My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1237 [I'll give you a tip]

In the next period of time, Hou Junda played a science fiction blockbuster in the virtual cinema. In terms of video screen, users can freely switch between 3D and 2D because this VR headset device of Xingyu Technology supports 3D viewing.

After putting on the headphones, the viewing effect is no different from that of an offline IMAX theater. It is not even an exaggeration to say that it is better.

At the end, Qin Feng on the side laughed and said: "You are trying to compete with offline cinemas for business. No wonder Yixing Media Group has not expanded the construction of 3D cinemas. With this somatosensory index, you can watch new movies both online and offline." Released at the same time, there is no difference in the viewing effect. ”

After hearing this, Hou Junda nodded and said without hesitation: "Actually, that's what I think. Once the head-mounted display terminal becomes popular, the ticket prices for new movies booked on the platform will be cheaper in the future, but the box office revenue will not be the same. It will be lower because the audience is wider.”

"Consumers can freely arrange their movie viewings. After purchasing the movie ticket, it is limited to one or two days. Offline, a movie ticket can only be watched once, while online, you can watch multiple times within a limited time."

Hou Junda further said: "My idea is that the platform will share the box office with the producers and actively promote new movies to be released simultaneously offline. Because head-mounted display terminal devices have a unique advantage compared to mobile phones, computers, and TVs. The advantage is that it is basically impossible to pirate the screen recording in a third-person perspective through another device, thus protecting film and television intellectual property rights well.”

This is easy to understand, and Fang Hong has said this a long time ago. The head-mounted display device presents a panoramic first-person perspective in front of the user, so it is impossible to record with a mobile phone or other camera or other device. The head-mounted display device When the screen recording software in the movie is playing a movie, it detects copyright protection and prevents screen recording. This is technically easy to do.

Moreover, the video resources are not local to the user's device, but are placed on the cloud. Therefore, pirated screen recordings can basically disappear in the era of head-mounted devices. If not completely eliminated, they will definitely be curbed to the greatest extent.

At this moment, Fang Hong, who was sitting on the side, heard this and said immediately: "Your video platform can share the online box office or buy it directly, but it can't be released simultaneously with new movies. It's not that I'm afraid. Offending movie theater owners doesn’t mean you don’t want to make money, but if you do this, major movie theaters will definitely close down in the future, and many people working in movie theaters will lose their jobs. This is a direct impact.”

"The incidental indirect impact will affect the wider real economy. Cinemas are an important tool for a shopping mall to attract traffic. If cinemas close down on a large scale, the number of customers going to shopping malls will decrease, offline consumption will shrink, and more businesses will Stores will be hit, and reduced income will lead to layoffs and more unemployment.”

"So we still have to maintain the offline screening before launching it online. I know that the Yixing video platform that you control has been operating at a loss. There is nothing wrong with seeking additional income increases, but you can't lose sight of money. You have to know one thing, Yixing In the eyes of the world, video is not just Yixing Video, it is also a member of the galaxy. You have created an industry depression in the real economy and impacted the unemployment of a large number of people. These people will not only resent Yixing Video. , they will also bring the stars together to settle this account.”

When Hou Junda heard what the big boss said was so serious, he knew that it would be impossible for new movies to be released online simultaneously with offline theaters, and he didn't have to think about the idea of ​​Yixing Video replacing offline theaters. He immediately nodded and said: "Understood. "

But at this time, Fang Hong changed the topic: "Let's do this, let me give you a trick. In a few years, when the user base of the head-mounted display device reaches a certain size, you can make some movies on the platform, and then network them completely online on the platform. The purpose of releasing it to the public and creating a super online box office hit is to show it to offline theater companies, film companies and the entire industry, and to give people in their industry a little shock. "

"Then we go to those theaters and film companies to negotiate. We can single-handedly negotiate with the entire industry to lower copyright costs. This box office hit can bring huge bargaining power to your video platform. They see that it is completely independent online Online screenings can create such terrifying box office revenue, and I will definitely be afraid that all new movies in the future will abandon offline screenings and go directly to the online mode.”

"This is your bargaining power, so you have to create box office hits, and you have to create a few more. Only when they have real cases will they be afraid from the bottom of their hearts. Online box office sharing? Divide it into points, of course. If you buy it out directly, it won’t work if the asking price is too high. You have to buy it out at a low price. The platform has the final say on pricing, not them.”

As soon as these words came out, Hou Junda's eyes suddenly lit up. He created several online box office hits in order to let people in this industry understand that Yixing Video can easily subvert your entire industry and make you go bankrupt one after another.

Now times have changed. Let you finish the offline screening first and then put it online. It is my platform's benevolence and righteousness. I will not ruin your situation. It can be said that I am giving you a bite to eat. I have the ability to replace you at any time. It's just me. Just because I didn’t do that, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it. These are two different things. If you are ignorant and set the price of online copyrights too high, then you are ruining your own job.

It is conceivable that this industry will dare to say no at that time? Dare you not give an extra portion of the profits to Yixing Video Platform?

In this way, Yixing Video's reduction in copyright payment is a disguised increase in profits. It buys out online copyrights at a low cost. At that time, the movie tickets sold will be the profits of the platform, and the employees of the cinema will also There will be no widespread unemployment, and the impact and negative impact on the real economy will be minimized.

A few minutes later, Fang Hong and others exited the Yixing video software platform and returned to the WeChat group chat room. The new scene was an internal living room, with their avatars sitting around the sofa in the living room.

Fang Hong looked around at everyone and smiled and said: "The overall sensory experience is very good. The content scenes of film and television, social networking, games, and e-commerce shopping have also been expanded. This pseudo-virtual world is no longer a content desert, and an oasis can be quickly established. We will gradually expand in the future, and the stars will work hard to create an ecosystem with rich and diverse species in less than two years.”

"Qin Feng told me before that his VR head-mounted display terminal will be released this year. If it can sell 3 million units, it will be a success. It is conservative. In my opinion, it will not be less than 20 million units. There are no competitors in the same category. For them, whether it’s creativity, technology or our ability to build an ecosystem, we are at the forefront.”

Qin Feng said with a smile: "At that time, I judged based on the content desert level. If the stars can fully exert their efforts to quickly create an ecological oasis, it must be different. How can they be the same? Now I am conservatively selling two thousand Wan Tao is also very confident.”

According to a research report published by Super-Data, an overseas market research company, the total global sales of VR headsets in 2016 was approximately 6.3 million sets. Similar competing products on the market can sell this much. This product of Xingyu Technology It is really not an exaggeration to sell tens of millions of copies after its release.

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