My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1319 [A great start]

As Fang Hong finished his instructions, Tian Jiayi immediately made arrangements, and the trading team that received the latest instructions from their superiors immediately executed them.

It was just around 13:27, when the New Securities 50 Index was about to fall below today's opening price, and the mysterious main funds once again made a strong move, and the funds mainly flowed to Xingyu Technology, a super large-cap stock.

Single super large orders of 1 billion, 500 million, and 800 million were bought one after another, and this stock also rose all the way.

Xingyu Technology was suddenly hit by big funds, which also led to the New Securities 50 Index rebounding at the same time. In just about a minute, it rose by about 0.5 percentage points, making the New Securities 50 Index rise again by more than 2 percentage points.

As the first stock in terms of market value on the Singapore Exchange, the first stock in terms of market value on the A-share market, and the first stock in terms of market value in the world, the rise and fall of Xingyu Technology had an immediate impact on the New Securities 50 Index.

"What's going on? Why are big funds pushing Xingyu Technology? Is there any sudden good news for this company?" Some stockholders noticed the unusual movement of Xingyu Technology's market at this moment, and funds are flowing into this stock in large quantities.

Time is passing by, and the New Certificate 50 Index has risen strongly to about 2 percentage points, and then fell back to +1.72%, but did not fall further. It stayed at this position for a few minutes and then began to attack again, while the trading volume continued to increase.

At this moment, the SGX market has released a huge amount of 550 billion yuan, and the transaction volume of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets next door at the same time is only about 320 billion yuan.

The capital game in the market has also become fierce, and the turn of the market in the afternoon has also surprised people from all walks of life. The market trend has a bit of a strong turn to weak and then strong, but the signal of weak to strong is not particularly obvious.

As time goes by, the trend of the New Certificate 50 Index in the afternoon is getting stronger and stronger, and the signal of weak to strong is becoming more and more obvious.

At around 14:17, the increase of the SGX 50 Index expanded to 2.89%, and it was about to sprint towards the 3,000-point mark again. Countless eyes were staring at the SGX market.

Some people who withdrew in the morning bought back again, but relatively few. More people were still choosing to wait and see. After all, there was still time. They were waiting to see if the high point of the early trading session could be effectively broken through. If it was effectively broken through, it would not be too late to enter again. If they hurriedly bought back after the early trading session, they would have no choice but to leave.

So they chose to wait and wait for a safer buying point to come out before making a move. It may seem that the buying point for chasing highs is very high, but it may not be dangerous, and it may seem that the buying point for bottom-hunting is very low, but it may not be safe.

About five minutes later, at 14:22, the increase of the SGX 50 Index expanded again to +3.07%, and it was about to break through the high before the early trading session. At the same time, the official blog of Xingyu Technology suddenly released a message, which was the sales data of the commercial version of MIX headset in 2017.

According to the data released by the company, the total sales volume of the commercial version of MIX headset as of December 31, 2017 was 32.75 million sets, 2.75 million more than the most optimistic estimate of 30 million sets by market analysts, and the actual results far exceeded market expectations.

Such a huge sales volume can be described as explosive, and it is definitely a phenomenal product at the same level as the STAR series of mobile phones. The sales volume of hardware products alone has brought Xingyu Technology more than 310 billion in revenue, not to mention the software application ecosystem of the MOS system. Referring to the TOS ecosystem of the STAR series of mobile phone operating systems, we know that the MOS ecosystem will be another super profit growth point in the future.

"Damn, the money printing machine is not as fast as this!" A friendly business colleague in the technology circle saw this news and couldn't help but exclaimed with envy: "This Xingyu Technology has two trump products in one hand, the MIX headset in the other, and the whole family of products created by other marginal businesses. The annual revenue scale is going to be trillions."

It's really enviable.

In the capital market, stimulated by this news, Xingyu Technology's stock price accelerated its upward attack at 14:32 in the afternoon, and the increase expanded to 4 percentage points, reaching a historical high, and the market value reached 8.39 trillion.

Major market software subsequently pushed the news that Xingyu Technology's market value hit a new historical high.

When the news of MIX headset sales data was just transmitted to the capital market, the New Certificate 50 Index had not yet reached 3,000 points, but the funds that were originally on the sidelines began to enter the market in large numbers.

If it is not clear that the previous weak turn to strong from the position close to breaking today's opening price, it is clearer after the release of MIX headset sales data. Under normal circumstances, a major positive news at a high level at this time is not a good thing.

However, this news was released at the juncture when the New Certificate 50 Index turned from weak to strong in the afternoon, and the net inflow of major funds was also undisguised, indicating that there is a super powerful force behind it to prevent the market from falling, and the intention is already very obvious.

Retail investors may not understand it for a while, but smart money in the market will soon understand it. The invisible but real "invisible hand" has actively revealed its intentions, which is equivalent to telling you to relax and go long to attack upwards, squeeze out upwards, and keep up the pace. There is no time to wait.

At this time, being bearish on the market is equivalent to giving away money, while going long with the trend will be profitable. It is self-evident what choice to make.

In the last half hour of the closing, the New Certificate 50 Index continued to attack upward at an angle of almost 40 degrees, and the time-sharing line almost showed a straight line, attacking unilaterally all the way.

Xingyu Technology's highest increase reached +5.37% and then stopped, and began to slow down significantly and mainly maintained the market. Matrix Quantum followed closely behind. This listed company took over the baton and began to help the New Certificate 50 Index continue to attack and broke through the high before the early trading in one fell swoop, reaching a new historical high again.

At this moment, it is really weak to strong, and it is ridiculously strong. The entire market is in a state of strong short squeeze.

At that time, the daily K-line of the New Certificate 50 Index was no longer an embarrassing super-long upper shadow line, but a big bald and barefoot big positive line that jumped up sharply. The opening price is today's lowest price, and the current market price is the current highest price, which is also the highest point in history, and it is still breaking upward.

After Matrix Quantum, Yixing Video and WeChat, which are big weights, also took over. Careful stockholders found that the group of galaxy subsidiaries that had guest appearances at the MIX conference were now taking turns to take the stage. One took a break and the other took over, taking the SGX 50 Index all the way to take off.

The elephant is dancing, and other growth stocks are also competing to perform. Today's time-sharing line of the SGX 50 Index has a similar "N" shape trend. The total daily transaction volume of the SGX market at this moment has also refreshed the historical record since the opening of the board.

The main board indexes of the two neighboring cities fell back under the influence of the SGX market in the past, and now they are also strengthening. Although they have gone out of the weak to strong market in the afternoon, it is obvious that the SGX market has taken the two neighboring cities. Who is the actual leader of the A-share market? It is clear at a glance.

At 15:00, the first trading day of the new year officially ended. The A-share market ushered in a hearty start. The three major trading markets all ended in the red, and the SGX market became the focus of the entire market.

As of the close, the SGX 50 Index had a big positive line and stood above the 3,000-point mark. The opening price was the lowest price of the day, and the closing price was the highest price of the day. It rose by +3.98% after the market closed at 3,023.61 points; the Shanghai Composite Index closed up +1.24% at 3,348.32 points; the Shenzhen Component Index closed up +1.25% at 11,178.05 points.

The A-share market today had a trillion-yuan transaction volume, with a total transaction volume of 1,158.3 billion yuan in the three major trading markets. Among them, the total transaction volume of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets was 445.5 billion yuan, and the transaction volume of the SGX market reached a record 712.8 billion yuan. The combined volume of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets next door only barely touched the waist of the SGX market.

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