My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1464 [A series and R series positioned as million-level luxury cars]

Weekend afternoon, Xingyu Technology Headquarters.

Fang Hong came to the company. All the outsiders who came here to participate in the press conference have now left. Only some people who successfully won the lottery to participate in the "Pioneer Experience Program" will come from time to time to pick up their cars and leave.

However, when Fang Hong came over, he was still recognized by some people who won the lottery and said hello in a friendly manner. Some people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures without stopping him.

At this moment, Fang Hong came to the R\u0026D center of Xingyu Technology's new energy vehicle department.

"Compared with BYD and other low-end brands, our A-series products..." When the person in charge of the department was introducing it to Fang Hong, Fang Hong suddenly interrupted him and said: "Let me mention something first. I suggest that in the future, we at Xingyu Technology should not talk about the words 'low-end products' or 'low-end market'."

As soon as these words came out, the accompanying person in charge and Qin Feng and others present were stunned for a moment, and Fang Hong looked around at everyone and said: "Such words are more hurtful, whether they are manufacturers developing low-end products or using Consumers of low-end products often feel uncomfortable being classified as low-end. If the product you use is low-end, you will feel a little unhappy. "

After a moment of pause, Fang Hong said slowly: "We should not use such words in the future. We should use objective and neutral words such as 'mainstream products', 'mainstream groups', and 'mainstream markets' to describe them. This is not about high emotional intelligence or not." It’s a matter of basic cultivation. At present, 70% of the people in our country buy cars with a price of less than 200,000 yuan. This is the reality and current situation of our country.”

The group of people present heard what Fang Hong said, and everyone nodded. Then, indeed, the prefix word "low-end" no longer appeared, but the word "mainstream" was used to describe it.

This word can not only make people feel decent but also not discriminatory, and it is also an accurate description, because the vast majority of ordinary people can currently only afford cars with more than 100,000 and less than 200,000, and this consumer group accounts for 70 %, such a proportion is the mainstream group and the mainstream market, and the products provided for this group are mainstream products.

The two cars of Xingyu Technology are positioned in the mid-to-high-end market, targeting the 30% or so of the middle-income group. Xingyu Technology can use words such as "high-end" and "luxury" to describe its products. There is no problem with this. .

After the interlude, Fang Hong focused his attention on the two brand-new models in front of him. These were obviously not the SCN-3 and SCU-3.

Its smooth and powerful body lines clearly show the unique appearance design style of Xingyu Technology, and are in line with the calm and calm temperament of the Chinese people.

At first glance, the first intuitive impression given by these two cars is that of top luxury cars.

The beauty displayed by these two cars not only has a fashionable personality that is in line with the technological era, but also is full of the restrained temperament of "the heaven and the earth are beautiful without saying anything". They perfectly reflect the romantic expression unique to the Chinese people and are exceptionally elegant. .

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the two cars and said: "These two cars were finalized almost at the same time as N3 and U3, but we plan to hold on to them first. First, we will give up production to N3 and U3, and second, we will let N3 and U3 go first." Let’s shine for a while first.”

Fang Hong nodded in approval: "Yes, there is no problem in doing so."

The market positioning of these two cars is top luxury cars, namely A series and R series.

In fact, the operation team of Xingyu Technology has long thought about the situation where some wealthy bosses do not want to "follow the crowd". They have also considered that some bosses want to reflect their noble status and form an identity difference with others. .

It doesn't make sense not to make money, of course, it must be arranged for the rich bosses, so the relevant plans have been made long ago, and the premiums for the cars sold to the bosses are very high, and the bosses don't care if they are sold at high premiums. What they care about is face and interpreting the identity gap between themselves and others through external objects.

The A series and R series models are mainly targeted at the million-plus market. The former is a luxury large sedan, and the latter is a luxury SUV.

It is worth mentioning that the A series and R series developed by Xingyu Technology do not have gasoline-electric hybrid models, but are all pure electric drive models, because the gasoline-electric hybrid model itself is a compromise solution, and its greatest significance is to leverage Die-hard fans of gas-powered cars are switching to electric vehicles.

Almost the vast majority of car owners who have driven a gasoline-electric hybrid model will eventually choose a pure electric drive model.

As for the reason why the A series and R series do not have gasoline-electric hybrid models, it is too simple, because the market positioning of these two models is bosses and wealthy people, and they do not care about cost-effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, etc.

What they want is comfort, what they want is to reflect identity differences, what they want is that they have it but others don’t.

For them, the gasoline-electric hybrid is a negative item. As for power, the purely electric power system is stronger. The bosses may not be able to use it, but they must have it, and it is awesome.

At this time, Fang Hong asked: "What price did these two cars sell for?"

Qin Feng immediately replied: "The A series currently has two models. The standard version is currently priced at 1.3 million, and the top version is 5.6 million. The R series also has two models. The standard version is currently priced at 1.5 million, and the top version is currently priced at 1.5 million. Edition 6.8 million.”

Hearing this, Fang Hong nodded.

Qin Feng continued, "However, in terms of earning power, we still have to look at the N series and U series products, which have the ability to sell in large quantities. After all, the domestic middle-income group accounts for 30% of the huge market size of about 300 to 400 million people. Although the premium of the A series and R series luxury cars is high, the market size is destined to be niche."

Obviously, in building the A series and R series luxury car brands, making money is secondary and incidental, and its main purpose is to tell the brand story.

The characteristics of these two series of models are not only expensive, but also have some non-universal functions and industrial design elements that are exclusive to the model, that is, only this car has them and other cars do not.

In the future, there will be a limited edition of tens of millions of models for these two series, including pure electric drive top supercars, which will only be produced in limited quantities of six or seven or a dozen cars and then discontinued. The price is tens of millions. Even if there are many buyers, there will definitely be no extra production.

This thing is definitely not profitable, but the purpose is not to make money, but to tell the brand story, talk about its own car culture and value theory.

To put it bluntly, only a few people can afford it to have a topic, thereby raising the high-end value recognition of the entire brand.

Foreign auto giants also have many sub-brands, such as Maybach, Lamborghini, etc. These sub-brands actually don't make much money, let alone big money, but they can add points to their brand value.

Xingyu Technology is undoubtedly going to make a luxury car worth tens of millions, and Xingyu Technology also has the ability to be a world-class brand. In this regard, there are really few companies in China that can be compared with Xingyu Technology.

Once such a high-end value recognition is successfully created, it will feed back to the N series and U series products for more consumer groups. Simply put, the N series and U series products will also be further driven to raise the level because of the same car logo.

Just like foreign brands such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, there are also cheap products, but consumers have a deep impression of this brand as a high-end, luxury car, and they think it is a luxury car when they see the car logo of these brands.

The reason is the same. In the future, when the Xingyu Technology brand is deeply rooted in people's hearts and recognized as a high-end and luxury car, people will also think that the N series and U series products are luxury cars.

Moreover, the Xingyu Technology brand itself is already synonymous with high-end and high-tech. This makes it easier to tell the story of high-end luxury cars than other brands, and it is also easier to accept and recognize. This is also an important reason why Xingyu Technology is more capable than other domestic companies to create a world-class brand.

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