My Fintech Empire

Chapter 256 [This strategic plan is not worth hundreds of billions]

Fang Hong looked at Hua Yongming and his son and said in a clear way: "These 40 billion bought your Huayang house. Did your Huayang Group's performance skyrocket by 40 billion? Did the debt ratio drop? Then you Go up again."

Reducing debt means that you can continue to increase leverage. In other words, you can continue to borrow money from the capital market. Professionally, this is called refinancing.

The essence of finance is to borrow money, this sentence was fully interpreted by Fang Hong at this moment.

Fang Hong continued: "We signed the agreement first, but I won't really transfer the 40 billion to your Huayang Group's account, and let him lie safely on the shell company's account, reflecting that Your Huayang Group’s statement shows 40 billion accounts receivable, and you take these 40 billion accounts receivable to the market to raise money.”

Among the 40 billion yuan, 23 billion yuan is from private equity funds. If the younger brother who is really willing to come and join us can get 3 billion yuan, it will be the best.

23 billion, what era is it now, how can it be done if it is done? The market brings so much money?

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, Qunxing Capital can only put its left pocket in its right pocket, and pay 20 billion yuan to the shell company's funds.

It is absolutely impossible for Fang Hong to spend Qunxing's money to Huayang Group, let alone send the money to Huayang Group before there is any shadow of the house? With his risk isolation and risk control awareness, he would never do such a stupid thing.

Hua Yongming replied: "No problem."

When Huayang Group has this 40 billion accounts receivable on its books, it can continue to be used for financing.

Fang Hong said again: "I offered 40 billion yuan to buy your real estate that doesn't exist yet. I won't really want those prescriptions. In the future, you will have to spend money to buy them back. Not surprisingly, real estate in first-tier locations can increase several times. In the future, the 40 billion yuan will be doubled and withdrawn with interest, at a premium of about 150%.”

Tian Jiayi next to him couldn't help but calculate in his heart, he didn't know that he was shocked, the premium +150% meant that Huayang Group would spend 100 billion to buy back in the future.

In fact, Qunxing Capital did not allocate a dime of cash to Huayang Group, but Huayang Group will give Qunxing Capital 100 billion to buy back in the future. Of course, Huayang Group will not actually deliver a house to Qunxing in the same way. capital.

In other words, these 40 billion houses are actually used as financial assets to bridge funds, in order to replace liquidity in the capital market.

The houses are actually in the hands of Huayang Group, and the 40 billion cash assets are actually in the hands of Qunxing Capital.

But the house is reflected in the profit and loss statement of Qunxing Capital, which means that the house is nominally under the name of Qunxing Capital, and the 40 billion cash is reflected in the profit and loss statement of Huayang Group, which means that the money is in the name of Qunxing Capital. The name belongs to Huayang Group, but it is just accounts receivable.

In fact, this is the case.

And after such a complete set of capital operation process is completed, the cash-strapped Huayang Group will usher in an unprecedented situation of abundant liquidity, and it will not be a problem to get hundreds of millions of liquidity, which will support its rapid expansion.

The vast majority of this 100 billion liquidity is used by Huayang Group to acquire land in a crazy auction, and the acquired land is backhand mortgaged to the bank to replace the liquidity and continue to acquire land and auction land. The 100 billion liquidity is enough to leverage at least With a capital scale of 500 billion, such an expansion speed is properly tied to the rhythm of rocket boosters.

Huayang Group must maximize the "three highs and two fast" gameplay of "high debt, high leverage, high turnover, fast land acquisition, and fast sales". It is not an unattainable dream to become the largest commercial real estate group in the country by surpassing ten thousand tadpoles within this year.

It’s okay to add leverage to death now, because the country’s rapid economic development stage, the annual double-digit economic growth rate, can continue to fill up the offset.

Then, before the end of 2017, the debt reduction and leverage reduction were completed, and cash was king. When everyone was rushing in, Huayang Group threw the last copper plate to other players in the market.

Don't earn this money.

When other real estate companies were mired in the quagmire and thundered frequently, Huayang Group was already on the shore early. By then, the brands under Huayang Group will become the first choice of many households in need.

Because buying a house from other real estate companies may cost both the money and the house. It’s fine to empty out six wallets.

At this time, the debt level of Huayang Group, which has landed ashore, has dropped, and the company has super abundant cash reserves. The quality and delivery of its newly developed real estate are guaranteed, and there is no breach of contract.

Households with rigid needs will undoubtedly choose the real estate developed by Huayang Group. At that time, the few households with rigid needs can still guarantee the stability of Huayang Group’s performance. At that time, households with rigid needs cannot support all real estate companies, but Huayang Groups are absolutely out of the question.


At about 17 o'clock in the afternoon, he took his beautiful assistant and left Hua's villa.

This time, in addition to rescinding the 10 billion beneficiary rights replacement agreement for the next 30 years, I played the role of "consultant" of Huayang Group by the way, and provided Huayang Group with advice on how to go about the layout of commercial real estate in the next ten years. A complete set of detailed strategic-level solutions.

"Haha, okay, just do as Fang Hong said." Hua Yongming was also very excited at this time, and he said with a smile: "The strategic solution he gave is worth not even 100 billion yuan. It's too much."

Now Hua Yongming is very determined. According to Fang Hong's thinking, there is a chance that Huayang Group's asset scale will reach trillions in ten years.

The asset scale is in the trillions!

Before that, even Hua Yongming didn't dare to think about it, but now he feels more and more that trillions of assets may not be impossible.

"Father, according to the agreement, my Huayang Group will take 100 billion to buy back in the future, and it will be regarded as a 'consulting fee' for him." He couldn't help nodding his head and said with a smile: "That's the case, that's right, that little fox will never do business at a loss. Of course, I Huayang will definitely not lose money if I give him a 100 billion 'consulting fee'."

If it was placed a year ago, Hua Yongming might not have recognized it.

But today is different. With the development of Qunxing Capital, Fang Hong’s strong talent in the capital market and his outstanding foresight in the business field are all reflected in Qunxing Capital’s current net assets of more than 200 billion yuan. , It also made every word he said carry more weight in Hua Yongming's heart every day.


At the same time, Fang Hong walked out of the Huajia villa garden with his beautiful assistant.

The two headed towards the Maybach parked at the outer gate, and Tian Jiayi said leisurely at this moment, "Today I saw the horror of many financial derivative products under the operation of capital. Take it to the extreme, if Huayang Group does this, other people will inevitably follow suit when they see how profitable capital operations are, and who will invest in the real economy in a down-to-earth manner in the future?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong glanced at the beautiful assistant who was following him, and immediately said with a smile: "I can do it!"

Tian Jiayi immediately looked at him, stared at him for a moment, and said suspiciously: "You? You will go into business? These capital operation ideas are all from your handwriting..."

When Fang Hong said that he wanted to start a business and invest in the real economy, the beautiful assistant was full of disbelief. In her opinion, Fang Hong was the least likely person to do such a thing.

The two quickly got into the car, and the Maybach car drove away slowly.

Fang Hong looked at Tian Jiayi, who was sitting on his right, and said with a smile: "Children only make choices, and adults want everything. It's purely playing financial capital arbitrage. It's okay if you are small, but you dare to keep playing when you are big." It’s ignorant to go down, and you’re digging your own grave, not far from the day when you hang the street lamp.”

Tian Jiayi couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Fang Hong retracted his gaze and said slowly: "So, industrial capital is another strategic layout of Qunxing. Even if the profits of the real industry are far less than financial capital, we must continue to increase investment and increase our holdings of heavy assets. Only by increasing the scale of investment in the real industry can a large number of jobs be created for the society, and Qunxing must take practical actions to practice the phrase 'financial service entity'."

The company's strategic investment in Fuyao Group, holding 15% of the shares is the beginning of financing for the real industry.

Including the project of swallowing Hengtong Pharmaceutical Group, Qunxing Capital did not intend to do the kind of killing the chicken and taking the eggs, cashing out and leaving and leaving the chicken feathers.

Wang Qingxiong will definitely be kicked out, but the Hengtong Pharmaceutical Group he founded is currently one of the best privately-owned pharmaceutical groups in the country.

Fang Hong's decision is to split and reorganize it after winning it, and then continue to operate.


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