My Fintech Empire

Chapter 21 [Seize the wind and win the opportunity]

Xincheng University, dormitory 303.

Fang Hong returned to the dormitory, and took out a square-bottomed cash bag from the private locker. There were 33 bundles of hundred-yuan bills in it, and each bundle was no more than 10,000 yuan.

Knowing that today is the deadline, Fang Hong made an appointment with the bank in advance and took out the money because the other party wanted cash settlement.

Twenty minutes later, someone knocked on the door of the dormitory.

Fang Hong opened the door calmly with a bag in one hand, and three social youths stood outside the door. Of course, the words "social people" were not written on their faces. The sleeves cover it.

After all, this is Xincheng University, a place of culture, be gentle, mainly because it can enter the campus more smoothly.

Just when the tattooed man was about to enter the dormitory, Fang Hong stopped him and said, "Let's settle here, what about the order?"

The tattooed man couldn't help looking at Fang Hong in surprise, but when he was even more surprised, he noticed that the screen of the phone Fang Hong was holding in his hand was showing the recording status.

This is clearly for the other party to see, not hidden.

"What do you mean?" The tattooed man was smiling a little, but immediately sank down.

"People's mouths are the most unreliable." Fang Hong suddenly said with a smile. He also knew that his behavior would risk being beaten, so he chose to stay in the school. Now it is the beginning of the school season, and students will return to school from time to time , the probability of the other party making a fool here is not high, after all, they are also wandering in a gray area.

The tattooed man was stunned for a moment, his expression turned into a joking smile again, and he said, "Your boy has changed quite a bit, labor and management can hardly recognize him anymore, stop talking nonsense, this is an IOU, where is the money?"

As he spoke, the tattooed man took out a list from his pocket and placed it in front of Fang Hong. The latter looked at it and retrieved the original owner's memory to confirm that it was correct, and opened the bag in his hand.

The tattooed man peeked his head and was stunned when he saw bundles of bright red banknotes inside.

"Where did you get the money?" the tattooed man looked at Fang Hong again and asked.

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the debts between us." Fang Hong replied, the tattooed man smiled when he heard this, nodded to himself, and said nothing, and immediately handed over the money with one hand and the other one.

Fang Hong took the list, the tattooed man took the bag, and asked the accompanying attendant to count them.

After a while, the attendant nodded to him and said, "Brother Li, thirty-three is correct."

The tattooed man turned to Fang Hong again, with a smile on his face immediately, as if he had been bathed in spring breeze, as if he had changed into a different person. He said with a smile: "Brother, although I don't know where you got the money from, but how did you get it?" In our business, credit is paramount, so it is not difficult to repay what you borrow, if you have difficulties in the future, you can talk to Li Ge."

After all, the tattooed man shook his head at the two followers and left leisurely in a good mood.

Fang Hong closed the door of the dormitory again, tore up the IOU in his hand and threw it into the trash can. Fang Hong glanced at the scraps of paper in the trash and said to himself: "I hope you don't come to trouble me again." ,otherwise……"

It is the fastest way to deal with usury in this way. In Fang Hong's eyes, 330,000 yuan is no different from 33 yuan.

The problem can be solved with 33 yuan, and there is no need to go through more troublesome procedures. In Fang Hong's eyes, time, efficiency and energy are more valuable than the 330,000 yuan.

In fact, Fang Hong also knows that although he chooses this way to deal with it, it does not rule out that the other party will become more greedy and intensify, and will think you are a sheep easy to bully, because he knows human nature very well.

It's just that Fang Hong also hopes that this matter will stop here, and he doesn't want to waste energy on such a bad thing like Chen Zhima.

Meanwhile, the tattooed man who left with the money left the dormitory building.

He suddenly looked back at the dormitory building, thought for a while and said immediately: "Go and find out where this kid got such a large sum of money. You must find out. The fact that he can get this money means that he hasn't arrived yet." If the donkey is at the end of his rope, then he can continue to squeeze out more oil and water, and I think this kid's complexion is much better than before, and he must have more than this money."

As he said that, the tattooed man showed greedy eyes. More than 300,000 yuan is not a small amount in this era. Most importantly, based on this, the tattooed man judged that Fang Hong might have more than this amount of money.


303 dormitory.

About ten minutes after the tattooed man waited for the three of them to leave, Fang Hong's cell phone rang. The name on the caller ID was Lin Ruoshui. After seeing this name, he found a girlfriend who had been dating for a year by searching the memory of the original owner.

Both sides are currently fighting a cold war.

Glancing at the caller ID, Fang Hong connected the phone smoothly, and soon Lin Ruoshui's voice came: "Let's break up."

Fang Hong came to the desk and sat down, and replied at the same time: "Are you sure you have made your decision?"

A voice full of resentment suddenly came from the phone: "Do you still need to think about it? Yes! I'm sure! Definitely! Break up!"

Fang Hong paused for a second, then said concisely: "Okay, I agree."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone. This kind of thing will never become the core factor that can influence him. At this moment, Fang Hong is thinking about the matter of setting up a start-up company after several roommates return to school.

The birth of the iPhone last year opened the door to the era of the mobile Internet. By 2011, the advent of the Xiaomi mobile phone drove a blowout explosion of smartphone users in China, and also promoted the rapid development of the mobile Internet.

Calculating the time, there is only a time window of about two to three years. This period of time is a golden time window to seize the opportunity.

Seize the wind, win the opportunity, take the lead step by step, lead step by step.

Several roommates of Xu Jingren wanted to start a business, and Fang Hong also selected them to build a domestic technology entrepreneurial group. After guiding them to establish a start-up company, Fang Hong introduced Qunxing Capital as an angel investor for their start-up business. The company provides financing.


And just as Fang Hong was thinking about seizing the mobile Internet outlet, Lin Ruoshui, who was in another female dormitory in the school, looked at a loss and seemed a little at a loss. She just returned to school today, and for Fang Hong's whole vacation Not even contacting her, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

But things didn't happen as she expected. She thought that when she proposed to break up, Fang Hong would immediately admit his mistake on the phone, and would come to see the person immediately, and then begged hard to stay, with various guarantees and promises.

As a result, he never expected that he would just say a few words the whole time, and immediately hung up on her without any hesitation.

At this moment, Lin Ruoshui was at a loss.

At this moment, He Xuan, the roommate and best friend next to her, suddenly said: "Ruoshui, I understand, your boyfriend oh no, your ex-boyfriend wants to clear the blame."


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