My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1193 [Another big news]

Compared with Shunfeng's urgent response, other logistics companies seemed to be a little slower to respond. In fact, it is not that they are not paying attention to this matter, but that other logistics companies are still hesitant about this new thing.

To put it bluntly, I want others to explore the road first. I don’t dare to take the first crab. I plan to wait and see first.

Shunfeng obviously chooses to be the first company to eat crabs.

On the morning of Wednesday, September 6, Oriental Express and Kunpeng Technology, which had just been established for a week, made another big news. The two companies announced that they had reached a strategic cooperation agreement and facilitated a huge order.

The heads of both companies were present at today's press conference and the signing ceremony was held publicly.

Orient Express spent a huge sum of 21 billion yuan to purchase 5,000 "Kunpeng-5B" drones from Kunpeng Technology to build a modern large-scale commercial drone cargo logistics system.

People from all walks of life were shocked by this order. They immediately ordered 5,000 aircraft. After all, Oriental Express's style is consistent with the galaxy. Either they don't play, and if they want to play, they go for big ones, and they fill them up immediately.

How can an average company do something like this? Even an industry giant like Shunfeng would not be able to make such a big move.

However, for Oriental Express, which has exclusive franchise qualifications and a group of galaxy pedigrees, although this is shocking, it is also very reasonable. In the future, this industry segment will be the only one in the country to provide large-scale commercial drone transportation services. The transportation capacity of 5,000 "Kunpeng-5B" drones may not be enough.

You must know that there have been predictions for the express delivery industry this year. It is expected that the national express delivery business volume is expected to exceed 30 billion items for the first time in 2016. The per capita express delivery volume is nearly 23 items. The industry growth rate exceeds 50%, and the frequency of express delivery used by users is still rising. The entire The industry is still in a rapidly rising incremental market state.

The daily express delivery volume across the country now exceeds 100 million, and the market size ranks first in the world.

It can be said that the transportation capacity of 5,000 "Kunpeng-5B" UAVs is definitely not enough. The maximum load of this type of UAV is 1.8 tons. Even if it is based on the extreme value of the theoretical upper limit, a rough calculation of 5,000 The total transportation capacity of the sorties is about 9,000 tons. Assuming that the total daily transportation capacity can reach 30,000 tons, the annual transportation capacity will be approximately 10.95 million tons.

If all Shunfeng's express packages are transported by this type of drone, based on the company's current daily shipment volume, the total transportation capacity of 5,000 Kunpeng-5B drones will not be able to meet the company's delivery needs.

What's more, domestic logistics companies not only have tailwinds, but the company's market share has not reached a monopoly level.

Moreover, the roughly calculated annual transport capacity of 10 million tons for 5,000 "Kunpeng-5B" drones is theoretical data. The actual situation will definitely not reach this scale, because there will always be some drones under maintenance. They may all be working at the same time, so 5,000 aircraft are definitely not enough, and additional purchases will inevitably be made in the future.

Oriental Express's decision to dare to play such a big game is not just a slap in the face. It is a professional and rigorous economic feasibility demonstration based on market scale effects, exclusive franchise qualifications and other data indicators. The result is that large-scale commercial unmanned vehicles The cost of air freight logistics is lower than the current traditional logistics model, and the efficiency has been improved.

Next-day express delivery is fast enough, but Oriental Express can be even faster and can deliver on the same day.

Consumers place an order online on the same day, and the manufacturer delivers the goods in Magic City. The delivery location is in Pengcheng, a thousand kilometers away. Oriental Express can airlift the goods on the same day, and the consumer can receive the express delivery on the same day. Same-day delivery upon ordering.

With such high efficiency and cheaper cost than traditional logistics, this competitiveness is self-evident.

There are also some remote areas that cannot be delivered by traditional logistics, and Oriental Express can also deliver them to you. This can also bring new performance growth points for logistics companies.

All of this has been calculated in detail, and the competitiveness index can be quantified. The reason why I dare to play so big is because I am 100% sure that this model can be played successfully.

The reason why Fang Hong asked Oriental Express to choose the "B2B" model was to quickly open up the market. It is too slow to connect directly to consumer terminals. First, let consumers across the country know you, which requires a lot of time and cost.

But it would be much easier to connect directly with the enterprises. You only need to deal with those enterprises and that's it, and you can open the market directly. It is also an important factor to promise to only provide transportation capacity services to third-party logistics companies, and to only do this one thing and never compete with them for profit.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Hong was able to push Oriental Express to achieve success. The outside world did not know that he actually wrote an additional material to the military. This material was actually the decisive factor, because it directly allowed the military to China’s attitude towards the commercial use of large drones has undergone a major change.

The material written by Fang Hong only expresses one point of view: Preparatory force!

During peacetime, the large drones owned by Oriental Express are used to transport various cargo expresses. During wartime, they can be transformed into an air force that can be commandeered by the military at any time.

If it is used as a transportation unit for war supplies, it can directly go to the front line to perform logistics transportation tasks without any modification.

If it is used as an offensive weapon, it does not require any modification. If the cargo pod is replaced with missiles or aerial bombs, it can become an attack drone with the ability to "inspect and attack" to quickly support the front line.

In other words, when the military requisition order comes, if Orient Express owns 5,000 drones, it means that it has such a large-scale reinforcement force that can rush to the front line at any time. If Orient Express owns 50,000 drones, Where is the rack? What kind of terrifying reinforcements is that?

Even if the production capacity efficiency in wartime is fully reached, there is still an obvious window period in time. No matter how fast the production capacity is, it cannot be as fast as the ready-made on-call. When it comes to wartime, today's modern warfare can do It goes without saying how important it is to respond quickly.

It was precisely because Fang Hong wrote this material and was recognized by the military that Oriental Express was launched so quickly.

Orient Express also has top-secret information, that is, the military actually has back-end management authority over the company's drones. This authority does not exist during peacetime. In wartime, it can directly bypass Orient Express and monitor all operating drones. The drones are deployed for combat operations, focusing on a quick response. Only afterward can Oriental Express receive the news of being requisitioned.

This is top secret, and the number of people within Orient Express who know about it can be counted on one hand.

Another important factor in the military's recognition is that it is not appropriate to directly install thousands or tens of thousands of such drones in the military.

First of all, if you do this, you will definitely be accused internationally of engaging in military expansion. The tens of thousands of these guys in Wuyang Wuyang are really scary, especially the neighbors next to them. . But if you let Orient Express engage in private commercial logistics and transportation, you can't say that I am engaged in military expansion. If you say so, I can refute it with reason. Our ancestors invented gunpowder but used it to set off fireworks. , which shows that you have always been a peace-loving person, but now you have learned it and used it as a murderous weapon.

Secondly, such a large quantity is very expensive, and logistics and maintenance will cost money. But if it is an asset owned by Oriental Express, there is no need to allocate a penny from military expenditures. It is all Oriental Express. It is shipped to you, and when it comes time to use it, you only need a requisition order. According to online parlance, this is equivalent to free prostitution. Isn't this good?

Coupled with favorable factors such as the ability to promote economic development, technological progress, and the transformation and upgrading of high value-added industries, Eastern Express was able to land at the speed of light.

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