My Fintech Empire

Chapter 142 [Predict the opponent's prediction in advance]

Fang Hong suddenly discovered that Hexuan's girl is not all a vase role. If her scheming or logical analysis and judgment ability is properly trained, she will definitely shine in the workplace and have great potential.

She's really good at fighting.

However, Fang Hong also knows that this is a double-edged sword that can hurt others as well as himself. If Hexuan's ability to fight in the workplace is internal fighting, it will be a kind of internal consumption for the company or the team. Flying dog jumps.

But if it is a game of struggle with the outside world, you can lead the company or team to overcome obstacles all the way.

Fang Hong didn't think too much about it. If Hexuan wanted to make a difference in his career or workplace in the future, he could also train and train him himself. Fang Hong himself took charge of this double-edged sword, and he was confident that he could guarantee that it would be beneficial to him. positive side without hurting yourself.

Of course, if Hexuan has no intention of entering the workplace, but just wants to have fun, and just want to be a beautiful vase, that's fine and eye-catching.

There is no shortage of people like her in the workplace.

At the end, Fang Hong looked at He Xuan and said: "Now the whole Weibo platform is talking about this matter. You don't care about the voices on the Internet, but as the person involved, if you keep silent, people will feel that you are guilty, and those who scold you will shout more arrogantly. , you will suffer instead.”

Although he appreciates Hexuan's wisdom and her logical analysis and judgment ability, Fang Hong is not worried that she will be hurt by the virtual world of the Internet.

But compared with those real old foxes, she is still a bit younger, and she still has a lot to learn.

He Xuan thought for a moment, then got up from his arms, picked up the mobile phone next to her and nodded, "What you said makes sense, so let's respond."

Fang Hong looked at her and said with a smile: "Responding once is enough, and then ignore or comment. People in the online world forget quickly, and the popularity will naturally go down after a few days. When new hot spots come out, your business is very important." It will soon be forgotten."

He Xuan nodded softly: "Yeah~"

She quickly logged into her Weibo account with her mobile phone. After thinking for a while, she couldn't help frowning. She was a little embarrassed for a while, so she turned her head to Fang Hong and said, "How should I say it?"

Fang Hong pondered for a moment and then said: "Driving to school is the same as riding to school. I hope everyone can put their minds on the problem of transportation. It's not for showing off. The previous car was sent to the car wash, and the F50 just happened to be idle at home. Take this car to school."

In fact, she was showing off, but she definitely couldn't say it so blatantly and publicly, otherwise it would be the operation of a self-destruct truck.

Although the world of the Internet forgets quickly, the Internet also has memories.

Hexuan nodded to herself, and at the same time, quickly edited text content with her fingers on the virtual keyboard on the screen.

Fang Hong paused for a moment and then said: "I would like to add one more thing, I am deeply sorry for causing trouble to everyone by inadvertently occupying public resources due to personal affairs."

Hexuan suddenly stopped editing the text, looked at Fang Hong curiously and asked, "Why do you say that I have taken up public resources? Where have I taken up?"

Fang Hong explained to her in an orderly manner: "The public resources here refer to the fact that in the field of news dissemination, the Internet has bred a new kind of public resources, that is, 'network resources', which are embodied in the three subjects of 'platform, traffic and content'. resources and the object resource of 'attention resources'. These resources obviously have two basic characteristics of public resources, that is, non-excludability of consumption and competitiveness of consumption."

The more Hexuan listened, the more confused she became. Fang Hong immediately gave her an example: "Take your current incident and the Weibo platform as an example. The non-exclusive nature of consumption means that anyone can use Weibo. It is difficult to exclude anyone among them; the competitiveness of consumption means that the attention on Weibo is limited, and when your matter occupies more public attention, it will affect other people's use effect, that is, Because of your personal matter, it has occupied people's attention."

He Xuan couldn't help but nodded suddenly: "So that's the case, um~, I understand."

This "sorry for unintentionally occupying public resources" rhetoric has almost become a public relations template after negative news about celebrity artists ten years later.

But it's interesting, they will say this when there is negative news that is not good for them, and once it is good for them, let alone occupying public resources unintentionally, they can't wait to occupy all public resources, and even want to let everyone focus on himself.

Fang Hong has used this sentence technique early now. Not surprisingly, when some celebrities, entertainers and other public figures have negative news in the future, most of them will use this sentence template to start public relations.

"Then I'll add a little more." He Xuan glanced at Fang Hongqiao and said with a coquettish smile, then retracted her gaze and focused on editing text on the phone screen.

After a while, the content of the text was quickly edited, and after a glance to confirm that there was no problem, it was directly posted on her Weibo account with the ID nickname "Xuanxuan":

[It’s not to show off and drive to school, but my home is far away from the school. The distance from Huayang Villa to school is more than 12 kilometers, so I can only drive to school, and even if I drive in traffic jams, I will still be late. As for the F50, the previous Lambo was sent to the car wash, and the F50 happened to be idle at home before driving this car to school. 】

[Driving to school is the same as riding to school. I hope everyone can look at the problem of transportation with a correct attitude. 】

【Due to my personal affairs, I unintentionally occupied public resources and caused trouble to everyone. Xuanxuan is deeply sorry. 】

"Take a look, it shouldn't be a problem, right?" He Xuan sent out the Weibo and handed the phone to Fang Hong. The latter glanced at the content of the Weibo and couldn't help shaking his head and laughingly: "Let me see it even after it's been sent out." What? Now, everyone on the Internet knows that you live in Huayang Villa, and you can't restrain your love to show off even after this incident..."

But with her flamboyant personality, it will be exposed sooner or later, which is not a big deal.

As a human being, it is normal to have a liking to some extent.

"How can I? They are just telling the facts, to explain why they drive to school, and they didn't say it on purpose." He Xuan opened her eyes and said nonsense, but immediately turned to playfully smiled and said: "It's so beautiful that it's invisible. You taught me the advanced gameplay, how about applying what you have learned now?"

Fang Hong couldn't help laughing, but after thinking for a while, he looked at his little girlfriend and said, "I'd better add another amulet to you..."

Hexuan suddenly pouts in doubt: "Amulet?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "As long as you show off your wealth from time to time to attract eyeballs, unless you are not active on the Internet in the future, otherwise the Internet public opinion will be late but not absent, and it will become an attack on you. One of the reasons, even donating money, if the timing is not right, you will still be scolded, so you have to predict the other party’s prediction in advance.”

Fang Hong paused for a moment and decided: "Tomorrow, I will donate 5 million yuan to the disaster area in your name to support the post-disaster reconstruction work, but remember that you must not take the initiative to expose this foolishly, otherwise the best results will not be achieved. .”

He Xuan said with a clever smile: "I know, you have taught me before, it's like doing a good deed without saying it but writing everything clearly in a diary, and then until one day someone accidentally discovers it and exposes it." ..."

Hearing this, Fang Hong nodded with satisfaction: "Sure enough, children can be taught. It's getting late, go to sleep."

In addition to donating 5 million to He Xuan in her name, Fang Hong also donated another 10 million in his own name. He would also face the same problems that He Xuan would face.

After all, God K's name is now well-known in the big A, and the scale of assets has reached "100 million" as a unit and is still expanding rapidly.

At that time, I will also inevitably be questioned "Why don't you donate when you are so rich", predict the predictions of these people in advance, donate but don't say it, and these people will jump out to attack at that time, and I don't have to say a word at all. Naturally, there will be die-hard fans who will come out to defend and those who start the middle line and face the snipers head-on.


(Ps: There is another update today. I saw that some book friends said that there is no chapter to talk about comments. There are comments. The comments you post can be seen in the backstage of the author, but they are not displayed in the text page and comment area. In the past few days, all books on the entire platform do not display comments. When will it be possible to display when the Kandianniang platform is open, but everyone’s comment authors can see it in the background)

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