My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1486 [The reversal is coming]

Tian Jiayi left the living room for a while and then came back again. At the same time, he brought a laptop and handed it to Fang Hong. The latter opened the computer and logged into his personal Weibo account. However, he did not post immediately, but looked at the latest news online. Public opinion consultation.

At this moment, public opinion was overwhelmingly criticizing Zhong Chuliang. There were even mainstream media newspapers or well-known big Vs who took the lead in condemning Zhong Chuliang. They criticized Zhong Chuliang's behavior as a "serious dereliction of duty" and "disturbing" and denounced it. It discredits the industry and embarrasses Guo Jiadi Enterprises.

The words expressed the sentiments of many melon-eating netizens at this moment. They were all rushing to criticize and criticize, but few people calmed down and thought about the details. However, it is understandable. After all, no one can be careless about food safety. Anyone who is left behind will immediately become anxious.


Fang Hong suddenly laughed three times and seemed to be talking to himself: "As expected, these rebel lackeys were too anxious and could not sit still, so they began to advocate comprehensive measures in the grain field. Privatization supports the four major grain merchants to enter the domestic market.”

Tian Jiayi on the side could not help but glance at the screen. Just as the public opinion field was overwhelmingly denounced Zhong Chugrain, as expected, some big Vs or some experts began to suggest liberalizing the grain field to carry out comprehensive privatization and introducing foreign investment. To regulate the entire grain market and other remarks, they denounced the monopoly in the grain field as the main culprit for this situation, and vowed that if we let it go, anyone who dares to do this will be eliminated from the market.

After a while, Fang Hong closed these information pages, and then began to edit the blog post and publish it:

[The tank truck mixed-loading incident has become a hot topic. I have read a lot of reports, but I found that there is a very key detail in many reports. Where do these "mixed" oils go? Who is the buyer? What baffles me is that none of the reports mention it.

Anyone with a little bit of thinking knows that if you want to find out the buyer, don't you just have to follow him? It is not reported that the reporter has been secretly tracking for several months, and it is not a problem to spend a few more days. But the reporter stopped abruptly after entering the warehouse, which inevitably led to some bad inferences: Did you deliberately not investigate? Or is it that we have found out, but are unwilling or unable to tell the truth due to some reasons?

Another thing to mention, I just listened to the latest report from Qunxing Medical Group. The free clinic team at the source of the incident only detected that the minerals in the finished dishes did exceed the standard. However, the team only tested the finished dishes, so the situation at that time should be The team is not sure that the cooking oil exceeds the standard. It may also be other seasonings, main dishes or even the cooking pot.

It’s interesting that the media reported that the free clinic team had detected excessive levels of minerals in edible oil. I don’t know if this was an oversight on the part of the media or a deliberate attempt to confuse the public.

In my opinion, there is a hidden story in this matter, and depending on how things develop, the final truth will eventually emerge. 】

This matter originally attracted much attention because it had some relationship with the stars. Now even the top star K God has posted a comment on this matter, and the popularity has once again soared to a higher level. However, everyone is seeing this blog post by Fang Hong. At that time, many melon-eating netizens who were originally filled with indignation also calmed down a lot.

Because the series of questions raised by Fang Hong in his blog post were indeed ignored by many people. Everyone was scolding and no one thought about it in depth. As Fang Hong raised the questions, everyone looked at them again and thought about it, and found that it was true. Makes sense.

The logic of these questions is very clear, but in fact, the major media did not mention a word. This leaves a huge logical loophole, especially the most vicious media organizations such as a certain alarm report, which broke the news. from.

As Fang Hong's blog post was published and quickly spread, thousands of melon-eating netizens also felt that this matter was not that simple.

What has to be said is that Fang Hong's standing up and speaking out has greatly reduced the pressure on Zhong Chuliang in the public opinion field. Zhong Chuliang did initially doubt whether the man behind this was the Qunxing Group.

But as Fang Hong, the founder of Qunxing, stood up and published this article, Zhong Chuliang immediately understood that this was not the Qunxing Group but another force. If he thought about it carefully, he knew that with Fang Hong's current status and influence, and All his past deeds have been in line with national strategies, and he has a clear sense of alignment. It is indeed impossible to do such a thing.

However, it also revealed that Guo Jia's company was unable to fight back in this kind of public opinion war and had been passively being beaten.

Zhong Chuliang spoke out the next day.

A special investigation on the pollution risks of grain and oil transportation vehicles was immediately carried out. On the basis of requiring the affiliated oil and fat companies to carry out the investigation, the special investigation was carried out in depth throughout the system.

This matter even alarmed the higher-ups, who jointly organized a special investigation team from six departments to handle the matter.

Obviously, the higher-ups immediately realized that someone was "Xiangzhuang dancing his sword with the intention of Pei Gong". There was a thief who wanted to tear a hole in the national food security strategy. These thieves did not realize that in this land, even if they did not say At present, even all dynasties in history have attached great importance to food, because this is a national issue, and food cannot be tolerated in an area controlled or dominated by others.

Another day passed, Tuesday, November 12th, and the reversal really came!

Someone discovered a bug in the more than 50-second video of the so-called media report and the revelation. The oil was sold by Zhongchuliang, but why was there no follow-up to whom it was sold? Fang Hong questioned this in his latest blog post.

Some netizens with great powers followed this logic to verify and found that the license plate number was forgotten to be covered in the so-called revelation video. So they found the track of the tanker and found that the tanker frequently entered and exited a foreign-funded factory.

This foreign-funded company has a cooperative relationship with the exposing media, which explains why the spearhead is directed at Guo Jia's team enterprises and the argument of liberalizing foreign investment, but never mentions where the oil went.

And where it went is obviously the key to the problem.

But in the current public opinion field, all the spearheads are aimed at the seller Zhongchuliang. The tankers were hired by the buyer, but the buyer was perfectly invisible in this incident.

Now more and more people have finally reacted. Zhongchuliang is the seller, and the oil produced itself is fine. It is the buyer who paid for the fleet. Only the buyer who paid is qualified to check whether the fleet has been cleaned. Why did the buyer hide perfectly in this incident, and why did the spearhead point directly at the opening of foreign investment?

More and more people understand the hidden tricks of this incident. The latest comments on Fang Hongfa's blog post are also a big reversal.

[Sure enough, there is a hidden story, and it is really a reversal. It is not about edible oil at all. The reporter really ate the blood of others and did not report responsibly at all. He only reported the upstream and not the downstream. He must have thought that this is a good news with good traffic, so he released it against his conscience. ]

[After this incident came out, a bunch of guys who advocated foreign grain traders to enter the country, everyone should pay attention to identify. ]

[Interesting, that can explain why a certain shocking report did not mention the downstream destination, because it must know that it would not be able to lead the rhythm. ]

[In fact, the largest sales in the market are already foreign companies, such as a certain Longyu, what else do you want? ]

[My family does not have so many risks. In addition to the lard refined by ourselves, the edible oil at home is taken from those grain and oil workshops. It tastes good and is safe. ]

[Those who advocate foreign grains and oils are all internal traitors. ]

[How many national brands have been killed by them like this? This is their usual dirty trick. The old Lotus MSG is an example. At that time, they shouted chicken essence every day, but it turned out to be MSG...]

[The four major foreign grain traders ABCD want to monopolize, they are crazy. ]

[No matter what, no matter how much they advocate, we must not let foreign capital control our rice bowls. Look at what they have done in Mexico and South America? Can you believe that there is hunger in such a rich land as Brazil? Because even rainwater belongs to Wall Street capitalists, you have to pay for it, and they set the price high. If you don’t have money, you will starve. ]

[Indeed, no matter how blunt the knife of Zhongchuliang is, it is still a weapon in our hands. No matter how sharp the foreign capital is, it is still in the hands of others. It only takes a word from them to kill us. ]

[If Zhong Chuliang has problems, the main person in charge should be severely punished, but if foreign capital wants to take the opportunity to kill Zhong Chuliang, it must be firmly opposed. These are two different things, one for the other]

…(End of this chapter)

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