My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1401 [Push out Xiaofa in about five years]

Amei Lika is definitely more and more pleased with Blue Fox International now. It is simply a rare top student.

Because Blue Fox International did not ask Amei Lika for a penny, this is very eye-catching in Amei's eyes. Not only does it not need to provide funds for it, but Blue Fox International can even pay for the magnesium equipment by itself, and it can also help Amei Lika's influence spread to Africa.

It is a real top student, much better than Blackwater International.

It is said that Amei Lika is not satisfied with Blue Fox International. Amei wants Blue Fox International to find trouble with Dongda, such as going to Dongda's non-contracted minerals and places where Dongda's enterprises are located to cause trouble for Dongda's enterprises.

However, Blue Fox International refused. The head Harold Leo admitted that he did not dare to provoke Dongda. He still knew who could afford to provoke and who could not.

And there are well-reasoned examples to refute. If the movement is small, it is meaningless. If it is big, it will give Dongda an excuse.

After the rebuttal, he also gave suggestions. It is better to export soft power and the Kismayo model to let others see the "economic miracle" of Kismayo, so as to deal with the Dongda model. This is of great benefit to consolidating Western universal values. Dongda will not be able to find any excuses. By then, everything will be in the bag and can be harvested at will.

Amei Lika thought about it and felt that Harold Leo was a talent. I thought he was a reckless man, but he was so wise and reasonable. What he said made sense and there was nothing wrong with it. Just do it.

As for the so-called day of harvest, Amei will be gone.

With the support of Amei Lika, Blue Fox International has become more comfortable in expanding in Africa, and the goal is also very clear. Pulling the banner of Amei, it will expand to Xiaofa's sphere of influence. The purpose is to squeeze Xiaofa out of Africa in the next five years or so, and then take over Xiaofa's interests in full.

After taking over Fabregas' sphere of influence, it is not difficult to gain a firm foothold. When reshaping the local interest structure, more benefits can be distributed to the locals. It is that simple, not that complicated.

If it were not for the fear that Amagalika would explode instantly, Fang Hong would even want Blue Fox International to directly distribute land to the locals. This is the ultimate killer move.

But this move is not available now. If this move is used, Amagalika will immediately realize that there is something wrong with Blue Fox International. How can the "conventional" temperament be so eye-catching?

Not only will it no longer be able to act under the banner of Amagalika in the future, but it will also be tortured to death by Amagalika.

But even if this move is not used, it is not a big problem, because the harvest of Africa by the West is too ruthless. The price difference of the natural resources that Fabregas bought locally after taking them back is incredible. It is a spread of hundreds or even thousands of times, which is not as good as the price of cabbage.

Including some gold or uranium, a power generation material needed for nuclear power plants, etc., the West has plundered resources in Africa wantonly, destroyed the local environment, and left some pitiful things for the locals, which are not enough to buy food to fill their stomachs, and there are all kinds of famines.

How did the West get its high welfare? That's how it came.

As long as Blue Fox International takes over, with the support of the Western people, it only needs to copy the Kismayo model, and it will not take long to gain supporters.

The so-called Kismayo model is not that complicated. To put it bluntly, don't be so ugly, and always leave people a way to live.

Give others a way to live, and others will not oppose you; give others a better life, and others will support you; give others a rising channel, and others will defend you without hesitation.

Your enemy is his enemy, and they will fight wherever you point.

Blue Fox International is simple to say, it is actually very simple, it is nothing more than giving people a way to live, then let others live a little better, and finally give others a rising channel.

This approach has been verified in Kismayo and proved to be successful and feasible.

The next expansion idea is to take over a place, support an agent to the front, and then sign an agreement with Blue Fox International to provide security services, disarm the local armed forces, and Blue Fox International will provide security for the local area.

At the same time, Blue Fox International recruits militias in the local area and puts them in a semi-off-the-job state. Blue Fox International will give them dozens of dollars a month, and it will spend millions of dollars a year to raise a team of tens of thousands of people.

In normal times, they are producers. Even if they are armed, it is enough to issue them an AK. Moreover, they will not be equipped with weapons and equipment when there is no war. They will only be summoned when fighting and then given weapons. They follow the idea of ​​farming and fighting. This is all to save expenses, otherwise they will not be able to afford it.

But this model does not mean that their combat effectiveness will decline. Blue Fox International has a clear positioning for them. It is enough for them to be one or two levels stronger than other mobs. They will not face the regular army of modern big powers. They can easily defeat some local separatist forces.

Because Blue Fox International has another trick to greatly enhance their combat effectiveness, that is, to give them an upward channel, a channel that is a step to heaven for them, that is, to become a formal employee of Blue Fox International.

Regular assessments are conducted to select excellent talents and become formal employees of Blue Fox International.

With this upward channel, in order to prepare for the exam, most people will spontaneously train their physical fitness or take the initiative to learn various skills in order to improve their competitiveness.

In this way, they actually maintain a good fighting capacity. When they are called together to fight, they are more than enough to deal with the mob of local separatist forces.

At the same time, the best ones are selected and absorbed into Blue Fox International. Those who become formal employees become fully off-duty, and Blue Fox International will train these people, including ideological transformation and recognition of Blue Fox International.

After the work is done, these people will be sent back to manage the semi-off-duty militia teams. When fighting, let these formal employees absorbed from the local area lead the local armed forces. They can also better spread the influence of Blue Fox International to their tribesmen through these formal employees absorbed from the local area, and can also better manage the locals. You, an outsider, are definitely not as good as the locals in this matter.

Let the locals lead the locals to fight, and it can also serve as a demonstration effect for the locals. With this bright example, more locals can be driven to yearn to become formal employees of Blue Fox International.

In this way, Blue Fox International can stabilize and control a region at a very low cost and become an established fact.

Now Blue Fox International is like this in the three states that Somali actually controls. It has developed very well. There are regular employees born in the local area to manage it well. It is very stable and basically no problems occur. When there is a war, people can be called up quickly to start fighting.

And there is another way to become a regular employee of Blue Fox International, that is, meritorious performance!

Rewarding military merit, this is essentially the same as the Qin system of Dongda more than 2,000 years ago.

This way is very important for Blue Fox International to expand outward. Let Somali people follow you Blue Fox International to fight in West Africa. It is different from being in the local area. At least his family and clans are in the local area, and there is still a reason to fight for it.

But if they run away from home, they don’t know why they are fighting, and their morale will immediately weaken by three points. They will scatter like birds and beasts when they encounter a hard point.

So you have to give them a reason to fight. There is no doubt that if you can become a regular employee of Blue Fox International as long as you can make meritorious performance, and achieve complete demobilization and rise to the top in one step, then you will know what the reason for the war is, to fight for yourself, not for Blue Fox International.

Now, many Somali people in Gaizhou, Middle Jubazhou and Lower Jubazhou are very eager for Blue Fox International to quickly go to other states in the north to fight.

Because fighting can give you the opportunity to make military achievements. Although the risk is great, it is also the fastest way to become a formal employee of Blue Fox International. The basic salary alone is equivalent to others' income for ten years, and one year's salary is equivalent to others' lifetime income. If you make great achievements, you will also get extra bonuses. This is too attractive.

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