rapidly on the Internet.

Especially regarding the performance parameters of the "Kunpeng-5C" drone, countless people were shocked.

It caused a huge sensation in the industry. Kunpeng Technology was also on the news hot search, and more details were revealed. The popularity on the Internet soared, and netizens couldn't sit still.

[Hey guys, are these performance parameters real? The cost is only 3 million soft sister coins? ]

[Woc——! ]

[Haha, I couldn’t stop laughing. Wasn’t there a drill in the Southwest District some time ago? It is said that after the head of Kunpeng Technology learned about it, he personally went to sell this drone. It is said that the performance was excellent and the military was very satisfied. Then they detained it and requested that it be banned from commercial use. ]

[Why should it be disabled? ]

[Look at this picture of the airdropped cargo pod and you will know why? What the hell is this? The more you look at it, the more it looks like a missile... (face covering.jpg)]

[Military: Ah, you have? ]

[Kunpeng: Ah, you don’t have one? ]

[Military: Oh what, bring it to you. ]

[Hahaha! ! ]

[Kunpeng: Oops, I accidentally became the replacement of Oriental Express... (manual funny)]

[I think Kunpeng made this thing and went to the military to advertise it, which proves that he didn’t think about it at all... I feel that even if they build a light speed engine one day, their first reaction will be eh, hey, this can kill him Let’s go together (laughing through tears.jpg)]

[It should not be used for military purposes but not for civilian use. It is better for both military and civilian uses to go hand in hand. ]

[I once had the opportunity to ask a bomber to deliver express to me...(face covering.jpg)]

[Repaint the paint, the labor management needs to send the damaged goods, and they are the kind that cannot be returned, absolutely zero negative comments series (Erha.jpg)]

[So it’s not that the technology is not good, it’s that the technology is too good and too harsh, and too much force has resulted in excessive technology... (laughing and crying.jpg)]

[Big dog owner: Young hero, I think...]

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