My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1607 [Various car companies have joined the price war]

The current bleak sales and revenue of the BBA series brands in the Greater China market does not mean that China is in an economic winter. On the contrary, the economy of the Eastern giant this year is so good that even I dare not imagine it. It is definitely the best economic environment in the past 20 years.

The answer is self-evident. It is just the winter of the BBA series cars.

In fact, the car companies of small and medium-sized Japanese and Korean cars are also experiencing a cold winter. They are also being squeezed by domestic cars. They are even worse than BBA. There is almost no sound, and not many people pay attention to them. BBA at least has people "burning incense" to worship, but no one cares about the death of Japanese and Korean cars.

To punish small and medium-sized Korean cars, there is no need to target them too deliberately. Just blow up their cars and integrated circuits, and they will die.

In recent years, the life of the notebook and the small stick is really not good. Let's not talk about the small stick. The smartphone can't survive and has withdrawn from the Greater China market. It's already so miserable, but it's not the worst. The worst is that they are still being harvested and squeezed by their fathers. The surplus value is actually a dish on the table, but they are still trying to make a futile struggle.

In recent years, especially in the past two years, many public intellectuals have always said that foreign capital is continuing to withdraw from the Greater China market, and they are gloating.

But the truth is that those foreign companies that are so-called withdrawing from the Greater China market are unwilling to withdraw. They are the domestic substitutes of the rising local market. Those foreign companies that cannot compete and fail in the Greater China market say that they are withdrawing just to find a step down, which is the last decency.

Only when multinational companies are crazy will they voluntarily give up a supermarket with a population of 1.4 billion. It doesn't make sense logically. How can companies go against profits? Aren't those Western companies defeated because they can't compete with domestic companies and are no longer viable?

Now it's finally the turn of the automotive industry. The BAA series, which is synonymous with high-end brands, has such a bleak performance in the Greater China market this year, but the scale of automobile sales in the Greater China market has not shrunk but has increased.

The answer is self-evident. The share lost by BBA was taken by others, namely Xingyu Technology.

From January to August this year, more than 670,000 vehicles of the entire series of products were delivered. If Xingyu Technology had not appeared, these sales would most likely have been divided by BBA, but now they have all been in the hands of Xingyu Technology.

Now, BBA has finally completely settled in Bengbu and has to lower its proud head and try to protect the market with price, so there has been a sharp price drop.

The Mercedes-Benz C200L, which originally cost 335,000 yuan, can be picked up for only about 200,000 yuan in some dealers, with a discount of more than 130,000 yuan; the BMW i3 is not to be outdone, with an original price of 35.3 yuan and a price of 180,000 to 200,000 yuan, as if it was cut in half; Audi's several models can be discounted to 210,000 yuan, and if it is an entry-level model, the price after the discount is even only 190,000 yuan.

These car companies seem to be collectively conducting a 50% discount sale, which makes people sigh at the cruelty and ruthlessness of the market.

It is precisely because of this price reduction that there is a fresh hot topic "If you don't work hard, you can only drive BBA".

Faced with the bleak situation of both sales and market share decline, traditional luxury brands such as BBA have to adopt a price reduction strategy to try to find new vitality and a way out in the increasingly fierce domestic auto market.

As BBA started a price war, its "war" soon burned to the heads of many domestic car companies that "watched the fire from the other side", including many new energy vehicles.

This is the opposite of Fang Hong's previous life. In Fang Hong's previous life, it was domestic new energy vehicles that first started the price war, and the "fire of war" was gradually spread to BBA, who were "watching the fire from the other side of the river".

Entering mid-to-late October, the "price war" in the automobile market was fully launched. Except for Xingyu Technology, major domestic and foreign automakers were frantically reducing prices for promotions. A car under BYD was directly sold below 100,000 yuan, which was astonishing.

Now it is not only BBA in the high-end market that has felt a great survival crisis, but also various players in the market below 300,000 or even 200,000 yuan are also feeling the chill, because everyone has not forgotten that a player named "Tongtai" who was once looked down upon is about to appear.

Tongtai Automobile Group is the first friendly company to reach a strategic partnership with Xingyu Technology, facing the mass market. In the past, friendly companies did not take Tongtai Automobile seriously, and even did not know that there was such a car company.

But now is different from the past. With the support of Xingyu Technology, it would be fine if Xingyu Technology had not achieved such explosive results in the automotive field. Now it has made BBA unable to take care of themselves.

Tongtai Automobile, which has received the support of Xingyu Technology for its transformation and technical support, is now in a panic among its competitors, who are also afraid of being beaten to the point of being unable to take care of themselves.

Now there is a rumor in the industry that Tongtai Automobile Group will release a new product in December this year, and the price is generally predicted to be no more than 250,000 yuan. This has made many competitors live in Bengbu, so they have made advance sales and started a price war before Tongtai Automobile releases new products.

It must be said that although the majority of mass consumers cannot afford Xingyu Technology's cars, they still support it and hope that it will sell well. This is the reason.

Nowadays, the price systems of traditional luxury brands such as 50% off Kai, 40% off Tiger, and 30% off Leopard, including BBA, are also facing collapse. BMW has halved, Mercedes-Benz has plunged, and Audi has dropped below 200,000 yuan.

The majority of consumers can buy cheap cars, and even die-hard fans of fuel vehicles and die-hard BBA fans have actually benefited.

Without the entry of Xingyu Technology, how could those traditional luxury brand cars have such huge price cuts? How can consumers benefit? In the words of industry insiders: Xingyu Technology’s entry into the automotive industry has almost single-handedly turned the automotive market upside down.

Xincheng, a local 4S store.

"The current price of the BMW i3 is about 190,000 yuan, and there has been a big price reduction recently..." The salesperson of this BMW 4S store was introducing it to a reporter who came to visit the store.

This 4S store received the visiting reporters very warmly, and was worried about lack of exposure.

The reporter stayed in the store for more than half an hour. After walking out of the store, he said to the camera: "We saw that the BMW brand offered a 'diving price', but the salesmen still have to work hard to sell the car before they can make the order."

The reporter continued to report: "From exterior design to interior style, from technical advantages to battery safety, from discounts to luxurious backgrounds, in just ten minutes, the sales staff were eager to show off their muscles in all aspects to retain customers. At the same time, , we have also seen that from the mouths of BMW sales staff, the benchmark brands are no longer Mercedes-Benz and Audi, but are competing with Xingyu Technology’s car brands..."

After a while, the reporter interviewed a salesperson in the store. This salesperson was a luxury brand salesman with more than ten years of experience. During the interview, he lamented that he missed the days when "luxury cars were easy to sell."

The salesman told reporters that around 2011, he was a newly graduated college student. He quickly arrived at the job after a month of training. Users who bought Porsches and BMWs were "queuing up to order cars," and the salespeople did not need to explain too much.

But now, even with such a huge price reduction, it is difficult to get an order no matter how hard he tries, which makes him sigh with emotion.

Under the intertwining of the old and the new, it is an indisputable fact that the automobile market is being reconstructed. The times are changing so fast that they don’t even say hello when they come. When you come back to your senses, the boat has already passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

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