My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1335 [A test?]

The housing prices in Bingcheng suddenly soared in the short term. Fang Hong also noticed it and followed up on it.

The joint entry of the star system enterprises into Bingcheng to open a sub-district headquarters will definitely stimulate the rise in local housing prices, especially the commercial housing in the areas around the sub-district headquarters will become more popular.

Objectively speaking, price increases are inevitable and reasonable. After all, the entry of star system enterprises will bring a large number of high-income jobs, and employees working in the local area will also have a demand for houses in the surrounding areas, plus their high income can afford the rise in housing prices.

Moreover, once the sub-district headquarters are built, the surrounding supporting infrastructure will also be upgraded, and these investments will be more or less reflected in the surrounding housing prices.

There is objective rationality in price increases, but a direct 30% surge on the spot like now is too outrageous, and a 30% surge is definitely not the end. If it continues like this, there is a high probability that it will rise in the future.

This is obviously a real estate speculation group and some real estate groups who want to take the opportunity to hype it up. It is not even ruled out that the relevant parties in Bingcheng have also pushed it. This is not impossible. After all, the higher the housing prices rise, the higher the land transfer fees will rise accordingly.

As the news fermented and became a hot search, Fang Hong was quite unhappy. They had a lot of money, but Fang Hong had to bear the blame passively, so he was naturally unhappy.

In any case, even if Bingcheng did not push behind the scenes, it should have come out in time to regulate the market price. At the same time, it is not ruled out that it is a test behavior to a certain extent. This is also very likely. If the reaction of the stars is average, then they can work hard to create the birth of the "land king", and not just one or two land kings.

At this moment, Fang Hong was diving on his personal Weibo account and looking at the latest comments under the latest dynamic. Many netizens living in Bingcheng ran to his Weibo to leave comments and complain about the recent skyrocketing housing prices in Bingcheng.

Fang Hong's eyes were fixed on a netizen's comment:

[The second-hand house transfer that was previously negotiated with the original owner had been negotiated and was ready to sign the contract. As a result, when signing the contract yesterday, the owner directly raised the price by a down payment. It was simply outrageous. It was outrageous to the hometown. I asked why the price suddenly increased, and the owner said that with so many companies entering Bingcheng, the house price must have skyrocketed. Not only did he increase the price, he even looked like he didn't want to sell it, thinking he was losing money. In a blink of an eye, I had to pay an extra down payment, but the house was still the same house. I was so angry that I just gave up. ]

There are many netizens who echoed this comment and described their own similar experiences. Obviously, they are all netizens from Bingcheng.

After a while, Fang Hong pondered for a while and replied to this comment, mainly expressing his apology and saying that he would pay attention to this issue.

Fang Hong's reply was quickly forwarded by netizens, and many media also quoted and reported it, and triggered a new round of discussions on the skyrocketing house prices in Bingcheng on the Internet, and this matter quickly reached the ears of the leaders of Bingcheng.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the world knows that the skyrocketing house prices have caused Fang Hong's dissatisfaction, and he is very dissatisfied. Rather than apologizing to the troubled citizens of Bingcheng, it is better to say that he is telling Bingcheng that if this happens, I will have to choose a new location.

This is really a bit panic. If the duck that is about to be cooked flies away, the joy and sorrow will be so great that the thigh will be swollen.


Two days later.

In the afternoon, the beautiful assistant who came back from the company reported to Fang Hong about Bingcheng: "Only in the past day, the relevant departments of Bingcheng have strengthened control over the recent skyrocketing housing prices. It is said that a large number of people were interviewed overnight."

Tian Jiayi then added: "I have to say that the efficiency is amazing. Today, I looked at the latest commercial housing prices in Bingcheng. Almost overnight, it returned to the state before the skyrocketing. It seems that I have experienced an absurd farce, and it also has a bit of gray humor."

Fang Hong said intriguingly: "It seems that there should be some people who want to test my bottom line, and now they have found it out."

Tian Jiayi said: "After all, the interests here are too big and complicated, and the water is deep."

But it is obvious that Fang Hong does not care too much about this kind of temptation.

After a moment, Tian Jiayi tilted his head to look at Fang Hong and said, "What I am more worried about is that what if Bingcheng changes its mind again after we land in the future? Will we move out again at that time?"

When your regional headquarters are built, people have gone there, and all plans have begun to be implemented, they can still push the price increase to market behavior.

Fang Hong smiled and said calmly, "Who will pay for such a high increase? The main group is the local employees of the star system. From this level, just cut off the demand. It is meaningless to raise the price to the sky without actual turnover."

The enterprises of the star system led the group to move in and establish regional headquarters. Objectively, there is indeed a demand for price increases in the local real estate market. The high income of the company's employees can also support the rising prices. To put it bluntly, the employees of the star system companies have higher incomes and stronger purchasing power. In order to facilitate commuting, they will also be willing to spend more money to buy surrounding commercial housing. This is also one of the reasons why the "land king" will be born around the headquarters of star-level giant companies.

As long as these galaxy employees with greater purchasing power have no demand to buy houses, there will be no transactions, and it will be meaningless even if the house price rises to the moon.

At this time, Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "This time so many companies in the galaxy have gathered to set up regional headquarters. It is roughly estimated that millions of jobs will be directly created locally in the next few years, and most of them will be mid- to high-end jobs." host."

You must know that the cluster of enterprises that are determined to pass over covers more than 20 major industry categories and hundreds of subdivisions. They are involved in the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and they are systematically entering.

Just for the employees of the Galaxy Enterprises, there will be a million-level employment demand. To recruit so many people, the scale of indirect employment will be even greater.

Fang Hong continued: "In the past, companies used to open regional headquarters. In addition to commercial land, they also needed a large amount of residential land. What were they used for? Providing employees with free accommodation is one of the company's benefits to employees. All regular employees who join the company can be assigned a house immediately, and the standard is based on the specifications between 45 square meters and 50 square meters per person, with the upper limit of 150 square meters.”

In other words, as long as they become regular employees of Galaxy Enterprises, single employees can be allocated a living area of ​​up to 50 square meters, and married employees can be allocated a living area of ​​no more than 150 square meters.

Fang Hong thought and said: "These houses are still the company's assets. They are only for employees to live in and are not owned by employees. But what does it mean to adopt the doubling principle? That is, employees can move in with their bags on the day they join the company. They are not forced to move immediately after leaving. They can continue to live for free according to their length of service.”

"For example, if an employee has 10 years of service, he can still stay for 10 years after he leaves the company, and so on. Of course, if he wants to move out early, it all depends on his personal wishes."

Obviously, as long as directly-employed employees of Xingxing Enterprises do not go to the market to buy commercial housing, the local property market price will lose one of its biggest and strongest supporting logics. The company will directly allocate free houses to live in, and few people will be willing to buy them. Expensive commercial housing.

Although the house is still an asset of the company, as long as the employee has longer working experience, the longer the period of free living will be according to the doubling principle. If you work for 10 years, you can live for free for 20 years, and if you work for 20 years, you can live for free for 40 years.

Qunxingxing's companies do not optimize people between the ages of 35 and 40. Under normal circumstances, a grassroots employee can work for about 20 years.

The 40-year guarantee period for free housing is completely sufficient. The property rights of commercial houses only last for 70 years, while some commercial apartments only have 40-year property rights. In other words, for employees with more than 20 years of service, the house is almost free. It is given as a gift, and the actual situation may not be that it will live for 40 years.

This also involves improving the living environment. In addition, the income savings from working in the Galaxy for 20 years are completely enough to buy a new house in full. The key is that there will be no monthly mortgage payment pressure during the entire 40-year period. In the first 20 years, It’s impossible to be unemployed without any source of income for the next 20 years after working for a group of companies for 20 years, right?

I have not had any mortgage pressure for most of my 40-year life, and for half of the time I have been working in a group of companies with a high income. This situation is a dream condition that most people dare not even think about, if they can’t even afford a house. , that is obviously your own problem.

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