My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1567 [Some are happy, some are sad]

The monkey jumps repeatedly, with the head and the mouse on both sides, and it seems that it always flirts with Ameleka, but in fact, it never thought that it would really get together with Ameleka. This is due to its geographical location. of.

There is no doubt about one thing, that is, Yue Hou understands that he is too far away from Ah Mei, and Dongda is showing a overwhelming momentum over his head.

The reason why it flirts with Ah Mei from time to time is that it actually wants to use Ah Mei to ask for benefits from Dongda.

If you don't give me candy, I'll go find Ah Mei. That's pretty much what it means.

This trick worked well in the past, because Tokyo University used to keep a low profile. As long as you don't go too far, you can suffer some financial losses or whatever.

But today is different from the past, and Yue Monkey is obviously still living in yesterday.

This thing is pretty smart if you call it smart.

But it is just some cleverness and lacks real great wisdom.

As everyone knows, in front of a truly great country, any idea is an original sin. You must take what is given to you, and you cannot think of what is not given to you.

Why do you ask? If I just sneeze, your house will shake.

After this meeting, Fang Hong and Luo Qing'an also aligned themselves in preparation for a new round of negotiations with Ah Mei's people. This time there will definitely be substantial progress.

When Amnesia proposed a new round of dialogue and negotiation, it already showed that they chose to admit defeat in this game.

It's a negotiation, it's an exchange of chips.

We need a lot here, but the most important ones are three conditions.

First of all, Qunxing Group seized this black swan opportunity and gained US$3.31 trillion. You must recognize this money.

Secondly, in Southeast Asia, whether it's building the Funan Canal or trying to control the monkeys, Ah Mei, you can't cause trouble again.

The next one is Tik-Tok. If Qunxing Group wants to acquire it and merge it with its subsidiary Jinri Toutiao, the control of Tik-Tok must be in the hands of Dongda Enterprises. There is no problem for Bei Magnesium Enterprises to invest in individual stocks and become a financial investment shareholder, but the control Quan Amei, you can’t have any ideas. Let your businesses go away.

Other conditions can be compromised, but these three conditions are the core interests and there is no room for compromise.

Otherwise, continue to line up in the middle to see who can outlast whom. You can use whatever tricks you have. Anyway, now it's one more, no more, and one less.

Ah Mei has already taken the initiative to ask for a meeting. He wishes he could meet and talk now, and he agrees that he can meet and talk.

But wait a minute.

Because Ah Mei’s inflation can last for another two months, so there’s no need to worry.

Really, wait for a few more months before talking about it. Try to get the matter settled in one meeting, so as not to have to deal with it again and again.

Although doing this, in theory, there may be changes later.

But in fact, it has been determined that Ah Mei will never dare to cause trouble again at this time, and it is definitely safe to dare to play the "Eagle" operation.

Despite Ah Mei's arrogant appearance, he was actually very weak inside. He was already unsure of Dongda's strategy. In fact, he was also very afraid that Dongda would have a big fight with him this time.

You can readily agree to meet or talk, but wait a moment. This contains the great wisdom of the East.

This will make Ah Mei undecided. If he refuses to see Ah Mei, or even puts on a posture that I am going to blow him up, it will make Ah Mei completely give up and not have any hope in this. This will be the opposite. There will be no differences within it.

It would be difficult to handle, and it might get out of control. This is obviously not the result that Tokyo University wants to see.

Although it is true that Ah Mei is weakening rapidly, visible to the naked eye, the prerequisite for weakness is that he has been strong before. Without being strong, how can we talk about weakness?

The little brother in Africa has never been strong, and there is no such thing as weakness.

We all know the truth that a sad soldier must win. Without the absolute advantage of crushing the level, it is best not to push people into a corner, because it is often difficult for people who don’t want to win to lose. At least defeat those who don’t want to win. People often pay a higher price.

You can see me, but please wait a moment.

The simple thing is to be able to control Ah Mei steadily. Since Ah Mei feels anxious, at the same time, we must also give hope to prevent him from jumping over the wall.

Two days later.

At this time, Fang Hong was reading the latest consultation news. He couldn't help but smile happily when he saw the news: "Haha, as soon as the Funan Canal was excavated, Xiaotai next door couldn't sit still anymore and changed the plan to build the Kela Canal. It was dug out from the bottom of the cabinet."

In just a few days, several events influenced each other, giving people a sense of sudden changes.

When Xiao Tai saw the situation and saw how fierce Dong Da was, Yue Monkey was frightened and angry but did not dare to move. Ah Mei did not say a word.

How can Xiao Tai sit still after seeing all this? A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is right in front of him. As soon as the Laodi Canal in Jianpu Village next door is opened to navigation, he will take off directly from the same place. If his own Kela Canal can also be handled, the same is true. Take off directly from where you are.

If the Kra Isthmus is dug and opened to navigation, it will greatly save shipping time. Who will go through the Malakash Strait in the future?

Once it is opened to navigation, it will definitely change the world structure. The Malakash Strait will inevitably plummet, and the world's shipping map will have to be redrawn.

By bypassing the Strait of Malaka and using the Kla Canal, 4 to 5 days of sailing can be saved. If a nuclear-powered container ship under the CNNC Shipbuilding Group is used, 7 to 9 days of sailing can be saved.

The Kla Canal saves time, personnel, fuel, and tolls for crossing the canal, which are almost a drop in the bucket.

A significant reduction in the voyage means that the market will be greatly expanded. For example, some products such as fruits and vegetables cannot be exported by sea because of their short shelf life. Other modes of transportation are too expensive to accept, resulting in such products being sold only in nearby areas, and the distance is too far to be transported in large quantities.

However, if the sea voyage time is greatly shortened, it means that such products can also be exported in large quantities by sea, which can open up a larger market, thereby further prospering cross-border trade and making economic exchanges more frequent.

This Kla Canal is much easier to dig than the Funan Canal. It is only about 100 kilometers long and only needs a little modification to become a world-class canal.

In fact, the Kra Canal project of Xiaotai has always been Taxin's dream. As early as 2004, the plan was proposed, and in 2014 it was pushed to the memorandum and the new folder.

Once this thing is really done, it will have a huge boost to the economy of Thailand and Cambodia, and it can also steadily collect ship tolls.

But unfortunately, this matter has always remained in the state of a new folder, and then there has been no substantial progress.

In the past, I didn't dare to dig it because of various huge obstacles, and Xiaotai himself couldn't hold it at all.

But now seeing that the Funan Canal next door is being built directly with real knives and guns, how can I not be jealous? That is a river that can change the fate of a country!

There is no doubt that Xiaotai wants to make the Kra Canal thing happen, and it is also inseparable from Dongda. Dongda is the only one in the world that can make this thing happen, which is largely the same as the Funan Canal.

So, Xiaotai couldn't wait to take out the plan that had been dusty for many years from the bottom of the drawer and prepare to go to Dongda for a trip.

Big brother, you have already dug the Funan Canal, so why don't you go to my house and build the Kla Canal as well?

The Funan Canal was dug out of the drawer and started to be built. Yue Houzi was instantly numb, and the Kla Canal was dug out of the drawer and wanted to be built, and then Xin was numb on the spot.

If Yue Houzi least wanted the Funan Canal to appear, then Xinjiapo least wanted to see the Kla Canal appear.

It's really a matter of some people being happy and some people being sad. For a while, the whole of East Nan Asia became very lively.

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