My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1262 [Overwhelming leadership in all aspects]

As the applause gradually fell, Qin Feng said in a loud voice: "MIX is a wearable device that integrates the digital world with you in the physical world, bringing an unprecedented extraordinary experience. For this reason, we have developed a lot of innovations technology."

"To build this product, we have to innovate in almost every aspect of the system. MIX requires super computing performance and integration into a compact wearable structure. It requires an advanced real-time sensor system and it also needs to be convincing. Audio, of course, requires a breakthrough in display technology.”

"The human eye has ultra-high resolution and color fidelity when viewing the world. In order to meet the immediate needs of the eyes, a display system must be developed. The pixels need to be sky-high, but the appearance must be very small and the pixels can be hidden in the Intangible, making the image smooth and coherent is an unprecedented challenge for our technical team.”

"MIX's two back panels have a total of 80 million pixels. To enlarge these two back panels and place them around the eyes requires a more precise lens solution. The lenses we designed have amazing clarity and transparency, allowing The MIX display is a visual feast wherever it is used, allowing videos to be fully rendered at 8K resolution, with wide color gamut and high dynamics.”

No one present felt that Qin Feng was bragging, because during the press conference, he wore MIX to show his first-person view and projected it on the high-definition giant screen on the stage. The exquisite picture was the best interpretation of his words.

After a while, Qin Feng continued to advance the press conference and introduced: "In addition to vision, hearing is also crucial to perceiving the surrounding environment. We want the sound to sound like it comes from the surrounding environment and is integrated with the real world. This design develops a completely new three-dimensional audio system. Personalized sound effects allow us to create ambient stereo audio, and your brain will be completely convinced that the sound comes from the environment around you.”

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng gave a live demonstration. The first-person digital virtual scene was switched multiple times, such as beach environment, forest creek, bustling city, etc. These environmental scenes are all virtual, and the MIX audio system is highly matched to bring A strong sense of environment.

Finally, Qin Feng said: "MIX will analyze the characteristics and materials of the environmental scene to adapt the sound. These are just one of the examples of how MIX uses its advanced sensor array, and this sensor array system can also provide high-resolution for the display. High-speed video, accurate head and hand tracking, and real-time three-dimensional mapping.”

"The high-performance gaze tracking system uses high-speed cameras to achieve sensitive and intuitive collection by mapping non-visible light arrays on the eyeballs. Everything is extremely accurate, allowing your hands to be completely freed from awkward joystick controllers."

The interaction method of hand-eye combined operation really made everyone's eyes shine, and it was also the first "wow" aspect of this conference. It is comparable to the elimination of stylus in smartphones and direct finger touch.

Qin Feng looked around the auditorium and said: "To process all the data from the sensors and simultaneously achieve an ultra-high-resolution experience, the MIX system must be able to continuously provide a huge amount of computing power, and also keep it cool and quiet. For this purpose, the MIX system has been developed and designed Brand new MIX1.0 chip.”

"While providing MIX with advanced computing performance, it also serves the processing tasks of numerous real-time sensors. It processes data collected by 15 cameras, 8 sensors, and 7 microphones."

“For head-mounted display systems, the delay between the sensor and the display will cause discomfort in movement. The MIX1.0 chip almost eliminates the delay. New images can be transmitted to the display within 6 milliseconds, which is 16 times faster than the blink of an eye. times."

At this moment, when many industry professionals heard Qin Feng's summary, their eyes widened, and even more so, Cao said in their hearts: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Has the manufacturing process of Xingyu Technology's chip been advanced to within 10 nanometers? How can this be? Even so, this kind of performance is incredible. What kind of masterpiece is this made of black technology?

In the eyes of many industry veterans, the MIX1.0 chip is simply a black technology.

Could it be that what Fang Hong posted on Weibo that day was still modest? Do you still have reservations about what you said? Have domestic high-end semiconductor chips broken through? Even leading the world? Is this the power of a company whose annual R\u0026D investment exceeds that of the entire Ying Kingdom?

Otherwise, how can we explain the exaggerated performance of this chip?

Countless technical professionals who were paying attention to the conference had a series of greetings in their hearts at this moment, and they were even more shocked.

At the same time, Qin Feng on the stage still introduced it with familiarity: "We are also thinking deeply about how others interact with you wearing the MIX device. This is one of the biggest challenges when we develop this product. , because there is no video camera facing you, even if there is a camera, the upper half of your face is still wearing MIX.”

"Here we would like to express our special thanks to Mr. Chen and Matrix Quantum for providing us with powerful AI technical support. Without them, we might not be able to solve this problem until now."

"The generative AI technology through Matrix Quantum brings us a brand new solution. After quickly writing using the MIX front sensor, the system will use advanced encoding and decoding neural networks to create your digital face. This technology Through long-term training of tens of thousands of people, it can generate natural images and dynamically imitate your facial expressions and hand movements.”

"In the eyes of other MIX users, your digital face has a sense of hierarchy and depth, which is something that traditional devices cannot achieve."

"Of course, the realization of these advanced technologies cannot be achieved without a powerful operating system MOS. It is a brand-new operating system we have built for head-mounted display terminals. It is the proud work of all engineering innovations based on the TOS system so far. On this basis, we have given it more new capabilities to support MIX’s low-latency requirements.”

"For example, the dynamic foveated rendering pipeline ensures that the place where your eyes are looking on each frame has optimal image quality, allowing different APP applications to run in the same simulator at the same time. Another important point is to provide existing The application architecture is ready to support native extensions.”

“In addition, for developers, we have been planning for this moment for a long time. We will launch specific matters at future developer conferences. Here we focus on the cooperation with Matrix Quantum. We have all-round and in-depth cooperation to support Matrix Quantum. Its Frost engine system, combined with MIX’s world-class rendering capabilities and powerful display technology, makes it a dream platform for game developers.”

When many people present and netizens in the live broadcast room who followed the press conference heard this, they also said that Xingyu Technology finally has a strong teammate to share the technical pressure. Three years ago, there was no reliable teammate, and there were almost no hard bones. I want Xingyu Technology to bite them all in person and break through. I wish that one company could solve all the problems.

Nowadays, the strong rise of Matrix Quantum, another world-class high-tech giant, has provided strong support for Xingyu Technology in multiple key technology nodes. Moreover, as they are both in the galaxy, the cooperation is closer than other companies. It will not Hidden and tucked away, there is no need to worry about being stabbed in the back.

At this moment, a senior practitioner in the audience at the press conference exclaimed: "Does Xingyu Technology want to send away all its peers in the field of head-mounted displays? This discontinuous lead is not just a little bit ahead, but An all-round crushing lead..."

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