My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1315 [Raise a hand and promote the first case to form a demonstration effect]

The current situation of small and medium-sized startups is that retail investors no longer play, regardless of whether you are a good ticket, they will all be blacklisted by the group.

Although retail investors do not have the ability to flip the table, they can choose to leave the table.

All the leeks in their eyes ran away, and as a result, there were only a few sickles left on the table staring at each other. After a period of time, they couldn't hold on anymore, and they fell into a situation of stock fighting with sickles cutting each other.

And the impact doesn’t stop there, it’s actually gradually triggering a chain reaction.

Before the first half of the year, there were still a lot of people rushing to buy new stocks for small-cap stocks listed on the main boards of the two cities next door, because winning the lottery was basically a guaranteed profit, and most of the time the income could be doubled.

But as time goes by, the benefits of playing new winning numbers become less and less.

Because there are fewer and fewer people speculating in new stocks, and the reason why there are fewer and fewer is that they are affected by the miserable situation of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are cut in half and then cut in half and then toes without rebound. Who can bear this?

People who are speculators know that junk stocks make up the majority, and they are willing to speculate because there were people who played in them before. But now that the SGX has appeared, small investors no longer play, which means that there is a fault in the ecological structure of the entire food chain. Collapse is only a matter of time.

It doesn't take much professional ability to understand this, so the number of people speculating in new stocks has become fewer and weaker, which further affects the profits from new stocks.

If it was a state of riding a donkey to find a horse before, now it has reached a new level. Before the horse is found, one wants to kill the donkey in advance. To put it bluntly, even if a new stock is listed, it is difficult to double the profit. , more people were more eager to cash in and leave the field, each one running faster than the other.

There is no doubt that if this trend continues, the enthusiasm of investors for new shares will become less and less, and the issuance of new shares next door will also be under pressure, and the primary market will also be affected by then.

At this moment, Fang Hong looked at the materials and smiled and said: "So this company can't stand small and medium-sized enterprises. The market value is seriously oversold and the asset prices are seriously underestimated. It can't raise funds if it doesn't use its brains."

Tian Jiayi nodded: "Yes, the boss of this company just wants to stick to his roots and run the company, and is unwilling to go astray, so he wants to take the initiative to delist and relist on the SGX."

What prompted this company to come up with such an idea and put it into action was because the recent market refinancing plan of 750 million yuan failed, unless they use their twisted minds to cooperate with those financial rentiers to deliver benefits.

But he didn’t want to take this road, at least not until the SGX rejected it.

You must know that the top-level design of the SGX market is there. It is really not easy to make money in this market with strict regulations. The boss of the company naturally understands these things and still wants to make money in this market. The re-listing shows to a large extent that this boss is good.

At the end, Fang Hong smiled leisurely, put the information aside and said immediately: "This company is good, and the boss is also very good. Reasonable and reasonable, we can't just watch him being dragged into the water and onto the road of no return. Raise your hand." "

Tian Jiayi couldn't help but smile after hearing this: "I knew you would make such a decision."

This matter is definitely a good thing for the SGX market. As long as this example is promoted and has a demonstration effect, more people will follow suit. Although the targets of small and medium-sized enterprises next door are generally garbage, there is no shortage of them in the garbage heap. Good stuff.

Now, because small and medium-sized startups are being blacklisted by funds indiscriminately, some really good stocks and companies are also implicated. They feel aggrieved and wronged. This is a wave of bad money driving out good money. What a disaster.

As long as the first case is facilitated and a demonstration effect is formed, it will definitely attract a number of good companies and stocks to delist and then switch to the SGX market. This is certain.

Fang Hong moved his body towards the beautiful assistant and then added: "Not only do we have to raise a hand, but we also need to give him priority. As soon as he is delisted, we will immediately arrange for the IPO to be re-listed on the SGX. There is no need to change the company name.”

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he couldn't help but said: "Are you sure you want to play like this? Isn't it too disrespectful to the next door?"

The front foot has just been delisted from the market, and the back foot has stepped into the door of the SGX. This kind of behavior is simply a sign of disgust written on the face, not such a slap in the face.

"When those people attacked me and the SGX, I didn't go to them to settle the score. Isn't that enough to give me face? If the superiors hadn't come out to prevent me from expanding the conflict, haha..." Fang Hong said lightly with a bit of sarcasm. : "It's not me taking the initiative to poach people now, it's them being indifferent and forcing people to take the initiative to defect. We also act according to the rules. It would be against the rules to turn people away if they comply with the market regulations of SGX."

There is no doubt that as soon as this momentum starts to develop, all the few good products in the small and medium-sized caps next door will run away, and then there will really only be a group of demons and monsters chopping each other with their inner-rolling sickles.

Tian Jiayi thought for a moment, then said immediately: "I know you want to create a demonstration effect by promoting the first case, so as to drive more high-quality companies to defect, but the neighbor may not let go easily. Now this company is also secretly sending people to come. Exploring the wind.”

Fang Hong said with a smile: "So the boss of this company is quite rare."

From the perspective of the company's boss, this behavior is very risky. If he comes to test the waters but is turned away, and the rentiers next door know his thoughts after the matter is over, he will definitely suffer a lot. Don't even think about raising funds in the future. Even if he is willing to be dragged down, he will not be given this opportunity, but he will be finished.

After a moment, Fang Hong said calmly: "Your concern is valid, but it is useless. It is difficult for you to go public next door, and it is not easy for you to withdraw. For those who want to leave after losing their hearts, you can't stop them even if you set up more cards."

Tian Jiayi thought about it and nodded: "That's right."

If the application for delisting is not approved, then I will ruin the company's performance. It is difficult to run a company well, but isn't it easy to ruin it? In fact, it is to change the cage and change the bird, and all operations are legal and compliant.

At most, a shell is left here, and the real body has already escaped.

Even if it is a violation, the maximum penalty according to the current regulations is only a few hundred thousand.

Therefore, if someone is determined to leave, you can't stop him. The key is whether he is determined enough to leave.

What Fang Hong needs to do is to make those who want to leave determined enough, and then added: "There is another point. When the company is listed on the SGX market, we will arrange several market makers for him to help him reach a market value of about 30 billion and stabilize the stock price."

Tian Jiayi immediately made a memorandum of the matter.

This treatment can be called super-standard treatment, but he is the first to eat crabs and has made potential contributions to the SGX market, so he deserves this high-standard treatment.

When others see it, this company is almost dying in the small and medium-sized start-ups, but finally fought hard, took the initiative to delist, and re-listed on the SGX and was fully revived. Not only did it raise funds, but its market value also doubled.

Other similar companies are facing similar situations. How can they sit still after seeing this successful case? It will definitely lead to more people following suit.

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