My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1231 [Between pure electric and hybrid, of course I want both]

Fang Hong listened silently and nodded from time to time, while Qin Feng further elaborated in an orderly manner: "In addition, we also plan to engage in vertical integration of the supply chain. Xingyu Technology only focuses on some core things, such as intelligent driving systems, automotive chips, etc. In the hands, other productive things are left to the manufacturer.”

Obviously, you don’t need to develop and manufacture everything yourself, just focus on the core things. Things like tires and glass that can be used in common with traditional fuel vehicles are already mature and you still have to develop them yourself. My brain is flooded.

Fang Hong nodded again in recognition of Qin Feng's words. The idea of ​​vertical integration is very correct. In the future, the focus of new energy vehicles will still be intelligent vehicle operating systems and vehicle-standard chips. As technology continues to iterate and advance, future More and more chips will be used in cars, and the proportion of chip modules in the cost of the entire vehicle will continue to rise. This module will also become a huge source of profit for a car.

In addition, there is the creation of the car's intelligent driving system and platform ecosystem. A smart car can be regarded as a large smartphone, and the car is highly bound to a person's identity. What does this mean? Data is more valuable.

As long as the scale effect is achieved and quantitative changes bring qualitative changes, the profits of car manufacturing itself will not even be as good as the realization of data. In other words, smart cars themselves can be sold cheaper in the future, and Xingyu Technology’s profits do not need to be directly reflected in the physical body. , but the various data and services attached to this vehicle.

Therefore, there is no need to 100% self-research and self-production, just master some core key parts and unique skills that you will not be able to play without it.

After a while, Fang Hong seemed to be talking to himself: "The chip is still a key link that cannot be ignored. Whether it is used for mobile phones or cars, the chip must be technologically independent and cannot rely on Europeans and Americans. Otherwise, In the future, the sales of cars will be better, and you will be stuck or the price of the chip will be set high, and most of the profits will be taken away by foreign chip manufacturers. "

In the future automobile industry, especially new energy vehicles, chips will still be an indispensable key link, especially the future launch of intelligent driving systems.

Fang Hong turned to ask: "What route is the car taking in terms of power? Has it been decided yet?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng replied: "It has been decided, and two plans will be promoted at the same time. One is pure electric drive, and the other is plug-in hybrid. The general idea is that we will promote the hybrid model north of the Qinhuai Line, and the Qinhuai Line In the south, the pure electric model is promoted. This is based on the comprehensive consideration of my country’s vast territory and the differences in climate, environment, and terrain between the north and the south.”

Qin Feng looked at Fang Hong and deconstructed it for him in detail: "Our research found that as far as the current battery technology level is concerned, it is still not suitable to promote pure electric vehicles in the north until more advanced technology levels are released. The climate temperature difference is huge, and the impact of low temperature on batteries is difficult to ignore. The battery cost of pure electric vehicles in the north is difficult to ignore. The impact of low temperature on lithium-ion batteries may be permanent, and its performance will not be fully restored just because the temperature returns to normal. "

"Our technical team went to the Inner Mongolia region in the north to conduct experiments in this area. The experimental results show that if the battery is placed in a low temperature environment for 48 hours and then placed under a greenhouse to rest, the capacity will decrease when charged with slow charging. The loss is about 3.2%, and when using fast charging, the capacity loss reaches about 6%. From this, we also come to the conclusion that if we want to protect the capacity and life of the battery, it is best not to place it in a low-temperature environment. ”

Fang Hong couldn't help but nodded: "Issues such as geography and climate do have a great impact. BYD's rise has also been advantageous at the regional level. The company's main customer groups are also in the south. On the contrary, there is no second BYD in the north. Di, it can be seen that differences in region and climate are also key factors.”

Qin Feng continued: "The impact of the battery life span is also multifaceted and has various conditions. For example, if the battery is charged and discharged every day per unit time, if it is used regularly and stably, the battery life will be longer. Longer."

This is actually a matter of common sense. It is not just the battery, but also other things. Even traditional fuel vehicles are the same. One is driven often, while the other is driven twice and left for a long time. The former is not easy. Bad, the latter is relatively more prone to problems. Even if you use other things once or twice and then throw them away for a long time, problems will easily occur.

Qin Feng continued: "There is also the battery usage environment. Why is it said that the north is relatively unsuitable for pure electric vehicles? The usage environment is very large. The weather in the south is hot, but this heat is caused by high humidity. The temperature is actually not much higher than in the north in summer, but As long as winter comes, the stability in the north is very low, and the temperature difference is more extreme than in the south. For example, in the extreme weather in the Neimeng area, the temperature in summer can be higher than in the south, while in winter it can drop to minus 40 degrees Celsius. In the south, It is impossible to drop so low in winter, and the battery life of pure electric vehicles will be greatly reduced when used for low temperature and electric heating in such extremely low temperature environments.”

"Another point is that for pure electric vehicles in the north, air conditioning and heating are also a big problem, and electric heat is needed for heating. On the contrary, the engine of traditional fuel vehicles has its own heat source, and the waste heat can be used for heating. This is true for fuel vehicles in the north. The extremely low temperature environment in winter is an advantage over pure electric vehicles. Of course, if the heat source of traditional fuel vehicles is placed in the south when the weather is hot, it will be a huge burden. "

It is obvious that pure electric vehicles and fuel vehicles have their own advantages and disadvantages in different usage scenarios.

Generally speaking, under the current technical level, the environment in the north is not very friendly to pure electric vehicles, but it is much more friendly in the south. If pure electric vehicles want to achieve the effect of being used in the north as in the south, they still need further iteration and upgrading of technology, especially battery technology.

Between plug-in hybrid and pure electric drive, Qin Feng chose all of them. Both power forms have their own advantages.

The advantages of pure electric drive mode are basically known. The biggest feature is environmental protection. Pure electric vehicles achieve zero emissions and zero pollution, which is of great significance to improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions. Of course, whether it is truly zero emission depends on the ultimate source of electricity. If the electricity used for charging is renewable clean energy, it is really zero emission and zero pollution. If the electricity used for charging is coal-generated electricity, it cannot be said to be zero emission and zero pollution.

The plug-in hybrid mode also has many advantages. In short-distance driving in the city, you can rely on pure electric drive to achieve zero emission, low noise and environmentally friendly travel; when driving long distances or when the battery is insufficient, you can start power generation to replenish the battery and extend the cruising range. In addition, plug-in hybrids can also use the energy recovery system to recycle energy during braking and downhill gliding, further improving the efficiency of energy utilization and extending the range.

In general, the plug-in hybrid mode is a compromise under the existing technical conditions. If battery technology has a revolutionary development, and super materials such as room temperature superconductors are truly available, energy transmission will be zero-loss, and these problems will not be a problem. There is no need to calculate the energy accurately, and problems such as what is applicable in the south and not in the north can be easily solved.

However, the development of technology is not achieved overnight, and it also takes time. As a compromise, hybrid is a feasible solution at present.

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