My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1328 [Visible restoration of faith]

On Thursday, February 8, the three major stock indexes of the A-share market fell across the board again.

The Xinzheng 50 Index fell below the 3,400-point mark, closing down -1.00% at 3,386.80 points; the Shanghai Composite Index closed down -1.43% at 3,262.05 points.

In the early hours of the night, it was daytime at the same time in North America. At this time, an American congressman publicly stated that Qunxing Capital and its many subsidiaries had posed a serious security threat to North America, and proposed to severely ban Qunxing Capital, including removing it from the SWIFT settlement system, etc.

Western mainstream media in America also followed up with overwhelming reports, guiding public opinion to say how Qunxing Capital posed a security threat to America, etc.

First there were rumors, and then there was the congressman's call today, which seemed to tell everyone in the world that America was going to take real action.

After the news reached China, it became the headline news of major media as soon as the sun rose on Friday, February 9. At this time, all kinds of demons and monsters who were not on good terms with Qunxing were inexplicably excited, and they all went out to spread negative remarks that Qunxing was going to collapse, trying to create a phenomenon of everyone pushing down the wall.

The country was not idle in this matter either, and it responded to each move. It was a game. If Lao Mei wanted to play, he would play slowly with him.

The parties involved were not anxious, but the spectators were anxious. Many people in the outside world were worried about Qunxing. Many people felt that Lao Mei was going to take real action against Qunxing. In addition, under the influence of many remarks, some people were very worried that this incident would trigger a chain reaction, and the panic index of the capital market also soared significantly.

But as the party involved, Fang Hong knew that his judgment was correct when he saw the news. Lao Mei's operation seemed to be progressive and step-by-step, but in fact it was just tactical intimidation, a constant test, and even more of an opportunistic behavior.

If Lao Mei really wanted to do something, he would never be so twisted. It seems that he is gradually increasing the intensity, but in fact he is leaving himself a way out and a way to step down.

Fang Hong's Weibo is now bombarded with private messages, messages, and comments from thousands of netizens, but he has not been on Weibo at all at this time. He certainly knows that his Weibo must be very lively at this time.

The outside world also wants and is waiting for him to respond to this matter.

However, he will not come out to say anything, because there is nothing to say. It is obviously impossible to say soft words, but he can't say to Lao Mei that if you have the ability, come, otherwise you are a grandson.

You can't say that. If you are so fierce in front of the whole world, Lao Mei will not be able to get off the stage at that time. If you are not good at it, Lao Mei will bite the bullet and bring troubles that could have been avoided.

Now he is just playing a coward game.

Fang Hong is sure that Lao Mei is the coward. He will not deliberately provoke him and ignore him. If he really publicly outputs face-to-face, Lao Mei will find an excuse to deal with him, and then Lao Mei may have a legitimate reason to do it, and he will be passive.

Ignore it, ignore it, just watch Lao Mei perform quietly, don't respond, Lao Mei will perform awkwardly for a while and then end it hastily.

If Lao Mei really rushes up, then Fang Hong has a legitimate reason, and a legitimate reason is very important.

If Lao Mei is a coward, he will find a way out after yelling for a while, and then it will be over.

Fang Hong knows very well what he should and should not do now.

The most important thing now is not to talk nonsense online, there will be people fighting on the national WJB side, and Fang Hong's main task now is to hold the SGX, which is the correct way to open it.

Investors from all walks of life were affected by panic, and today the three major A-share trading markets fell across the board, and they all opened sharply lower. The Shanghai Composite Index once plummeted by more than 6 percentage points during the session, and fell to 3062 points.

The SGX 50 Index also plummeted to 5.32% at around 10:50, with the lowest point reaching 3206.76 points. Not only was 3300 points broken, but 3200 points were also in danger.

From the highest point in history, it has fallen by 11.5% cumulatively to this moment. The SGX market has also evaporated 5 trillion yuan in market value in a short period of time, which is equivalent to losing two first lines of the universe.

Moreover, the H-shares have also plummeted in the past few days, and today they have fallen below the integer mark of 30,000 points. In just a few days, it has fallen from 33,484 to 29,000 points at this moment. This integer mark is also in danger, and the annual line of the Hang Seng Index has been broken through and turned green.

It can be seen that this news has also stunned many global capitals, and they are not as confident and calm as Fang Hong.

Those professional investment institutions overseas also know what kind of correlation effect there is between the SGX market and Qunxing. If Qunxing Capital is really kicked out of the SWIFT settlement system, not only will the investment value of the SGX market have to be re-evaluated, but even the series of chain reactions that this "black swan" will bring are unpredictable.

"The stabilization fund and the second phase of the wealth fund can be launched, just execute according to the plan." Fang Hong stared at the trend of the SGX 50 Index, and at the same time remotely controlled his people at home.

The trading team had been on standby for a long time, and received the order from the big boss and immediately executed according to the plan.

First, the funds raised by the second phase of the wealth fund entered the market, and bought 26.5 billion in one minute. These were all real off-site incremental funds, which made the SGX 50 Index stop falling after reaching 3206 points, and then began to rebound.

The plan for the second phase of the fund is to inject 80 billion of liquidity from the OTC market today.

At around 14:20 in the afternoon, a piece of heavy news encouraged investors from all walks of life in the market. The news said that the SGX trillion stabilization fund is expected to enter the market with 300 billion in funds in the first quarter.

This is almost equivalent to launching an open market operation, telling you that I will spend so much money to enter the market next, and I will definitely take so much money to enter the market.

As soon as the news came out, the confidence of investors in the SGX market was greatly boosted. This is the second operation since the birth of the SGX stabilization fund. Many people remember that the last time the stabilization fund took action, it was also during a big drop, and it was also the time when the panic index exploded, but then it went all the way to break through the previous high.

Now it has taken action again. Although the event-driven is different, the effect is similar. It is obvious that the stabilization fund has identified the bottom of 3200 points of the SGX, and it is bearish to this position at most. Otherwise, the stabilization fund will use real money to support the market and prevent further declines.

Boosted by the news, the SGX 50 Index continued to rebound in the last half hour of the closing, and even the Shanghai Composite Index next door was lifted and began to narrow its losses.

Many stockholders saw the stabilization fund take action, and overcame their fears and boldly bought at the bottom.

As of the close, the decline of the SGX 50 Index narrowed to -2.96%, reporting 3286.48 points; the Shanghai Composite Index closed down -4.05%, reporting 3129.85 points; the Shenzhen Component Index closed down -3.58%, reporting 10001.23 points.

Stockholders in the SGX market praised it again, saying that it was stronger than the next door when it rose, and more resistant to falling than the next door when it fell. The gap was widened bit by bit. Many people were also discussing the stabilization fund, and the stock bar comment area and exchange group were full of heated discussions.

[Today, the stabilization fund is a true "rescuer of the market". If it had not taken action at a critical moment, the SGX 50 Index would have definitely broken through 3200 points in today's panic stampede. ]

[The SGX market is really good at dealing with sudden crises. ]

[Such a panic situation was stabilized today, and it started to recover at the end of the trading day. Confidence is visibly recovering. ]

[After all, there is a man standing behind it. Yes, it is God K. I don’t believe that God K is not playing a role in today’s situation. ]

[The man is not in the arena, but the legend of the man is still circulating in the arena... (Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[Look and learn from the neighbors. Why is the stabilization fund not issued yet? You can’t even copy the ready-made homework? ]

[Forget it. The biggest problem next door is not something that can be solved by the stabilization fund. It’s still stabilization. Even if it is issued, it’s just for nothing. Who knows where the money has gone. ]

[Hahaha, it's hard to hold back...]

[The problems next door are well known, restricted shares are transferred to regular channels, fraudulent listing, insider trading, illegal low-cost, short-selling mechanism, etc. We know, they know, they know, we know, they know, but they just refuse to change and pretend to be ostriches... That's a shame, anyway, I'm not going to play next door now, isn't the SGX 50ETF good?]

[I haven't looked at the market index next door for a long time, I only look at the SGX 50 index market now.]

[Me too!]


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