My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1195 [An outrageous large-scale fight scene was staged on the external network]

It’s just that the capital market was taken aback by the news, fearing that something unexpected might happen. Kunpeng Technology’s super-large order was cancelled, so there was a brief plunge in the stock price.

However, this kind of panic did not spread. Kunpeng Technology's stock price did not fall below the limit today. It rebounded in late trading. It only fell by about 4 percentage points after the market. The trend was not disrupted at all, nor did it release a huge amount. .

Obviously, this was because the incident happened suddenly and the market was caught off guard. However, it quickly realized that all the stars were spending huge sums of money on the plan. How could you cancel just one article?

What's more, Fang Hong's attitude towards America is well known to everyone in the industry. This master dared to cut off the existence of Wall Street a few years ago.

After the funds reacted, they realized that they had to correct their mistakes quickly, so a lot of funds were bought back in the late trading, causing Kunpeng Technology to rebound a few points and close.

This article in "Jane's Defense Weekly" was discussed by many military fans on the Internet. Different from capital market investors, military fans are happy to hear about it. Emotionally, they even hope that the article What the article says is true.

There is a joking saying that the biggest hawks in the country are not in the temples, but in the civil society, the common people are the hawks.

If politicians in European and American countries say they want to cut military spending, their people will support and applaud them.

But in the big Eastern countries, it's the complete opposite. Maintaining double-digit growth in military expenditure every year is too little, and even aircraft carriers can't wait to launch one a year.

This is all due to the fear of being bullied by foreigners in the past hundred years. They are afraid that the tragedy of a hundred years ago will happen again. If anyone in this land dares to talk about cutting military expenditures, the common people will definitely scold him to death, and he will definitely be the first to not do so. promise.

So when this article written by "Jane's Defense Weekly" spread to the mainland, the majority of netizens were very happy to read it. Some netizens did not expect this aspect, but after being pointed out in this way, they said that Oriental Express must do something stand up.

Some people who originally thought this would impact the employment of couriers and opposed it actually stopped objecting after reading this article and became supporters. They all said that they wanted Oriental Express’s drones to be used when necessary. If it can be transformed into an attack drone army that can "inspect and attack", then it must be supported.

Netizens who eat melons are not afraid that this is the case, but they are afraid that it is not the case.

Some foreign netizens also began to discuss this matter in some forum communities on the Internet. It was quite normal at first, but the discussion turned into a quarrel, and then evolved into exposing each other's shortcomings, each other's historical scars, and finally started There was a fierce battle in the middle, which made the domestic melon-eating netizens who crawled out to watch the fun call them "good guys" and were stunned.

[Russian netizen: One thing to say is that although the Chinese people love peace, they are the real fighting nation. ]

[Korean netizen: Fighting nation? Haha, can you beat us, Korea? We, Korea, are the real fighting nation. ]

[Vietnamese netizen: In ancient China, there was a place called Yelang Kingdom. Later, this place was destroyed due to arrogance. It is said that the immigrants of Yelang migrated to what is now the Chaoxian Peninsula]

[Korean netizen: This is wrong history. According to Chinese historians, immigrants from Yelang moved to the north of Yuenan, and you are the descendants of the Yelang people. ]

[Netizen: Why don’t you fight with the Yuenan people this time? Even the Han people know that Yelang is not a good word? ]

[Korean netizen: Military spending has increased by double digits year after year. Are you telling me that you love peace? Even a logistics company can purchase thousands of military-grade drones. Is this called peace-loving? This is the funniest joke I've heard this century. ]

[Italian netizen: Idiot, that’s to make the bandits with 11 aircraft carriers also love peace. ]

[Thai netizen: I don’t think the Chinese people love peace. Otherwise, why would they build the country at the door of the military base... (laughing. jpg). ]

[Indian netizen: The most elite Bailu regiment of the Han Kingdom was wiped out by 13 Chinese people, but there were no casualties among the Chinese. If this is not worthy of being called a fighting nation, then no country in the world deserves this name. ]

[Indian netizen: Yes, there are 223 people in the Hanbai bluffing group. These idiots can't even defeat 13 Chinese people. Even if there are more than 200 dogs, 13 people will be difficult to deal with! This shows what? ]

[Korean netizens: Do you still have the nerve to ridicule? If the Indian soldiers were as brave as you keyboard warriors, there would be no such thing as the entire artillery battalion being captured by three Chinese! ]

[Indian netizen: That’s because we were in a fierce exchange of fire with the Chinese and had exhausted all the ammunition. We were forced to surrender, but unlike some people, at least we didn’t choose to escape! ]

[Korean netizen: You are all a group of sharpshooters. More than 100 of you shot out all the bullets, but the three people on the opposite side were unscathed! Don't be embarrassed here. "The enemy not only refused to surrender, but dared to fight back at us!" Do you know how long this sentence has been popular throughout Asia? ]

[Indian netizen: You are right, you are indeed a well-deserved fighting nation. You have done things that even the Chinese have not been able to do. One of them is to beat your allies and kill Lieutenant General Walker. ]

[Netizen: The Han people are indeed very fierce, otherwise they would not have won the first place in the long-distance running at the Prisoner of War Games. In fact, this is not their strongest. The really strongest ones have already won the first place in the long-distance running on the battlefield. ]

[Italian netizen: The Chinese are definitely worthy of this title. In ancient times, even the Huns and Turks they defeated were able to sweep across Europe and the Middle East. ]

[Netizen: Throughout the entire history of China, they have defeated batch after batch of opponents. Their enemies are like a gust of wind. After the wind blows, they are the only ones who are still standing there! ]

[Korean netizen: No wonder you want to name it Kamikaze, it turns out you also know that you are just a gust of wind! ]

[Netizen: If we are a gust of wind, then you are a piece of shit. When the wind blows, all the neighbors will feel the stench. ]

What happened on the external network left the domestic netizens who climbed out to watch the excitement dumbfounded. Especially some domestic netizens who were ready to refute foreign netizens were completely confused. They never expected that such a large-scale confrontation would happen. Painting style, careful preparation is completely useless.

Seeing these online content from foreign netizens, domestic netizens called him a good guy. His fighting ability is simply off the charts, and his historical skills are so good that domestic netizens were surprised.

As the saying goes, you don't expose each other's shortcomings when you curse, but this scene was about picking on historical scars and adding salt to each other's shortcomings.

Domestic netizens are a little embarrassed to see this, and they can't get into the topic at all, and they don't dare to get involved. So they can only sit on the bench and watch the show, enjoying this large-scale feast of mutual quarrels between netizens from all over the world. .

As for Oriental Express's purchase of 5,000 drones and the discussion about the "Jane's Defense Weekly" article, no one has long since cared about it. Now it is time to fight for publicity. You must convince the other party before talking.

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