My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1287 [News exposed, sparking heated discussion]

Hearing what the big boss said, Ma Gaoyuan, who was belatedly aware of the situation, seemed to be awakened and suddenly realized on the spot.

Bionic Power Company cannot receive subsidies from the state, and at the same time, the military purchase price only gives a 5% profit. This profit makes the company's normal operations difficult, let alone spending more money on research and development, which is 100% impossible. Persistent.

The country obviously does not want such an excellent company to go bankrupt like this, but it does not provide subsidies and only gives 5% of profits. If this situation is to be avoided by Bionic Power Company, there is only one way.

That is to go out and develop export-oriented products to be sold overseas.

At this moment, Fang Hong said with a smile: "The price of the export version is not 5% profit, but more than 500%. Judging from this heavy-duty bionic manta ray, it is still worth two to three million US dollars." , and there is currently no similar competing product in the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an exclusive supply, and it certainly cannot be sold cheaply. "

If the export version of the heavy-duty bionic manta ray is sold at a price of US$3 million, converted into RMB, it will be more than 20 million yuan. However, the actual cost of this product is only more than 800,000 yuan, and the profit margin directly soars to more than 2,400%. This This is the premium capability that only military products can have. How can ordinary commodities have such a profit margin?

Fang Hong said with a smile: "The hype is not as good as the curative effect. This time the bionic manta ray has made a great contribution. It is also an excellent advertisement, which will be of great benefit to the sales of export foreign trade versions in the future. Lao Mei personally gave Bionic manta ray advertising, this is something that no amount of advertising can buy, haha.”

At this moment, Ma Gaoyuan, who was originally quite melancholy, suddenly became enlightened, and some of his worries were dispelled, and he no longer worried that the company would not be able to operate in the future.

After some advice from the big boss, he also understood that it was inevitable to go out and make money in the international market.

Fang Hong continued: "The characteristic of intelligent equipment is that you are not afraid of exporting it to others, but you are afraid that others will not dare to use it. Moreover, the reason for exporting is more sufficient. It is not easy for you to use your bionics in other people's waters." After all, it makes no sense for manta rays to pass by, but what should we do if we want to know the hydrological conditions of a certain sea area? Can’t we export it directly to the country with territorial waters in that sea area?”

Ma Gaoyuan nodded repeatedly: "That makes sense."

For example, if you want to know the hydrological conditions, seabed topography and other data of the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and other sea areas, it would be unreasonable to send a bionic manta ray there by yourself. It would be too far away and it would be discovered. Although it is full of concealment, it would not be unreasonable. The representative will never find it.

In this case, it is natural to sell the bionic manta rays directly to the rich dog owners, and let the rich people release a few of them without anyone saying anything. This way, the buyers will know the conditions of these waters. Can the seller still not know?

Not only did he avoid being attacked by others for making a fuss about his losses, but he actually achieved what he wanted, and he also happily made a small sum of money back.

Does it smell good? Do not want the fragrant ones.

For another example, if you want to understand the hydrological conditions of the Indus Ocean, you can sell a few bionic manta rays to Maldai Fu. Another example is if you want to understand the Bay of Menggala, then sell a few bionic manta rays to Srilanka and Mengala.

Earn other people's money, help others with their affairs, and incidentally also handle their own affairs. After the work is done, the buyer will also give a five-star review. Isn't it nice to get a lot of things in one fell swoop?

Therefore, there is no reason why the bionic manta ray should not be exported and exported, and it will not take too long.

Not only this product, but also other intelligent equipment such as bionic ornithopters, bionic mechanical dogs, or a series of intelligent products such as Xingyu Technology's military version of the MIX head display, all apply this logic.

This is also the reason why Fang Hong wants many high-tech companies in the galaxy to set such an unconventional route in the strategy of going global, because the logic of exporting foreign trade of intelligent products is strong enough, and the country will be deeply involved in the governance and governance of global affairs in the future. In overseas strategic games, intelligent equipment can play a very good role. In the future, if you are the big brother, you can also restrain the younger ones, so you will definitely actively promote it.

After a while, Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "The Zhuhai Air Show will be held in November this year. If you prepare carefully, you can still catch up. Kunpeng Technology will have a drone exhibition, and Xingyu Technology's military version of the MIX head display will also appear at the aviation show." Exhibition, use this exhibition to show off. ”

Ma Gaoyuan nodded: "I understand, I'll prepare when I get back."

Although it is an international aviation and aerospace expo, in fact this air show not only displays various aircraft, but also displays various other underwater or ground equipment.

As time went by, a piece of news came out on Tuesday, July 18, and it was a piece of news related to the "Bowditch".

According to reports from relevant foreign media, not long after the survey ship returned to the port, its captain was directly dismissed from his post on the grounds that he had lost confidence in his leadership.

This news did not attract too much attention in China. At this moment, mainland netizens do not know what happened, nor do they know that this matter actually has something to do with their own family. The captain of a survey ship was dismissed. If it was a Mainland netizens will pay close attention to the news that the captain and commander of an old aircraft carrier have been dismissed.

However, Fang Hong paid attention to the news. At this moment, he couldn't help laughing when he looked at the news: "This countryman is not subtle at all."

The reason for the dismissal is that he lost confidence in his leadership ability. To put it more bluntly, you are not good enough, and he said it publicly, which is equivalent to slapping you in the face in front of everyone.

This kind of plot is unlikely to happen in China. There is a saying that you should not hit someone in the face, let alone slap him in the face in front of so many people.

If you really want to do such a thing, either don't do it or do it thoroughly, otherwise wait, you will suffer in the future. He will not do anything in the rest of his life, but only do one thing, which is to fight with you. Toppling you is his only goal and biggest motivation in the rest of his life.

However, just after the third day, a media from Australia exposed the explosive news that made the "Bowditch" a hot search.

The media broke the news that the "Bowditch" had been on a mission at the beginning of this month, but was hit by a group of fishing boats from the Eastern power at sea, and a large hole was knocked out on the port side. Pictures are the truth. The media also published many pictures and details when reporting.

That's not all. Some pictures are screenshots from cameras on the ship. Some pictures show fishermen throwing hooks at the "Bowditch" and boarding the ship. Is that all? They just dismantled the anchors, sawed the steel cables, and moved whatever they could get, including some submersibles and sonar equipment on the ship.

When the news came back to China, the netizens in the mainland were confused and dropped the melons in their hands.

This quickly became popular on the Internet in the mainland and aroused heated discussions among netizens.

[Good guy, eating melons on your own head is a kind of thing. ]

[So the big hole in the ship was caused by the hand of our family. Is this related to our family? ]

[Did Da Piaoliang come to make trouble again more than half a month ago? ]

[Hahaha, I laughed to death. I laughed like a pig in the middle of the night. Did you notice the details in one of the pictures? The sonar carried by several fishermen was actually pasted with eight Chinese characters "Sonar without copper, salvage is useless", hahaha! ! ]


[Salvage is useless, so let’s move…(Handmade funny.jpg)]

[Just want to say, well done! ]

[Wow, these fishermen are really fierce, just ramming, and when they are done, they just move everything away. ]

[Hey, why do all these fishermen have the same short hair style? Why are they all so young and strong? Why are they all so strong…(石狗.jpg)]

[Shut up, they are fishermen! ]

[Yeah, yeah, when there are strong winds and waves on the sea, of course you need strong guys who are young and strong…(二哈.jpg)]

[Although it is very refreshing to watch, I still want to say that it is too dangerous, please pay attention to safety…]


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