My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1556 [Amei just came into contact with restrictions and we seamlessly connect the control]

At about 16:00 in the afternoon, an hour after the market time, a piece of news came out and quickly triggered heated discussions outside.

Multiple departments jointly issued a notice, deciding to adjust the export control measures for specific drone pilot aircraft and related items, which will be officially implemented on July 1.

Now it becomes interesting. Amei just announced yesterday that drone companies such as Kunpeng and DJI were removed from the import blacklist, and today Azhong quickly controlled the export of drones.

And the time node is exactly the same day.

When the news was just announced, everyone was stunned when they saw the news, and then they couldn't help but smile.

This is obviously a very serious and serious matter, but it was made into a bit of entertainment and humor, a bit like fun news, attracting countless netizens to watch and comment.

[I couldn't help laughing when I saw this news, hahahaha, the main feature is a seamless connection, right? ]

[You guys connected well...]

[It's so funny, Achou just lifted the purchase restrictions, and then we imposed export restrictions! ]

[I suspect this is playing with Ah Chou's mentality, hahaha! ]

[This is no longer a question of whether you buy it or not, but a question of whether I buy it or not... (Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[Won't this force Meiguo to produce drones on its own? ]

[Happy! If Ah Chou can make it himself, why would he need to blacklist our two drone companies? ]

[The patents in the field of drones are all occupied by Kunpeng and DJI, and Ah Mei can't get around... (covering face.jpg)]

[This thing must have an industrial chain to make it, okay, do you think he can make it independently? Just a component is an indispensable link in the industrial chain. ]

[A Mei's investors and companies are not stupid. What if they invested their money and just mass-produced and were ready to sell it, and we suddenly fully liberalized exports and the price was 50% cheaper or something, their companies would be dead on the spot and lose all their money... (manually funny)]

[Wouldn't it be better to raise the price? Don't kill an industry when it matures. ]

[The meaning of control is to ask them to negotiate. If the negotiation is successful, we will sell it to you at a high price. If the negotiation is not successful, we will not sell it to you. It is nothing. ]

[Many people do not understand it well. Export control is not a ban on exports. It is just that who to sell to and what to sell must be approved. The strategic and tactical status of drones is now skyrocketing, and control must also keep up. ]

[My understanding is that control is to make more people rely on us to earn money from Amei. Resale will increase the price to Amei. Others have to look at our face to get a bite of food. This is very clever. ]

[It is so funny. The germs are broken again. As soon as the news of export control came out, there were so many dogs barking. We have been persecuted for so many years. We have been persecuted for importing any technology and equipment. Why don’t you guys feel so sad? ]

[Those who talk as if they can’t survive without Amei’s market, on the contrary, Amei can’t live without our products. ]

[In fact, the military, border defense, agriculture and even many fire departments in Afghanistan are using drones from DJI or Kunpeng. They tried to find alternatives, but found that they were not easy to use and were very expensive. ]

[The funniest thing is that Afghanistan ordered them not to buy drones, and they really didn't buy them, so they rented drones from third-party companies. As a result, the drones from third-party companies were still from DJI Kunpeng, and they asked for more budget, haha! ]

[There are several major drone brands in Afghanistan and Israel, why do you have to talk about DIJ Kunpeng? ]

[What did you say? Are you living in another parallel world? DJI has a 65% global market share in the civilian drone market, and the second is also ours, that's right, Kunpeng, which accounts for about 20%. The most popular commercial drone in North America is DJI, and it also accounts for 70% of the North American drone market. It is also recognized by Afghanistan as a world-class top product.

Besides, Kunpeng Technology not only has a 20% share in the civilian market, but also has a 77% share in the global military drone market, which is almost a monopoly. DJI and Kunpeng together have directly monopolized both the civilian and military drone markets. ]

[Come on, buddy, why are you saying this? You might be interacting with a robot's comments on a post. No normal person would say such a thing. ]


Amei first relaxed the import control of drones, and Dongda tightened the export control of drones. This can be said to be a seamless connection, which made everyone laugh. Netizens said it was really a reversal of the heavens.

Moreover, the time nodes were stuck on the same day, which clearly showed that it was precisely targeted, just to mess with Amei's mentality.

On the second day, affected by this news, DJI Technology and Kunpeng Technology, which had hit the daily limit on Monday, fell back by -4.67% and -3.99% on Tuesday respectively. If there was no news of export control, they would most likely have the opportunity to advance to the second consecutive daily limit.

Because the news from Amei said that it would purchase a huge scale of 30 million drones in total.

However, today's correction is only affected by the news in the short term. Some netizens did analyze and guess some logic. Once this regulation comes out, the price of drone products will definitely increase further.

One of the main purposes of regulation is to wait for the other party to negotiate. If the negotiation is successful, they can sell it to you at a high price. If the negotiation is not successful, they will not sell it to you.

It is indeed true that they are deliberately targeting people and have a mentality of amnesia, but it is definitely not just for the purpose of targeting people. This can only be regarded as incidental at most, and the main purpose is to make money.

In the field of drones, the current industry structure is that DJI focuses on the civilian market, and Kunpeng focuses on the military market. It is not for nothing that the two companies are called "two heroes" in the field of drones. These two companies alone are very interested in the military market. and civilian use to form a global market dual monopoly pattern.

Therefore, we have enough confidence to increase prices, and we are not afraid of overturning at all.

Because not only Amnesia, but also the entire Magnesium West, it is too late for them to replace the two heroes with their own local brands.

Prices can go up, but of course they can also come down.

If Magnesium West develops its own local brand, after their companies have almost invested enough, Kunpeng and DJI will suddenly and fiercely compete in the market at this time, and each will carry out crazy price reductions and promotions in order to seize market share. All kinds of price wars.

The result will definitely be another fight between the first and second players, with the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dead...

In the past, when magnesium companies had technological monopoly advantages, they would set the price extremely high if you did not have independent products. You would not buy it if you wanted to buy it. Once an independent company launched a product, they would immediately cut the price significantly.

Many domestic independent brands have also been ruined by this trick, and many companies have lost all their money and closed down with regret.

Now it can be regarded as treating him in his own way. After all, he has turned himself into the person he once hated the most, but don't say it, this is indeed a good old nose.

Now the people over at Ou Mei don’t dare to do it themselves even if they want to.

If there is a sudden price reduction of -50%, and if it is not enough, the price will be reduced by another -50% on the basis of -50%. Who can bear this kind of gameplay?

The people of Ou Mei know this kind of gameplay very well, because they have played this way before, so no one dares to take this risk easily, and capital does not dare to finance such a company, fearing that the money invested will be wasted.

However, there are still very European local brands popping up, but they all tell stories and play with concepts. Those who play like this can attract investors, but if they want to be serious, the investors will turn away without saying a word.

All in all, in the field of drones, Omei people have no chance to rise again, unless there is a disruptive technological innovation.

But this kind of thing is even more impossible. The biggest reason why OMG people can't compete with DJI and Kunpeng in the field of drones is that their technology in this area is not good. With this technical strength, it is impossible for DJI and Kunpeng to rise. .

Europeans can't play it, and non-Western people can't even play it. They can't play a little, and they can't even make screws that meet industrial standards.

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