My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1293 [Tacit Strategic Exchange]

It's nearing the end of the month.

Jingxin was living in the villa. At this moment, Fang Hong called his beautiful assistant to him and said: "The October holiday is coming soon. You can arrange a travel itinerary for me. During the holiday, I will travel to Changbai Mountain and other places. "

Tian Jiayi, who was taking notes, couldn't help but look at him: "You are not just traveling to the Northeast, right?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Yes, tourism is in name only. The real purpose is to go to the Northeast for a field survey to understand the local business and investment situation. In the next few years, Qunxing will Continue to increase strategic investment here.”

Tian Jiayi was surprised. Seeing Fang Hong's very positive expression and attitude, she couldn't help but said: "Are you sure? There is a saying among the people that 'investment cannot be made in Shanhaiguan, and funds cannot be invested in Yungui Sichuan'."

Fang Hong said calmly: "There are all kinds of birds in the forest. This is undeniable, but we don't want to follow others' opinions. It is necessary to deny it completely and cannot go to extremes. The reason why Dongsan Province has been hacked in recent years is because of the country's heavy industry, especially national defense. The military industry is here, and the largest grain factory in the country is also here. These two things were not destroyed until the outsiders and insiders tried hard to hack this place. "

"Aren't they just using the same clichés as the third one? In the end, they still come up with simplistic solutions in a thorough and insightful way. When they fail to achieve their goals, they spare no effort to make the most of the accusations. They either make something out of nothing or make a mountain out of a molehill, the same negative event. It exists in other places, but it is infinitely magnified here.”

Seeing the beautiful assistant's hesitant look, Fang Hong smiled lightly and said with some calmness and confidence: "It's true that there are all kinds of birds in the forest, but today's stars are not something that cats and dogs can control, as long as they are not too big." It's too much. It's too ugly to eat each other. For the sake of future strategic layout, I will accept it if I take some wool from the stars. It doesn't hurt. "

Tian Jiayi couldn't help but wonder: "What kind of strategic layout is so important?"

Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "Of course it is important, it is crucial. The current general trend is global warming, the precipitation line continues to move northward, and the Arctic glaciers thaw. In ten or fifteen years, an economic giant will surely emerge in the Far East of Siberia. Open, how could Qunxing miss such a century-old opportunity? If you want to extend your business to the Far East market, how can you invest in Shanhaiguan? As a major hub and artery in the Far East and Guanhai, it is inevitable that it will prosper again. "

After hearing these words, Tian Jiayi didn't know where Fang Hong got his confidence and what he based his judgment on, but she believed in Fang Hong's strategic foresight.

As a time traveler, Fang Hong knows very well that the Blue Star World in ten years will usher in earth-shaking changes in its geographical structure, and there is no need to wait too long. In about five years, the first Blue Star World will A major turning point is about to occur.

The big fight between Big Goose and Ermao was one of the factors causing local geopolitical changes. The reconciliation of the century between big dog owners and Persian cats was one of the turning points of major changes. After that, hot spots in other regions were activated one after another.

Looking at the surface of Blue Star five years later, except for the melon-eating netizens at Rabbit's house who are discussing topics such as tens of billions of subsidies for e-commerce, there are fights almost everywhere outside, and few places are safe.

It is inevitable that the rabbit and the goose will go back to back in five years, and the S3 season is the biggest variable.

But the real point is, what kind of new situation will the Blue Stars have after finishing the S3 season? Or what kind of new situation will Blue Star create after the S3 season is over?

Fang Hong knew very well that after the S3 season, the Goose would take the benefits of the Eastern Conference, while the Rabbit would take the benefits of the Far East. This was a tacit exchange in which both sides got what they needed without breaking.

When making a choice between the Far East and the Eastern Fighting, Big Goose must choose the Eastern Fighting, because if the Eastern Fighting is not won, the Big Goose itself will never be able to resolve the geopolitical crisis, and will always face the huge hidden danger of being dismembered. This Damocles The Sword of Si will always hang over the goose's head, and it may fall down one day.

One is that the core area of ​​Big Goose is in Dong'ao rather than the Far East. Its population, political, economic, industrial, financial and other centers are all concentrated in Dong'ao.

On the other hand, the Far East is really too far for Big Goose. The population there is so sparse that it can almost be said to be a no-man’s land, let alone an economic center or an industrial center. And Big Goose itself doesn’t have one. Capacity Development Far East.

The most important thing is that the rabbit is a neighbor over there. The Far East is too far away from the goose, but for the rabbit, it is right near the doorstep. Although the Far East belongs to the Goose, it is really equivalent to an away game there. On the contrary, the Rabbits have an absolute advantage at home.

Based on this series of factors, it is acceptable for Big Goose to trade Far East for Dongyou, and it has to be accepted, because from Big Goose's perspective, this is already his optimal solution, and he has not suffered much.

However, if the goose wants to win the meat from Dongfang, it must get the approval of the rabbit. If the rabbit objects to the piece of meat, the goose will have to spit it out after eating it.

If Big Goose wants to win Dongbao, it's impossible to just get in but not get out. How can such a good thing be possible in the world? There must be something to give, so as long as you take out the Far East, Rabbit's attitude definitely means that it is a matter between you and has nothing to do with me as an outsider.

For Rabbit, taking over this vast Far East area of ​​more than 6 million square kilometers can make up for its last shortcoming-natural resources.

The Far East is a place with extremely rich natural resources. Raw materials such as oil, natural gas, solar energy, coal, and forestry resources are everywhere, just waiting for humans to discover and develop. Basically, the first 10 to 20 categories of industrial raw materials can be supplied in the Far East, and there is no need to worry about the potential risks of maritime blockades when importing raw materials.

The key is that it is close enough to home. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is at the doorstep. Moreover, the general trend of the natural environment is also evolving towards climate warming and the continuous northward movement of the precipitation line. The Far East in the future will be more suitable for human settlement and development. In addition, the melting of the Arctic glaciers will open up a new maritime shipping channel in the Arctic Ocean.

Taking over the Far East means opening up an unprecedented new blue ocean, and it can also open up a new world for all walks of life that are gradually involuted. Go to the Far East to develop the economy, go to the Far East to open up the incremental market, and don't leave it at home to roll up the stock.

So the attraction of the Far East to rabbits is self-evident, which is exactly what they need.

However, this tacit exchange does not mean that the big goose will openly give the Far East to the rabbit. This is unlikely, and the big goose cannot give a reasonable explanation to its own people by doing so.

And there is no need to do so. The rabbit does not need such a false reputation. As long as the big goose agrees to let the rabbit carry out comprehensive economic development in the Far East, it will be fine. When the slogan of "going to the Far East" is launched, people will go there to make a fortune. The population will migrate to the Far East on a large scale. Millions, tens of millions, or even tens of millions of people will flock to the Far East to settle down. After a long time, after decades or hundreds of years, the great integration and Chineseization will be understood.

By then, the population living in the Far East will be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, and the proportion of Chinese people in the local population structure will exceed 99%, becoming the absolute majority. In addition, as time goes by, imperceptible influence will occur. At that time, what is not yours will actually be yours. As long as time goes by, the false reputation will become real.

The big goose is also very clear, so it would rather leave it barren than let the rabbits develop it if it cannot develop it. The big goose knows that once it agrees to do so, it will become a fait accompli in less than thirty or fifty years.

But the times are different now, and the current situation is not the same.

So as long as the big goose agrees to let the rabbit contract the economic development of the Far East, it is a tacit exchange, that is, in fact, giving the benefits of the Far East to the rabbit, and taking the benefits of Eastern Europe, everything is self-evident.

This is also the inevitable result of the big goose and the rabbit back to back five years later. One of the two parties has the largest natural resources but lacks industrial manufacturing products, and the other is the largest industrial country in human history but lacks industrial raw materials. The two sides complement each other perfectly and can provide each other with what they need most.

As long as the two sides are back to back, even if they are not absolutely invincible on the surface of the blue star, they are basically invincible. Even if we take a step back, they are invincible on the surface of the blue star.

For the big goose, exchanging the Far East for the East, eliminating its own geopolitical crisis and the great worry of being dismembered, and being able to sleep peacefully from now on is enough to make this deal, not to mention that the big goose can also get dividends from letting the rabbit engage in the economic development of the Far East.

Because the Far East is definitely owned by Big Goose in name, local economic output and enterprises have to pay a tax to Big Goose, which is equivalent to dividends, and it is definitely a very fertile dividend income for Big Goose. Big Goose itself has no ability to develop the Far East land, and there is not a penny.

It is also good for Rabbit. Paying dividends to Big Goose is like hiring Big Goose as a bodyguard, and the dividends are like security wages paid to Big Goose.

This wave of tacit exchange is definitely not something that both parties will say, but they will definitely do it silently, because after the exchange, they can solve their own problems, complement each other, take what they need, and get what they want.

(Ps: There will be another update in the afternoon)

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