My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1283 [The first listed company in human history with a market value exceeding one trillion U

When VR and AR were hot in 2016, industry insiders said that 2016 was the first year of smart head-mounted display terminals. With the launch of MIX head-mounted display by Xingyu Technology, people in and out of the industry have changed their tune and believe that 2017 is the real first year of smart head-mounted display terminals.

Competitors in the same industry are also very jealous. In the first month, they collected more than 75 billion yuan in sales. They are really envious.

Unexpectedly, Xingyu Technology has launched another super hit comparable to the STAR series of smartphones. The earning power of the MIX series of head-mounted display terminals is not inferior to that of the STAR series of smartphones.

Many people in the technology circle, especially investors in the capital circle, think that Xingyu Technology will return with the STAR5 in the future. With the STAR series in one hand and the MIX series in the other, one company holds two trump cards, which is simply invincible!

Moreover, people in the investment circle have not forgotten that Xingyu Technology is still holding back a big move, that is, new energy vehicles, which have been in the works for many years. If other new car-making forces had been working on it for so long, they would have launched products long ago, but Xingyu Technology has not even seen a wheel yet.

But now no one will think that Xingyu Technology can't play with cars. It has not even seen the shadow of a wheel for so long, which can only mean that it is holding back a big move, and it must be holding back a big move.

The next day, Monday, June 26.

Stimulated by this news, the A-share market opened on the Singapore Exchange, and Xingyu Technology's stock price soared. It opened high and went high. At around 9:56 during the session, it was close to the daily limit, but it did not close in the end. However, after the closing, it still closed with a big positive line and rose by +8.37%, and the market value reached 735.32 billion, equivalent to US$107.34 billion.

Today is undoubtedly a major day for the capital market, because the first company in human history with a market value of over one trillion US dollars was born today, and it was not in the US stock market, but in the A-share market of the Eastern power.

No one would have believed this five years ago or even last year. At that time, everyone thought that Apple would become the first listed company with a market value of over one trillion US dollars.

Xingyu Technology, a super-heavy weight, rose sharply today, and also took the Xinzheng 50 Index to break through the historical peak of 2409.15 points in April to create a new historical high. Today, the index rose by +1.93% to 2416.76 points, and the cumulative increase from the recent bottom was more than 15 percentage points.

The Xinzheng 50 Index once fell to 2097 points in mid-May, and it reached a new historical high again in just about one and a half months. The stockholders of the A-share market can't help but give a good DISS to the main board next door. The Xinzheng 50 Index has hit a new historical high here, and the main board next door has not even recovered 3200 points.

But to put it another way, the main board next door is not doing well, which is also the main factor, but at the same time, the pressure from the SGX market is also objective, because retail investors are now going to the SGX to play. If they can't buy SGX stocks, they will buy the SGX 50ETF or other on-exchange and off-exchange funds that track the SGX market.

The main boards of the two cities have finally gone retail as they wished, and it's not that retail investors refuse to leave, but they take the initiative to go retail and don't play with you anymore.

This is also reflected in the trading volume. The current daily trading volume of the SGX market is more than 300 billion, which is normalized, and often reaches more than 350 billion, and sometimes it can break through 400 billion. In contrast, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's current trading volume of 200 billion is considered a large volume, and most of the time it is in the range of 120 billion to 150 billion. Sometimes the trading volume of the SGX can even exceed the sum of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges.

As for the ChiNext Index, almost no one is paying attention to it now. It was about to fall below 1,700 points this month. The bottom of the catastrophic plunge in the second half of 2015 was broken.

Today, the turnover of the ChiNext was less than 40 billion, while Xingyu Technology's trading volume today reached 67.6 billion. The turnover of the entire ChiNext was completely beaten by one stock. Of course, the market value scale also completely beat the ChiNext. The current market value scale of more than 600 listed companies is less than 5 trillion.

Xingyu Technology's current market value scale has exceeded 7 trillion, and it is moving towards the goal of 10 trillion in the future.

This also reflects the strength of Xingyu Technology from the side, and it also reflects the unstoppable rise of the Singapore Exchange in the A-share market. If the main boards of the two neighboring cities had not taken care of Guo Jia's sons, they would have been cold by now.

At the same time, somewhere in the eastern sea area, eight bionic manta ray soft-body submersibles were quietly launched into the sea. Each of these eight big guys weighed more than six tons and could stay submerged in the water for up to 80 days, and could even enter deep waters more than one thousand meters below.

These eight heavy bionic manta rays were quickly launched into the deep waters and disappeared silently in the vast ocean.

Two days later, on Wednesday, June 28, the attention of domestic and foreign media, military fans, and military agencies of various countries focused on the Jiangnan Shipyard of the Eastern Power. Today is a major day, that is, the first 10,000-ton destroyer "Type 055" destroyer was launched at the shipyard today.

At this moment, Fang Hong was also sitting in the living room of his home watching the TV news report on the news.

It is not an exaggeration to call this 10,000-ton destroyer the strongest destroyer on the surface of the Blue Planet, not only because of its large tonnage, reaching the 10,000-ton level, but most importantly, it is advanced.

It adopts a large number of stealth hull designs and is equipped with a new S-band active phased array radar, which can achieve 360-degree detection without blind spots.

The vertical launch device uses the mature model of 052D, and the number has increased to 64 in the front and 48 in the back, a total of 112 units, which can accommodate HQ-9B long-range air defense missiles, YJ-18A anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine torpedoes and land attack cruise missiles, etc., for air defense, anti-ship, land attack and other tasks.

As a reborn through time travel, Fang Hong is absolutely clear about how strong the actual combat capability of the 055 10,000-ton destroyer is. In the previous life, it was the first ship of 055 that made great achievements in a certain mission. It fought with the entire aircraft carrier battle formation of America for more than 20 days with the power of one ship. Simply put, 055 relied on its own ship to chase the aircraft carrier formation of Laomei for more than 20 days with a long gun, and then ran back and forth without blinking an eye.

This incident is even more exciting than the cool story. After the old magnesium satellite found that 055 was missing in the fleet route, it immediately spread out the satellite radar to look for 055 like crazy. When it was found, 055 had already mixed into the formation of the magnesium ship. It used the same method that the old magnesium had used before, turning 180 degrees while accelerating into the route of the magnesium fleet. The magnesium ship had been trying to get rid of 055 for more than 20 days, but failed. Instead, it was electronically monitored by 055 all the way, and there was almost no way out.

This plot is similar to the fact that the old magnesium drove its own nuclear submarines back to the port from the sea like ducks. However, the offensive and defensive positions changed 30 years later. It was the turn of the American aircraft carrier formation to be chased by a destroyer on the sea for more than 20 days, which can be said to be a revenge for the great shame 30 years ago.

The 055 destroyer not only leads the old magnesium in electronic warfare, but also has a terrifying firepower. A 055 destroyer fully loaded with ammunition has a firepower equivalent to half of the Pacific Fleet of the Great Goose, which is enough to flatten most countries in the world.

During the confrontation in the Nanhai last year, the main forces of the three fleets gathered to prepare to fight the old magnesium Seventh Fleet, which is about 17% of the strength of the magnesium navy, and it takes all-in to fight it.

But this situation will never happen again after the launch and commissioning of the 055. The old magnesium was scared in the situation last year. In the future, with the 055 era, the Seventh Fleet dares to try again. If it fails to make a fuss, it will be considered clean by America.

This is why there is a picture of an old magnesium aircraft carrier formation being chased by a 055 on the sea for more than 20 days.

The choice of launching the Type 055 destroyer today is also of great significance, because 177 years ago today was officially June 28, 1840, when the Opium War broke out. This is a notice to the world that the Type 055 destroyer will avenge the 177-year-old shame.

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