My Fintech Empire

Chapter 171 [Planning Blueprint]

Fang Jingshu brought the documents and the drawings of Fangcun's reconstruction plan, and the two unrolled the rolled-up drawings and laid them out on the tea table. Fang Hong also took a rough look at the layout of the plan.

"Third brother, my idea is to collectively move all the people in our village to the land outside the village, and demolish all the cement bungalows built in the inner village, and plan and repair the old houses that have been going on for years. The work is preserved and protected as the historical heritage of our village." Fang Ping said, pointing to the village in the planning map.

There are many old houses in the village that are more than a hundred years old, especially the clan ancestral hall with the longest history.

"Well, the idea is quite good. Maybe in a few years, the entire intangible cultural heritage can be restored." Fang Hong folded his arms and looked down at the planning drawings, nodding and smiling, and then asked: "The villagers are willing to move collectively." Come out? Have you tried to find out about this?"

Hearing this, Fang Ping said confidently: "Definitely move out. Our Fang's Medicine Hall has been properly settled. It is beneficial to move out. In addition to the pressure from the old man's prestige, most people in the village are willing to move out. You have to move."

When he said this, Fang Ping's momentum and self-confidence showed full confidence, because those who did not move to other villages with him were basically certain that they would be isolated by the whole village from now on. Can't get along at all.

The high-level terminology says that under the general trend, one cannot help one's will to go against the trend, and only by following the trend can one survive.

Between the lines, Fang Ping showed the decisive temperament that a high-ranking person should have. Fang Hong was satisfied and happy that his brother would be able to take charge of his own affairs in the future, and the layout of the Chinese medicine industry here could also be done quickly and without worry and effort.

Especially now that Fang Ping had one hand on his hips and an old-fashioned enamel tea mug in the other, his leader's temperament was straight up.

After taking a sip of tea, Fang Ping held the tea mug and pointed to another section of the planning map and said, "Then there is the outer village. I will take this opportunity to demolish all the houses that have been looted and built everywhere in the outer village." gone."

When building new houses in rural areas, villagers are grabbing good land to build houses. The land that was originally farmland is also used to build new houses. One here, one there, is a great waste of land resources.

Because building a house requires a road, especially a house built on a plot of farmland.

"How to plan specifically?" Fang Hong stared at the layout of the sketch map and added: "The advantages and benefits of centralized planning needless to say, but we can't completely copy the way of urbanization. After all, the city and the countryside are completely different. The living environment and pace of life are different.”

Fang Hong turned to Fang Ping and said, "It is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions, but also to make the best use of the situation. For example, each household will raise some chickens, ducks, pigs, etc., and these cannot be done across the board, otherwise the contradictions will accumulate. "

"Third brother, I think so. Chickens, ducks and other poultry can be raised free-range in residential areas, because every house has a backyard." Fang Ping said in a calm and methodical voice: "But raising pigs requires a larger In the field, if there is too much feces and excrement in the pigsty, it will emit a strange smell, so my idea is to set aside a separate area for the pigsty, which is here."

As he said that, Fang Ping pointed to an area on the planning map and continued: "The residential areas of the inner and outer villages are not close or far away, and the distance is suitable. Each household can be allocated a pigpen that can raise five to six pigs. Those who want to raise pigs can put it here, and I plan to build this pig house into a layout of multiple floors, the purpose is to save land resources."

Fang Hong stared at the location of the pig house and said: "Well, I have no objection to building a pig house, but this is both centralized breeding and individual households' free-range breeding. This is not modern farming, so it can't be too advanced, such as elevators or something. Since the multi-storey design is done like this, a ramp must be added, the slope should not be too steep, and if the site is not enough, it should be surrounded. In short, it should not be complicated, but simple and convenient.”

This is adapting measures to local conditions and making the best use of the situation.

For example, many villagers have never even taken an elevator. If raising a pig requires additional knowledge, then this idea was wrong from the beginning.

"That makes sense." Fang Ping nodded, and immediately memorized Fang Hong's suggestion, and reorganized and adjusted it later. He continued: "The planning of the new residential area in the outer village is based on national standards. The standard area is about 37 square meters to build, and one house is one house."

Fang Ping pointed to the residential area of ​​the outer village on the planning map and added: "I don't like the neat and uniform layout idea, it's very rigid, so my idea is to find order in disorder, that is, every day The houses are of different sizes and styles, there are streets and alleys, and the overall layout adopts the traditional ancient town style of Chinese classical architecture, giving Fangcun its own traditional characteristics and an antique flavor."

It is worth mentioning that the land in the village and the homestead of each household are not actually owned by individuals, but belong to the village collective.

Fang Ping stared at the planning map and said: "I understand that it is impossible to satisfy every villager from the bottom of their hearts, because there is no absolute fairness, so we can only pursue relative fairness and seek the greatest common divisor for the whole village. "

Hearing this, Fang Hong nodded and said: "The thinking is right, there is no problem."

Fang Ping continued: "So in this plan, for the new houses in the outer village, the land area of ​​each homestead is the same. This is relatively fair, but for the sake of the overall layout, the area of ​​each homestead is the same, but The styles are different, there are rectangular plots, square plots, and trapezoidal plots, etc. The specific styles of each house are also different, and the area inside the suite is also different in size. The overall pattern planning should follow the search for order in disorder the rules."

From Fang Ping's words, it can be seen that he is really planning his village with great care, and wants to create a real new look for his ideal Fangcun.

According to Fang Ping's thinking, the smallest apartment type has an internal area of ​​no more than 115 square meters, the largest apartment type has an inner area of ​​no more than 355 square meters, and the floor space cannot exceed three floors.

Regardless of the size of the house type and the size of the apartment, there is a yard. After all, the area of ​​the homestead of each house is equal. If the inner area of ​​the house is smaller, the yard will definitely be bigger, and vice versa.

Fang Hong asked succinctly: "After the house is built, how will it be distributed to the villagers?"

Hearing this, Fang Ping immediately said: "Based on the situation of the household registration book, I have sorted out the household registration information of the whole village. In one household registration book, families with two to three members belong to one category, and families with four to five members belong to one category. , families with six to eight members belong to one category, families with more than eight members belong to one category, and households with five guarantees belong to one category.”

The population structure of each family is different. For example, there are three families in the village, which exceeds the family of eight. The reason is that they want a son, but they are all born daughters, and one family even gave birth to seven. Daughter, I didn't stop until the eighth child was a boy. This household is a family of ten.

If the eighth child is still a girl, there will certainly be a ninth.

The scale of the village is relatively large, with a population of thousands of households, and the data is also relatively large, and the statistical classification also has a large number.

Fang Ping handed the materials brought by his wife to Fang Hong, who looked at the materials and listened to his second brother say: "Five-guarantee households are classified separately as special care groups in the village. The area is no more than 115 square meters, 185 square meters for a family of five or less, 295 square meters for a family of eight or less, and 355 square meters for a family of eight or more."

After pausing for a moment, Fang Ping continued: "After each household is classified according to its population structure, it will be allocated houses of corresponding specifications, and then the specific house will be assigned by lottery. , and you can’t change it if you get an unsatisfactory apartment size.”

Fang Hong nodded involuntarily. The plan made by his second brother was quite perfect, and there was basically nothing to add.

What is certain is that after the promotion of Fang's Medicine Hall, thousands of families in the entire Fang village will agree and send their children to learn Chinese medicine. Even if some families don't want to, that's okay.

Fang Ping's strategy is to give them the right to choose as well, to draw a piece of land alone and play if they want to play.

But this seems to give a choice, but in fact there is no choice at all.

Because absolutely no one would dare to choose this way. If you really choose this way, you will not be able to survive in the village. You will be the object of ridicule by the whole village, and your own children will not be able to hold their heads up.

This kind of price is absolutely unbearable, so in the face of the general situation, people can't help themselves at all, and if they don't have the ability to change the environment and the rules of the game by themselves like Fang Hong, then it's best to take advantage of the trend and adapt to the environment.

The strong can change the environment and change the rules, while the weak can only adapt to the environment and the rules. This has always been the case.

As for children who grow up and have their own ideas to go to other fields, that's okay, this is only a small part that will not affect the overall situation, and it can be allowed.

Moreover, after some of these children are severely beaten by social education, some of them will inevitably come to the family business of Fang's Medicine Hall obediently. much.

In any case, being born in Fangcun means enjoying a certain bonus, that is, there is one more road than others and less ups and downs, which can be said to be the shadow of the family.

Who made a character like Fang Hong appear here?


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