My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1359 [You can’t not drink a cup, but you have to drink selectively]

Tian Jiayi looked at Fang Hong and asked, "What do you think about the fact that a group of Western chip manufacturers have come together to support us?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong pondered for a moment, and then slowly said, "Western chip manufacturers are now toasting me. I can neither accept all nor not accept any. I don't accept the toasts from Western chip manufacturers, but I still have to accept the toasts from non-Western chip manufacturers, such as ASmore and Infineon in Europe."

Obviously, Fang Hong's strategy is to divide them, and the means is to strike a group and win over a group.

The purpose is to make Western chip manufacturers become disunited in their internal small groups, so as to better disintegrate America.

When Fang Hong considers this matter, it is obvious that his vision is not limited to a chip semiconductor industry chain. He is dealing with the chip issue from the perspective of national strategy and global game, and from the height of America's hegemony in the outside world.

A photolithography machine product can control ASmore, and it can make the country of Helan pretend to obey America and flatter you.

Because this lithography machine manufacturer is regarded as a "national treasure"-level enterprise by the small European country of Helan. Among the company's 23,000 employees in Helan, a considerable number are Helan employees, and this company is also the third largest company in Europe by market value. Its importance to Helan is self-evident. If it collapses, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow.

The scale of employees and the market value of the company are actually secondary, and the revenue is actually not high, which is also secondary.

But the reason why Helan attaches so much importance to it and is so important to it is because of the company's position in the semiconductor industry and the involvement of European giants such as Siemens.

If Acemore collapses, the weight of Helan's words in Europe will be greatly reduced. As a small country, few people will pay attention to him.

So if you control this company, you can also control Helan to a certain extent, and the benefits are obvious.

Although it is a small country, the best strategy for the game with America is to make as many friends as possible and as few enemies as possible. One more friend means one less ally and one more resistance for the old magnesium. It is self-evident that one will gain while the other will lose.

As long as you don't mess with the old magnesium and stick to me, you want to sell lithography machines to me, it's easy to say, bring the order and sign it, I can let Xinwei Semiconductor share a bite of your food. The lithography machine market is not big and can't accommodate several companies, but two are still OK.

Xiaobenzi's Jia Neng and Ni Kang must not be kept, because Xiaobenzi was controlled to death by America, and the role of cannon fodder has been determined, so their share will be given to you, Esmer.

In short, if you are obedient, you will have candy, and if you are disobedient, you will have no soup to eat, just wait to starve to death.

So for the fact that these 30 or so magnesium Western chip manufacturers came to toast collectively, Fang Hong couldn't not drink a glass, but had to drink selectively.

You can drink the wine offered by non-magnesium chip manufacturers, but if you receive the wine from the northern magnesium chip manufacturers, they will throw the cup backhandedly. They just want to mess with you. If they don’t mess with you, how can our domestic semiconductor industry survive?

At the same time, the news that a group of Western magnesium chip manufacturers jointly voiced their support spread across the ocean to the mainland, and also caused heated discussions and discussions on the Internet.

[I can only say that the principle of true fragrance will never go out of date. ]

[It truly interprets the saying that you ignored me yesterday, but you can’t reach me today. ]

[You talk to him reasonably, he plays rogue with you; you play rogue with him, and he talks to you again. ]

[Don’t be self-satisfied, we are decades behind them, and there is a long way to go. We can’t catch up even if we continue to work hard. ]

[We have been around for 5,000 years, and Ah Chou has only been around for 200 years. If you follow your logic, Lao Mei is now far behind us. ]

[I’ll tell you secretly that there is a word called industrial revolution, or technological explosion. What’s the use of thousands of years? ]

[Hahaha, I beg you not to tell me secretly, ah, yes, yes, you are right, only Western technology can explode, but my country cannot, right? ]

[I can only say that this joint support shows me a full desire for survival and fear. The domestic semiconductor industry alliance immediately lowered the price by ten times, directly driving commercial chips to cabbage prices, and also stunned a group of foreign chip manufacturers. ]

[This move is indeed cruel and accurate. I have a friend who works in a certain galaxy semiconductor company in China. He told me that this move has no solution, and said that in the next few years you will see European chip manufacturers go bankrupt in large numbers, because they can't afford it. If they reduce the price by the same amount, they will lose money for every chip they sell. The more they sell, the more they lose. They will only die faster and more thoroughly. Our semiconductor manufacturers still have a profit of 3 points, and the opponents can't afford it at all. ]

[You didn't sell it yesterday, and you begged me to buy it tomorrow, but I don't have to! People, you have to rely on yourself, and you will be finished if you rely on others. . . ]

[Fighting the pressure and fulfilling the mission, tackling scientific and technological problems, shocking the world, persisting, and climbing to the top! ]

[Thinking of supporting them now, what were you doing before? It's too late, but I think with God K's personality and vision, he will still buy some of their products. I think it's okay to buy a little, use it in low-end machines, and be a supporting role. ]

[Don't be fooled, insist on localization, and take your destiny into your own hands! ]

[Don't sell it, let them throw it into the sea, we must develop our own chip semiconductor industry chain, that is a production value of 3 trillion yuan! ]

[Good things should be kept in the bottom of the box, to control them. When the military is ahead, we will directly announce various new products, so that they dare not even return their hands. They must take back everything they lost. ]

[Children only choose, adults of course want everything. It is certain that we will develop our own chip semiconductor industry chain, but if they are obedient, it is also okay. After all, we cannot be limited to the domestic market, we must also have overseas markets. ]

[It makes sense. ]


This news spread to China, giving netizens a lot of topics to talk about, and it is also very refreshing.

Even the general public can see why a group of magnesium and Western chip companies suddenly stood up to support at this time. Isn’t it because the successful breakthrough of domestic semiconductor technology has made them feel a great crisis, and they have no way to resist.

So they are also very torn internally now. In the eyes of outsiders, magnesium is like a mental patient, capricious, sometimes this and sometimes that. In fact, there is no trick, and almost all the tricks that can be used are used.

But, it is useless, it is really impossible to hold down the rabbit!

That is why it appears schizophrenic.

The next day, Friday, July 20.

Today, the A-share market opened, and investors from all walks of life in the capital market focused on the Singapore Exchange, because today is the day when the "Singapore Hong Kong Stock Connect" was officially launched.

At 9 a.m., the New Stock Connect 50 Index opened higher by +0.60%, and then opened higher and went higher. When checking the northbound capital flow in major market software, in addition to the previous "Shanghai Stock Connect" and "Shenzhen Stock Connect", there is now an additional "New Stock Connect" to check.

As soon as the Singapore Exchange market opened, the New Stock Connect data showed a large net inflow of foreign capital. In just ten minutes, it showed that the net inflow of foreign capital exceeded 6 billion. Now, a considerable proportion of overseas capital that dares to use real money to enter the Singapore Exchange market basically believes that the Eastern giant can win.

Because the current position of the New Stock Connect 50 Index is not low, only by winning the PK with Amerikar can it have the basis for continued rise.

As long as you believe in this logic, you have to intervene now, because when you really win, you can think about entering. By that time, the New Securities 50 Index may have risen to 20,000 points or even 30,000 points.

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