My Fintech Empire

Chapter 265 [The K-God Effect has the meaning of Warren Buffett]

After updating this Weibo update, after a while, Fang Hong refreshed it for a while, and soon there were a lot of messages and comments.

At this time, Fang Hong was enjoying the massage service of the maid girl while browsing the comments and messages comfortably.

I have nothing to do today, I plan to interact with fans.

[The front row pays homage to the glory of God! ]

[Let everyone go first, God K's layout, one word: admiration! ]

[a word? The math class is taught by the physical education teacher? ]

[The math teacher hangs up early, don't mind! ]

[This wave of patterns has opened up, after all, it is 30,000 times a year, God is God! ]

[God K deserves to make money! ]

[God K, isn’t the turnover of double-coin shares a bit low? Today's change of hands is only 2.88%, and the amount of energy seems to be a bit off. It's not even 200 million. The turnover of the next door Qingdao Double Star has reached 29.43%, and the amount of energy has reached 973 million. I feel that Qingdao Double stars are more leading temperament. ]

When Fang Hong saw this comment, he immediately started editing the text.

[K3478 Reply to thread//: The leader is not a feeling, but a test of market funds. First predict and then follow. Basically don't look at changing hands, so what if there is more or less? As for the amount of energy, I personally like tickets with sufficient amount of energy, because the large amount of energy first shows that the target is popular, there are many people participating, and the capital is deeply involved, especially for the sector. ]

After replying, Fang Hong continued to edit the next paragraph and continued to reply to that comment.

[K3478 Reply to thread //: The short-term gameplay is actually very simple, after two words, the atmosphere. No matter how the atmosphere is good, you can make money, especially the key to ultra-short trading is how to judge the market atmosphere. Based on your experience, market sense and judgment on the market, you can judge whether the market atmosphere is good or bad. Mastering this point, other things are secondary. ]

[K3478 reply to thread//: Intervening in the most popular stock when the atmosphere is the best is equal to a high probability of eating meat. This is the most essential thing of ultra-short. The ticket that received the most attention just happened to be the leader. ]

This layer of thread replies was quickly topped by a large number of fans.

[This is God K's idea of ​​making ultra-short? ]

[Mouth: learned, learned. Brain: Learning is useless, learning is useless. ]

[Okay, I know all the words, but I only understand two points, that is, I don’t understand this or that. ]

[Hahaha, me too! ]

[The words “atmosphere” and “sensation” make my brain hurt. It feels like metaphysics, but there are indeed some people in the market who can understand it. It seems that I can only be a leek...(cover my face.jpg)]

[I don’t care about all the fuss, chasing ups and downs is over, rushing, I’m going to lose all my money, above.JPG]

[According to God K's idea, the atmosphere of the double-coin shares is not in place, why did you intervene? I can't figure this out! God K said to predict first and then follow, how does this first board seem to be done directly after predicting, horrified...]

[K3478 Reply to thread//: Small funds can be played casually, profit and loss are not affected, so if you are optimistic, go online first. ]

As soon as this post came out, the fans were stunned for a while.


[Small funds (referring to tens of millions), outrageous! ]

[Look, let you guys stop talking, he pretended to be in it again! (Shiba Inu.jpg)]

[I opened the market software and took a look at the market value of the account at 20,000 yuan, and then went offline cursing. ]

[No problem, for God K, this is a small amount of money... (manually funny)]

[Everyone is saying that the atmosphere is not enough. Is there a possibility that because God K intervened in this ticket, the atmosphere is here. Look at the current popularity of this ticket. Is the atmosphere enough? ]

[Is there still a chance to get in the car tomorrow? ]

[There is 1 to say 1, God K’s current popularity and appeal is really terrifying. I went to visit several forums and a few exchange groups I added, and now they are discussing double-coin shares. Now I feel that as long as God K enters which ticket , is the hardest logic of this ticket. ]

[The K-God effect has the meaning of Warren Buffett, whoever enters the ticket will skyrocket. ]


Fang Hong interacted with fans for a while, replied to a few comments and closed Weibo.

What I have to say is that his current popularity and appeal is indeed as one of the fans said. Taking the double-coin shares as an example, the hot spot of the tire protection case has not yet further fermented.

But because God K appeared on the dragon and tiger list of this ticket, the popularity index of this ticket soared exponentially.

And the just-updated Weibo news, undoubtedly added a fire, God K directly showed his card to let you go first.

According to Weibo, there is no need to worry about the selling pressure caused by K God’s position withdrawal, because he said that he will not leave until next week at the earliest, and he may not leave. Went in the middle and late month.


The following day, Tuesday 18 August.

Today's market conditions fluctuated violently and jumped up and down. The stock index opened sharply lower in the morning -0.88% and hit a new low in the near future. An hour later, it rushed higher and fell back again, and then fluctuated and closed higher in the afternoon.

Judging from the intuitive time-sharing trend of the market, there is a big difference between long and short in today's market. To a certain extent, God K returned to the market again, making some funds feel that the market has bottomed out, and began to try to intervene in long positions with small positions.

What I have to say is that now not only many retail investors' long-short views on the market are influenced by God K, but even some institutions are secretly diving to watch, and are more or less influenced by God K.

There is no way, the god-level record of 10,000 times a year and 30,000 times is left there, and the worth has soared to more than 2 billion. This amount of funds is even larger than many so-called institutions up.

However, it is said that the double-coin shares that are walking in the market at this moment, because the closing price of this ticket has increased by 20% for three consecutive trading days, it belongs to abnormal stock trading fluctuations. Today, trading was suspended for one hour and trading resumed at 10:30. .

However, the stock price opened sharply higher by +7.06% today. After trading resumed at 10:30, its stock price rushed to near the daily limit price but did not close the board, because this time coincided with the market diving again.

Double Coin shares also fell back to the +4.76% water mark, but immediately recovered above the opening price again.

At around 10:40, the new hot money enters the market and immediately ignites. God K’s tickets are not cheating, and the hot money is not afraid of him smashing the market, because he has said that even though he regrets and suddenly sells, no one can take him How about it, but everyone believes that God K is a gentleman who keeps his word.

First, he is already worth more than 200 million yuan, so there is no need to ruin his reputation in the market for such a small amount of money. Second, at least he has not done anything that broke his promise so far. There are two reasons. I believe he will not act like a villain.

The odds of winning are greater than the odds of losing by participating in this ticket, so it doesn't matter if there are hot money in the market who are willing to carry the sedan chair for him.

Super short, the game is a probability, the probability of eating meat is greater than the probability of eating noodles.

At 10:41, the stock price of Double Coin shares rose to 10.43 yuan, an increase of +10.02% to seal the daily limit, and 130 million yuan has been released.

At this time, Fang Hong watched the stock go out of the first board and into the second board, and the stock also deviated from the original historical track. According to the original historical trend, today it will shrink by more than 6 percentage points to close.

But right now the atmosphere has been heightened to such an extent. It is no surprise that Double Coin shares will go all the way to the top of the market. It has not yet stepped out of the third board, but it is already full of evil spirits.

Today's A-share market ushered in a shrinking and oversold rebound. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed up +1.40% to 2910.87 points. Although it opened lower, it finally recovered the 2900-point mark.


Wednesday, August 19.

Stockholders thought that even if today's market rebound does not continue, the callback should not break new lows again. What's more, K God, who accurately predicted the market peaked at 3478 points, has returned.

As a result, I never expected that today not only did not continue the rebound, not only did not stabilize, but it exploded again!

What disgusted stockholders the most was that the entire morning index fluctuated within a narrow range near the zero axis, showing a signal of stabilization, and many people were deceived in this wave.

As a result, there was a unilateral explosion in the afternoon, and the stock index fell by more than 5 percentage points at one point.

Not only did the 2900-point pass fall, but the 2800-point pass was also broken down in one fell swoop.

The whole market was full of curses and wailing.

As of the close, the Shanghai stock index plummeted -4.30% to 2785.58 points. From the high point of 3478 points to today's lowest point, the cumulative decline of the market once exceeded -20%. A decline of more than -20% will enter a so-called technical bear market, whereas an increase of more than +20% is a technical bull market.

The explosive killing in the late trading caused many stockholders to cut their meat and liquidate their positions in tears.

In stark contrast to this is the stockholders who participated in the double-coin shares. This ticket opened a big high today +5.29%, and then stepped back for about two minutes after the opening, and then went straight up, and it went up around 9:35. Daily limit.

Double Coin shares went out of the triple board market, and the stock price soared to 11.47 yuan per share, an increase of +9.97%. The real leader of the market has officially revealed its card.

Because Qingdao Shuangxing next door had adjusted after the first board, failed to enter the second board, and became a follower today. This is the leader, and the real leader has to be double-coin shares.


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