My Fintech Empire

Chapter 304 [Strive for national aerospace engineering projects as much as possible]

The news of Kyushu Blue Arrows will soon be screened on weekends this weekend. Most people did not expect that Kyushu Blue Arrows would introduce the aerospace giants of the two national teams, and they did not expect that the efficiency would be so fast, which can be called the speed of light. .

You know, Kyushu Blue Arrow announced its establishment only a month or two ago. It is not uncommon for such a major change and strategic cooperation to not make progress even after a year or two. thing.

But on the other hand, this is both unexpected and reasonable.

Kyushu Blue Arrow announced that tens of billions of funds will be poured in every year, accounting for 72% of the country's funding for the aerospace field. This is definitely an astronomical figure.

How to spend so much money is a problem. After all, Kyushu Blue Arrow has no background or foundation at all.

Now there is only money.


"Regarding the support of technical talents, we have reached a consensus on cooperation with the two major aerospace groups today." On the weekend afternoon, Tian Jiayi reported to Fang Hong the latest cooperation progress between Kyushu Blue Arrow and the two aerospace giants: "Science and Technology Group will provide Kyushu Blue The Arrow transported 621 people, and the Technology Group had 598 people, these are the list information of the main technical backbone."

Fang Hong took the file and looked at it.

Talent support is one of the core contents of the cooperation between the two parties. However, most of these talent supports from the two giant groups are "loaned" to Kyushu Blue Arrow, accounting for about 80%, and they will still have to go back in the future.

In other words, the two giant groups sent people to help Kyushu Blue Arrow quickly set up a scientific research system, get on the right track quickly, and help Kyushu Blue Arrow cultivate its own talents. After Kyushu Blue Arrow can achieve initial normal operation, these The dispatched technicians and other talents are still transferred back.

The remaining 20%, that is, about 245 people, left the establishment and were directly hired by Kyushu Blue Arrow with high salaries, and the top talents accounted for very few of the two hundred people, and the real top talents of the two giant groups did not May release people.

However, although these two hundred talents are not the most capable group of people, they are also rare talents. If they have not invested in Kyushu Blue Arrow, these talents may not let go, and the most important thing is that the two giant groups are successful. Systematically provide talent support programs for Kyushu Blue Arrow.

Fang Hong looked at the resumes of the more than 200 main technical backbones directly hired on the material, nodded and said with satisfaction: "Not bad, the average age of these technical personnel is only about 30 years old, there is room for plasticity and growth. very high."

In fact, Fang Hong didn't care much about whether the two hundred or so people were the top group of people, as long as they joined the Kyushu Blue Arrow, they would use the achievement points of the fame system to directly forcibly improve their talents.

The achievement points of the fame system have been accumulating and have never been used, in order to come in handy at this time.

At the end, Fang Hong, who was holding the roster, immediately said: "Kyushu Blue Arrow will spare no effort to participate in national aerospace projects, including lunar exploration projects, space station projects, and even manned moon landing projects. Get involved and apply to get involved as much as you can.”

The current Kyushu Blue Arrow has no technical reserves, but it has strong financial support. How much participation is involved in those major national aerospace projects, this is not only for the Kyushu Blue Arrow, but also for the consideration of the longer-term future.

Participating, then it will be easier to get orders from the country in the future. For example, in the future, the cargo supply of the space station will be directly packaged and the order will be sent to the Kyushu Blue Arrow.

Moreover, after the gold plating, it will also be of great help to Kyushu Blue Arrow to undertake international commercial space launches in the future. Being able to participate in a series of large-scale aerospace engineering projects is a symbol of strength. Customers must look at the past experience of Kyushu Blue Arrow. Take a high look.

In short, for those national-level aerospace projects, it is now enough to pay for soy sauce.

Tian Jiayi finished the work report and made a memorandum of Fang Hong's major decisions. After collecting the materials, she went to the gym to work out. Fang Hong took the list of more than 200 scientific and technical personnel to the study on the second floor.

Fang Hong put the roster on the table, sat still, and the interface of the social reputation system was soon displayed in front of his eyes.

The latest data shows that the accumulated reputation value has reached 575 million, and the available achievement points have accumulated to 53.82 million. Fang Hong looked at these data and said to himself: "53.82 million means that 538 item cards can be exchanged."

Every 100,000 achievement points can be exchanged for one prop card with six different attributes. To improve the research and development capabilities of researchers like Kyushu Blue Arrow, it is natural to use "research and development" prop cards. After use, it will directly reflect the designated target IQ. a substantial increase.

After a while, Fang Hong immediately opened the roster and glanced at the scientific and technological personnel who joined the Kyushu Blue Arrow. These personnel who can join the two major aerospace giant groups basically belong to the high IQ group, especially some core backbone IQs. level.

Without saying a word, Fang Hong thought about how to allocate limited item cards to these people to improve their research and development capabilities.

This requires a good plate.

For the role of "research and development" prop cards, the designated target consumes one to get a 5% creativity bonus, which is reflected in the increase in IQ value.

However, the improvement of IQ value is a curve with a slowing upward trend, that is, as the value gets higher and higher, it consumes far more than one item card for each unit increase. For example, when the IQ value is 100, consuming one item card will Improve several units, but if IQ is above 139, if you want to increase it from 1 unit to 140, several prop cards may not be enough.

Fang Hong has used it on his dormitory buddy Lou Gaoyuan, and on his second brother Fang Ping, and he knows the probability of it. If he wants to upgrade to the top R\u0026D level, he can be the chief engineer of a major project engineering R\u0026D level. I am afraid that it will cost 50 You can't beat all the prop cards.

The limited item card resources definitely can't allow everyone to improve, and they can't all-in one person, so maybe a super genius can be born.

But the risk is too great, if something happens and everyone disappears, it will all be in vain.

A person's energy is doomed to be limited. Even if Einstein was alive, he could only have 24 hours a day.

Therefore, the best solution is to select the five or six people with the highest IQ from this group of people to focus on promotion. Fang Hong nodded himself and made a decision immediately.

Just do it!

First of all, one person was selected, that is Luo Liang, who was the leader of a talented team that Fang Hong accidentally discovered on the Yixing video website.

Luo Liang is definitely going to be selected. After all, it was compiled by people Fang Hong personally favored. Luo Liang was stunned to better reflect that Fang Hong, as a big boss, is a bole with discerning eyes. Otherwise, he will slap himself in the face. .

He was the first to confirm Luo Liang.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Hong began to screen among the more than 200 people from the two major aerospace groups. The company had already classified the data of these scientific research employees. Fang Hong directly looked at the twenty or so core employees. Technical backbones have detailed resumes and background information.

These people are all high-IQ groups with an IQ of 130 or more, which belongs to the category of extreme excellence, and those who reach a value of more than 139 belong to the genius level.

After a while, Fang Hong selected five of them, Zheng Xin, Yan Jiandan, Chen Tongwei, Yin Ting, and Xiang Lanzhi, three males and two females, plus Luo Liang, a total of six people.

After confirming these six candidates, Fang Hong began to exchange a large number of "research and development" item cards to designate these six people for improvement, with the goal of raising their IQ values ​​to 140.

Luo Liang consumed a total of 68 prop cards to forcibly raise the IQ level to 140, Xiang Lanzhi consumed 72, Yin Ting consumed 73, Chen Tongwei consumed 69, Yan Jiandan consumed 75, Zheng Xin consumed 70 open.

Forcibly raising the IQ level of the six of them to 140 values, a total of 427 item cards were consumed. After accumulating 53.82 million achievement points, there were only 11.12 million points left, which can be exchanged for 111 item cards.

"After saving for such a long time, I can't help but..." Fang Hong shook his head with a smile, but he didn't feel too reluctant. It was worthwhile to spend 42.7 million achievement points in exchange for six leading talented researchers.

"The Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and the Aerospace Science and Technology Group will see the achievements of Xiang Lanzhi and the others in the Kyushu Blue Arrow and the achievements of technological breakthroughs. They may secretly cry in the toilet and regret the slap on the thigh..." Fang Hong couldn't help laughing said selfishly.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, the two aerospace giants will definitely regret letting Chen Tongwei and a few others join Kyushu Blue Arrow.


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