My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1592 [Raise the New Securities 50 Index to 10,000 points within this year]

At the video conference, Qiu Guangcheng and others who attended the meeting listened to Fang Hong's next instructions.

"In the field of new energy, we must master the industrial chain advantages of power batteries and make them unsolvable. This time, we must make good use of this fund, take out a considerable proportion of the funds from the more than 700 billion yuan of funds to sweep lithium mines around the world, and then raise the threshold and raise the price of lithium mines. In the next two years or so, I will get a price of 700,000 per ton of lithium mines."

At this time, Fang Hong spoke clearly, and Qiu Guangcheng, Hua Yu and others who were present were surprised to hear the price said by the big boss.

You must know that the current price of lithium mines is more than 40,000 yuan per ton. The price is pushed up to 700,000 per ton. This price is suffocating just by hearing it, because lithium mines can actually be said to be unlimited in supply, as long as they are willing to mine, and ordinary small countries and small companies have no ability to play with lithium batteries.

Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "It will take about two or three years to raise the price of lithium ore from the current 40,000 to 700,000 per ton, a 17-fold increase, and then lower the price to less than 100,000 per ton. After this cycle, the European magnesium automobile companies will basically never get up again in the new energy sector."

The people present were surprised at first, but they immediately understood the strategic intentions of the big boss.

When the cost of power batteries is equal to that of the whole vehicle, what will European magnesium companies do? After finally making it and selling it, the domestic side quickly uses capital and subsidies to expand production capacity, and then compete on prices. The competitiveness of the finished products is very strong. European magnesium companies can only die violently if they participate.

Not to mention small companies in small countries. After a cycle, the finished products are lower than the raw materials, and lithium batteries are slightly more expensive than free gifts. Newly put into production companies are simply dead, with no possibility of survival. If they enter this industry again, they will lose money 100%.

At this time, Cao Chenghui couldn't help but say: "This set of combined punches is wonderful. The high price in the front is too expensive to play, and the price plummets and falls later. If it is sold too cheaply, it can't play. Anyway, it can't play. Foreign companies can't enter this track at all, and only domestic companies are playing."

Batteries are not only lithium mines, but also supported by a series of chemical industries in the back, which is the strength of China.

It is foreseeable that the saints abroad are doing environmental protection, green, low-carbon, and new energy, and finally they have made wedding dresses for Dongda, which can be called wedding dress magic. They have all turned to dependence on traditional industries. New energy is electric cars, which require electricity and coal. Batteries need electrolytes, iron phosphate, etc. All fertilizer plants can do it.

In the eyes of foreigners, they will be dumbfounded. As a time traveler, Fang Hong is clear. This is why the European Magnesium people will never brag about new energy, carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, and even re-use coal energy.

Isn't it just in the new energy sector that the European Magnesium people found that they can't play with Eastern companies.

At present, the domestic power battery shipments account for 45% of the global share, and will surely exceed 60% in another year.

This means that more and more electric vehicles around the world will rely on batteries from the Eastern power. This is not a simple buying and selling relationship, but a deep binding of technology and market.

Coupled with the continuous breakthroughs in domestic battery technology, battery energy density, charging speed, service life and other aspects are constantly improving.

The battery production process is not a simple assembly line operation, but behind it is a huge amount of capital investment and technology accumulation.

This time, Fang Hong wants to use the advantages of capital to promote lithium mines to go through an epic market cycle on a global scale. First, the price of lithium mines will be raised wildly, and the cost of car manufacturing for European magnesium car companies will be raised. Then, the price of lithium mines will be brought down, and then the territory will be continuously expanded, so that the terminal finished products will be crazy reduced in price, and competitors will be directly forced to breathe.

Before Xingyu Technology entered this industry, Tesla had also been in the battery field. However, in the next two or three years, the price of lithium batteries will have an epic roller coaster market cycle, and Tesla will also have to rely on companies in the Eastern power to seek battery supply.

In the power battery industry chain, the domestic advantages have begun to show. If Fang Hong continues to accelerate, he will be able to crush the European magnesium competitors within three years.

The result that Fang Hong wants is very simple. In the entire new energy vehicle industry, his own company must stand at the top of the global food chain.

The price of lithium ore has soared from the current 40,000 to 700,000, a nearly 17-fold increase, and then fell to below 100,000, a plunge of more than -85% from the peak. During this cycle, the competition between companies is destined to be like a desperate fight in a war without gunpowder.

It is foreseeable that when the price soars, countless people will flock to this field under the temptation of profit, and a large number of brands will emerge.

When the price enters the price reduction cycle, the price of the battery market is like a game without a bottom line. In order to compete for the market, small companies have cut prices one after another, and the result is bound to force themselves to the edge of the cliff. The brands that had been glorious before can only exit sadly.

Under the pressure of competition, only those truly powerful companies can survive. Although small companies also want to have a share, they will soon be beaten back to their original form by the cruel reality of the market. Most of them will disappear from the market, along with those old-brand car companies in Europe and America.

At this moment, the video conference is still going on.

Fang Hong turned around and said: "With the more than 7 trillion flowing back to the mainland, the budget for computing power infrastructure is enough, and there is no need to add more. The budgets for several other major sectors are also sufficient, so in the 'Daily Project' Let’s increase the budget for the space project sector to accelerate the development of space photovoltaic power plants.”

Having said this, Fang Hong pondered for a moment, thought for a while and said decisively: "Use 2 trillion yuan to add to this project, and more than 5 trillion yuan will be invested in the stock market. In the last four months of this year, time, raising the NSE 50 Index to over 10,000 points.”

The return of such a huge amount of funds, plus currency derivatives, is an incredible figure.

Fang Hong will not let this money flow into the real estate market, nor will he let it flow into the bond market, let alone the field of people's livelihood. That will push up prices and lead to a sudden surge in the cost of living for the public. Then he can only settle down by entering the stock market. road.

Fortunately, the SGX market has grown up over the years. Now is the time to play its role as a currency reservoir. How long will it take if it does not play such a role now?

At this time, Zhao Sheng couldn't help but said: "It is easy to enter the stock market with such a huge amount of funds, but if one day it needs to be withdrawn, it will definitely trigger market panic and rush for funds, which will lead to the collapse of the market."

Fang Hong smiled faintly and said: "Isn't there a stabilization fund? While pulling it up all the way, let the stabilization fund throw some chips. When it is necessary to withdraw one day, the stabilization fund will step in to support the market and calm down the fluctuations during the period. , As for other funds, we can’t make any big splash.”

After hearing this, Zhao Sheng couldn't help but nodded, and his doubts disappeared.

After a few minutes, the video conference ended, and the whereabouts of the 3.13 trillion U.S. dollars of wealth harvested were arranged at this meeting.

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