My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1444 [The response of the capital market]

Amelika was indeed anxious. Dongda had developed the "shield", but they had not, and they were very anxious.

It was Dongda that could defend against EMP attacks, but the Magnesium Army could not. Dongda launched a round of EMP electromagnetic pulse attacks, paralyzing its advanced weapons and equipment, and the other side drove J-20 and drone groups to greet them, so they could only respond with rifles, which was tantamount to a dimensionality reduction attack.

Some people in the mainland were also "fooled" and bitterly denounced Xingyu Technology for publishing such an important technology at random and having no national defense awareness.

This was also a mistake, but Amelika's people saw this situation and felt that the paper was more reliable, and quickly referred to the paper to start reverse research engineering.

The paper published by Xingyu Technology was also paid attention to by peers in the new energy field, but unlike Amelika's sense of urgency, friendly companies in the new energy vehicle industry were not interested in this technology and did not plan to follow up with research.

Because everyone unanimously came to the same conclusion that this thing had no great practical effect on civilian new energy vehicles except for pretending.

The reason is very simple. The chances of using it are very small. Unless the S3 war is fully launched, and even the two of them start to grow mushrooms, civilian new energy vehicles will basically not use it.

Following Xingyu Technology to study this thing is a pure waste of money and an additional increase in costs in the eyes of friendly peers.

So peers don’t think that Xingyu Technology has such a unique technology and can bring much market competitiveness to new energy vehicles.

Then naturally they won’t follow.

Another friendly peer doesn’t have the money to be so pretentious. Xingyu Technology spends so much money every year. It seems that it is too much money to spend, so it has come up with such technology.

The views of peers and friendly peers are not wrong. Just looking at this technology from the perspective of new energy vehicles does seem to be quite tasteless and thankless.

However, there are many application scenarios for this technology. The first point is military benefits, which can be quickly applied. This technology can be integrated into a new generation of high-precision and high-value intelligent combat equipment.

In addition, the larger application scenario is space exploration. The future lunar scientific research station base can be used. You must know that the sun is the biggest producer of electromagnetic pulses, and it releases solar storms periodically every 11 to 15 years.

The earth is still protected by the geomagnetic field. As long as the solar wind is not too strong, basically there is no problem for artificial celestial bodies orbiting the earth.

However, the moon has no magnetic field, and most of the time it does not enjoy the indirect protection of the earth's magnetic field. At this time, artificial technology is needed to solve this problem. It can be said that this technology breakthrough by Xingyu Technology is a pre-technical technology that will light up the future large-scale expansion into deep space.

Including the construction of aerospace mother ports in the lunar orbit in the future, and even the construction plan of "Tianhe City" at the Earth-Moon Lagrange point L1 a hundred years later, this technology will also be needed. Of course, these are issues that will not be considered until at least half a century later.

After the weekend, it was Monday, June 10.

The A-share market opened as scheduled. Stimulated by the news on the weekend, the New Securities 50 Index opened higher at the auction.

The main factor is that Xingyu Technology has released a big positive news. The topic of "plasma shield" discussed online is one aspect, but the most important thing is that Fang Hong posted a Weibo. Although the content is not much, it makes people expect it.

He used keywords such as "king bomb" and "stable" in the Weibo, which not only strongly hinted that the day when Xingyu Technology launched its first new energy vehicle may be coming, but also a king bomb-level product.

If it weren't for this Weibo, no one would think about the release date of Xingyu Technology's first new energy vehicle, because there has been no news in the past five years, and it seems that there will be no news this year.

However, people from all walks of life outside, whether they are industry insiders or investors, do not doubt that Xingyu Technology is holding back a big move.

Just kidding, such a crazy investment is placed there, it is all real money and silver, and it can't be faked. No matter what, the product will not be too bad. Maybe the R\u0026D cost is too high and it will be sold at a high price, but everyone does not doubt the technical strength of Xingyu Technology.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the New Certificate 50 Index opened at an opening price of 4992.68 points, up +0.42%. The core contributing stock to the high opening of the index was Xingyu Technology. This stock opened at an opening price of 46.13 yuan today, up +3.53%. With such a large size, a high opening at a bidding price brought a net increase of more than 400 billion market value.

After the opening, Xingyu Technology's intraday time-sharing line opened high and stepped back to +2.27% to stop the decline. At 9:22, it began to fluctuate and rise. 10 minutes later, it returned to the opening price again and fluctuated all the way up. The New Certificate 50 Index also successfully regained the 5,000-point mark again, and continued to fluctuate upward with the help of Xingyu Technology.

The New Certificate 50 Index is currently 500 points away from its historical high of 5554.06 points, but Xingyu Technology is currently near its historical high. The five consecutive positive rebounds at the end of last month were led by funds to pull Xingyu Technology to the top.

As time went by, after 10 a.m., the new energy vehicle concept sector began to continue to strengthen, and Xingyu Technology's intraday increase expanded to 5 percentage points, while Xingyu Technology's industrial chain concept sectors collectively rose sharply. This technology giant now has an extremely large supply chain system behind it.

New energy vehicle concept stocks in the neighboring Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets also strengthened, such as Lianchuang Optoelectronics, Luxiao Technology and other stocks that hit the daily limit, and Huada Technology, Guoxuan High-tech and other stocks followed suit.

The increase in the New Certificate 50 Index also expanded to 2 percentage points, reversing the negative line of last Friday. Many people who bought the bottom and adjusted half a point last Friday also made money today.

After the market had been on the rise for a period of time, the upward momentum slowed down at noon. The two neighboring markets had been closed. The New Certificate 50 Index of the SGX market, which was not closed at noon, fell back, mainly because Xingyu Technology fell back to +4.55% and then fluctuated at this position.

The stock is currently in a state of breaking through the historical high but not breaking through. Today's trading volume is also obviously increasing, and turnover is also increasing.

At around 13:47 in the afternoon, Xingyu Technology's trend strengthened again, fluctuating upward all the way to break through the high point of the early trading, and it is still continuing to increase its volume. The trading volume of this stock at this moment is quite exaggerated.

At around 14:23, major market software pushed the message:

[Xingyu Technology continued to strengthen, the increase expanded to +7.22%, setting a new historical high, the current trading volume of the stock exceeded 100 billion]

At the same time, driven by Xingyu Technology, the super big guy, the New Certificate 50 Index also strengthened again, successfully regained the 5100 point mark, breaking through the high point of the five-day rebound last month and setting a recent high.

The market's trading volume has also increased significantly. Now investors generally confirm that the second bottoming action has been completed. The market index of 4875.15 points should be the stage bottom of this round of adjustment. The New Certificate 50 Index is about to start to attack again.

Off-market wait-and-see funds also entered the market today.

As of the close, the New Certificate 50 Index rose by +2.88% to close at 5115.15 points. The full-day trading volume of the SGX market increased to 871.6 billion, compared with 608.3 billion on the previous trading day, today's increase of 263.3 billion.

In today's market conditions, the SGX market is obviously stronger than the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. It can even be said that the two neighboring markets were brought up by the SGX market. The Shanghai Composite Index only rebounded by +0.86% and is still at the 2,800 point level.

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