My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1499 [Putting the opponent in a dilemma]

As time went by, a large amount of content discussing the great Eastern countries suddenly appeared on major external platforms, covering all aspects from humanities to history, from economy to technology.

In fact, they are just showing objective facts, but even so, the squid's defenses were broken.

Because there is no harm without comparison. Just a video of the subway comparison shocked countless people who saw Amalica for the first time. However, the video of the fire was no longer visible half an hour later because it was already It was knocked off the oil pipeline platform.

But it doesn’t matter, there is still a vast amount of content on the way.

At this time, major platforms have received private notices from some big bosses and are required to immediately delete the positive information about Eastern countries that is flooded on the platform and cannot allow it to spread wildly on the platform.

Want to open your eyes and see the world? Don't open it, close it!

Major social platforms on the Internet began to frantically delete posts, videos, and comments, and of course blocked a large number of accounts.

"Oh, Gift Crab! Madvac!"

An Instagram user was roaring angrily at his mobile phone screen because he found that his account was inexplicably blocked by the platform on the grounds that it violated community management regulations and banned his account.

The reason why he was so angry was that he didn't actually do anything illegal. He just visited the celebrity singers and idols he followed, then clicked a few likes, and that was it.

At this moment, there were many people like him who had been tricked, and most of them were roaring.

It’s not just the Instagram platform. Users of Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Reddit and other online platforms have all been sanctioned, banned, or had their accounts blocked for no apparent reason.

And the number of people is still increasing as time goes by.

Obviously, the real human users on these platforms are people who have been "accidentally injured", because at this moment, all major platforms are carrying out crazy operations of deleting posts, banning people, and blocking accounts. Most of the AI-hosted robot accounts have been blocked by the platform. .

But at the same time, there are also many real real-person users of the platform who are also regarded as AI robot accounts, or it is believed that these accounts are publishing some information they do not want to see, and then they are sanctioned to varying degrees.

This is exactly what Fang Hong wants to achieve. This time the AI ​​army is sent to attack. With the support of highly intelligent AI technology, the opponent is destined to be unable to achieve the best of both worlds.

If you want to quickly curb the spread of information on the platform, you have to quickly delete posts and ban accounts on a large scale. However, this will cause a lot of accidental damage, causing some real users to interact inexplicably or incorrectly on the platform. Be banned, or have your content blocked by the platform.

If we don't want to accidentally injure a large number of real users, it means that the cost of handling this matter will soar exponentially, and the efficiency will be very slow. In other words, information cannot be prevented from spreading rapidly on the platform.

Between preventing the rapid spread of information and accidentally injuring real users, you cannot have both. If you choose the former, you cannot have both, and vice versa.

The current situation is that the opponents have obviously chosen the former. In order to prevent the rapid spread of information, they would rather accidentally injure real users on the platform.

At present, a large number of robot accounts hosted by AI are being processed. Fang Hong doesn't care about this at all. He will block and sanction them casually. When the platform has processed one million accounts, two million or even three million have been automatically generated here. account.

The AI ​​army generated intelligently is endless, and every real user who is accidentally injured means one less user of the platform.

The incident had just happened, and the major social media platforms on the Internet did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Although they did not want to accidentally hurt real users of the platform, they did the math and found that the cost was too high to accept.

And there is no way to deal with the big boss behind the scenes, so for real users, if they are accidentally injured, they are accidentally hurt. What the big boss orders is the key.

The next day.

"After 24 hours of operation, we have launched more than 30 million AI accounts on major external platforms. Currently, more than 13.5 million accounts have been processed by opponents. The current number is estimated to have soared to 15 million." At this moment, Chen Yu and Da BOSS Fang Hong started a single-line video communication and reported the situation to Big BOSS.

After a while, Chen Yu added: "The opponent's response ability is relatively fast, and the processing efficiency is much faster than I expected."

After hearing this, Fang Hong smiled and said: "Magnesium West is a hardcore player in the public opinion field after all. They have been playing this method for so many years. With all their experience, it is not too surprising that they have such processing efficiency. "

Chen Yu suddenly said with confidence: "But it's useless. I'm technically attacking them with dimensionality reduction. In just one day, more than 20 million new accounts have been generated. The new account in my hand is this It is still being generated every moment, unless the major platforms close the registration channels.”

In the current game stage, AI accounts generated recently are used to launch an offensive. As long as the opponent cannot break it, they will keep using this trick. The billions of accounts that have been dormant in the past few years will continue to be unmoving until the opponent breaks the current trick. Increase the intensity.

Once a large number of old accounts that are dormant join in, it means that more real users will be accidentally injured, and it will be a large-scale accidental injury.

As for the present, as long as the major external network platforms do not close the account registration channel, then the automatic registration will be generated. New accounts are being generated here frantically. No matter how many are processed, they cannot be processed. They cannot be processed at all.

Moreover, the power of the AI ​​accounts registered recently is actually very powerful, because they are quietly lurking on the mobile phones or PC devices of major real users. If the opponent processes the IP addresses in a targeted manner, these real users will be shot. At that time, the major platforms will inevitably arouse public outrage, and a large number of real users will feel disgusted with the major platforms.

At last, Fang Hong smiled and said: "You can just do it according to the plan. Lao Mei will definitely mention our Qunxing name, especially the name of Matrix Quantum, so you can't leave any handles here, and then bite to death."

At present, worldwide, the only one that can play AI so well is recognized by the industry as Matrix Quantum.

In other words, the only company that has the ability to stir up such a big stir in the global public opinion field and make all the major network platforms around the world in a mess is Qunxing Group. Others cannot do it because they do not have the technical foundation.

Fang Hong was very clear about this when he decided to do this, but so what?

But as long as Lao Mei does not dare to confront Dongda head-on, then even if everyone in the world knows that it was Qunxing who did it, as long as Qunxing itself firmly denies the three consecutive times, Lao Mei will have no way to deal with it.

There is a saying that goes, when Ah Mei says you have weapons of mass destruction, you'd better have them.

After ending the video call with Chen Yu, Fang Hong immediately called Tian Jiayi and ordered: "Tik-Tok should privately say hello to the largest shareholder. If the Tik-Tok team also receives pressure from the squid crocodile, if Zhang can't stand it, the largest shareholder should come forward to stop it. Withstand the pressure and follow the explicit regulations. Any unspoken rules should be pushed back."

Tian Jiayi nodded: "Well, okay."


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