My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1515 [Taking advantage of the situation and adding fuel to the fire]

After a while, Chen Yu, who was attending the meeting, couldn't help but said: "In this case, can we take advantage of the opportunity to reap some benefits? The proportion of foreign capital in the SGX market has reached 8.9%, which is close to 9 percentage points, corresponding to a market value of 6.7 trillion. "

As soon as these words came out, Fang Hong did not answer him directly, but said a digression: "The Song Dynasty calculated an economic account and found that paying tribute was more cost-effective than going to war directly. From an economic perspective, it was indeed correct. But it also broke my spine.”

When Fang Hong said this, he glanced at Chen Yu's video and added: "Our galaxy is not a small workshop now, it has a huge impact. Every major decision will have a huge impact on the entire country's economy. We cannot simply calculate the economy. account.”

Hearing this, Chen Yu thought for a while and couldn't help but said: "I understand. I really didn't expect this level. I'm a bit short-sighted."

Fang Hong said unhurriedly: "Trillions are indeed a lot, but it is still just a small profit. Don't lose the big because of the small. We must understand the main and secondary contradictions and what the main direction of the main contradiction is. We The main contradiction now is the competition between the SGX market and the Beijing Magnesium Capital Market.”

"If we take advantage of this juncture to severely cut off the foreign capital that comes to play in our venue, who will dare to come in the future? Isn't this meant to be realized to relieve liquidity pressure in the Bei Magnesium Capital Market?"

Trillions are of course an extremely astronomical figure, but compared to the replacement of the SGX Capital Market by the Northern Magnesium Capital Market, and compared to the dilution of magnesium stocks, it is a complete small profit.

Fang Hong said with a smile: "If the magnesium stock market crashes this time, the Squidward Group will definitely take the opportunity to take advantage of the long and short positions. We, the SGX market, will do the opposite at this time. He, old magnesium, will The Squid Group is harvesting global capital. Not only will the SGX market not take advantage of the situation, it will also provide help in times of crisis to minimize the losses of investors. "

Everyone present understood that if the Squid Ang Group took advantage of the opportunity to reap a harvest, it would seem to make a lot of money, but in fact it was extremely short-sighted. Just like the Song Dynasty's tribute of annual coins, it seemed that the economic accounts were cost-effective, but in fact it made the entire government and the public unhappy. He couldn't hold his head up and his spine was broken.

Fang Hong's move, which seems like a thankless altruistic act, makes him suffer a lot, but it is very popular. In the future, global capital will only be more willing to come to the SGX market in the East to play.

Especially in the Squid Group, such a cut creates a strong contrast, which further highlights that the Xinjiao market is the real favorite.

At this time, Chen Yu said again: "Then the peripheral market has to be cut off, right? Especially the Bei Magnesium Capital Market."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "That's natural. The parent company has already laid out the plan. You, Matrix Quantum, can follow suit and make a little profit, especially from Bei Magnesium Capital Market. No matter how hard it is, it will take some effort."

When the Bei Mei stock market continues to melt down, Ah Mei will try his best to print money to pull the stock market up. He will never dare to let the stock market really collapse, because if the stock market really collapses, Ah Mei will also collapse. Therefore, unlimited money printing must also be supported.

In this regard, Fang Hong's strategy is of course to take advantage of his illness to kill him, which will definitely add fuel to the fire.

However, I don’t expect that this wave can really kill Ah Mei, but it is no problem to take half of his life. The more ruthless the attack, the greater the cost of Ah Mei’s efforts to lift the stock market, and more books will have to be printed. Crazy money to expand debt will lead to a larger scale of debt.

Fang Hong's goal is to make Ah Mei pay as big a price as possible.

By then, Ah Mei will not even be able to repay the interest on its debt, which amounts to trillions of dollars in interest per month. If the debt reaches this level, Ah Mei will definitely not be able to repay it. Once it defaults, the U.S. dollar will collapse.

If you don’t want to default and collapse, you will have to double and continue to super-double your debt, but it will eventually collapse, because this is a typical case of drinking poison to quench thirst, and the longer you delay, the more the earth will collapse when the thunder explodes. Ah Mei was pulled into the abyss together.

After the video conference ended, the heads of the participating subsidiaries of the major clusters also began to make arrangements to free up cash flow and prepare to buy back their own company's stocks in the next market support task.

Fang Hong came to the trading room on the second floor of the villa, and he entered a trading code for the SGX market.

The screen quickly jumped to Pinduoduo's time-sharing market. This e-commerce company did not go public in the United States in this life. Instead, it was registered and listed on the SGX in the second half of 2018.

Because of the birth of the SGX market, many Internet companies that would have originally gone public in the United States chose to list on the SGX. Pinduoduo is one of them, including Jingdong, which was listed earlier than Pinduoduo. registered and listed.

At present, the total market value of the company Pinduoduo is just over 150 billion yuan.

Fang Hong looked at the time-sharing handicap and couldn't help but search the memory of his previous life in his brain. In his previous life, Pinduoduo, which was listed on the Magnesium Stock Exchange, had a market value of about 50 billion U.S. dollars at this point in time. At the same time, Ali, which was listed on the Magnesium Stock Exchange, had a market value of about $50 billion. Around US$500 billion, the size difference between the two is an order of magnitude.

Now Pinduoduo’s market value is 150 billion, equivalent to about 21.5 billion U.S. dollars. Ali’s market value, which is listed on the magnesium stock market, has soared to 600 billion U.S. dollars. The difference in size between the two is nearly 28 times. about.

Pinduoduo's current market value is definitely not suppressed or underestimated, but the company's current valuation is worth 150 billion yuan, and it will not be valued at more than 350 billion yuan like Fang Hong's previous life.

Similarly, Ali's market value has increased by 100 billion US dollars in the current world, and it is not overvalued at present.

Because there is no downgrade in current consumption, Pinduoduo can rise and even reach the peak of 200 billion US dollars in the previous life. A key factor is consumption downgrade, of course, including the major strategic mistakes of competitor Ali in operational decision-making

In this life, due to the rise of the stars, the birth of the new exchange market and other factors and variables, not only has there been no consumption downgrade, but it is also upgrading rapidly.

The GDP growth rate has been a high double-digit growth for two consecutive years. Last year, the total consumption exceeded 50 trillion. Such an economic environment and situation is far better than that of Fang Hong's previous life in 2019.

Pinduoduo naturally cannot have the glory of the previous life, which once reached a market value of more than 200 billion US dollars. In a sense, the performance of this company can also reflect whether the current economic environment is consumption upgrading or consumption downgrading.

If Pinduoduo's performance exceeds expectations and its market value soars, it means that everyone is downgrading consumption, the economic situation is not optimistic, and people have to be frugal in their lives.

But the current economic environment is so good that it is far from comparable to 2019 in Fang Hong's previous life.

Pinduoduo's performance is naturally unlikely to have explosive growth. It can only honestly cultivate the sinking market and wait for Ali, who is currently sitting in the top position of e-commerce, to make mistakes.

However, Pinduoduo's market value will definitely continue to rise, because the current environment is about to usher in an era of flooding liquidity, especially this year's black swan, A-Mei has started unlimited quantitative easing, and nuclear-powered printing presses have unlimited printing of money. All asset prices will usher in a surge in the past one or two years, especially this year.

Pinduoduo's market value is naturally impossible to stay at 150 billion. Fang Hong estimates that it will be pushed up to about 500 billion by then. However, whether it can maintain a market value of 500 billion in the end depends on how well Pinduoduo cultivates the sinking market and whether Pinduoduo can seize the opportunity when Ali makes a mistake.

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