My Fintech Empire

Chapter 31 [Expert: Big A is hopeless]

"Good guy!"

Several roommates stared at the thirteen bundles of cash on the table. They had never seen so much cash put together and placed in front of their eyes. The money was enough to build a house in their hometown. , Everyone couldn't help but play with a bundle of weights.

This is the start-up capital of Quantum Beat.

Fang Hong put the cash bag aside and went to his bed and sat down, letting his brothers feel the red notes.

After a while, Yuan Jie looked at Fang Hong and said, "Now I finally believe that you have enlightened, and I want to trade stocks with you."

"Don't think about it that way, if Quantum Jump is successful, worth hundreds of millions is just the beginning." Fang Hong said, Yuan Jie immediately laughed and said, "Just kidding, the stock market is not my thing, even the Newton master speculates in stocks and loses money. "

"With this amount of money, Quantum Beat's start is not too low." Fang Hong looked at his roommates and said with a smile: "I heard that the three co-founders of were also college students, and they were only a few A thousand yuan is less than ten thousand yuan."

At this time, Xu Jingren looked at Fang Hong and said, "Isn't it 125,000? It's 5,000 more."

Fang Hong immediately replied: "130,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan in cash will be used for company operations, 25,000 yuan will be used for paid-in capital, and the remaining 5,000 yuan will be used as food expenses for the team."

Wang Ping gave a thumbs up and said in a serious manner: "As expected of our leader, you are magnificent!"

Sun Xin immediately said: "Since I said that, the brothers will not be hypocritical with you."

Xu Jingren took a bunch of cash and slapped his palms and said, "Tomorrow happens to be a weekend weekend. Brothers, everyone split up and signed the contract for the venue you like. Arrange the computer and other software and hardware development tools. Enter as soon as possible." development stage."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "I won't participate in these things. The chief strategy officer relies on his mouth to eat. I have to figure out how to get follow-up investment on weekends and weekends. I only have one main task now, making money!"

Everyone immediately nodded and said that there is no problem. In terms of technology development, Fang Hong is relatively the weakest among the six people.

Of course, this does not prevent Fang Hong from establishing a leadership position with several roommates.

"I just heard what you talked about. I suggest that you should do a better job before launching Weibo, especially the UI design of the website must have something of your own. You can't just copy Twitter. You should learn from at that time. .” Fang Hong immediately talked about this matter.

When Xiaonei was first launched, everyone saw that it was a copycat version of Facebook. Except for the different logo, everything else was exactly the same.

As a result, there has been constant criticism on the Internet.

However, regarding the situation of Xiaonei at that time, the founders really couldn’t afford any money at that time, and they didn’t even have the money to hire a UI designer, so they had to copy the Facebook page.

Because of Fang Hong, the Quantum Jump team started much higher than the three college students on the Xiaonei network at that time.

In fact, Xu Jingren and the others don't have to worry about the money issue at all, Fang Hong will take care of it, but now is not the time to reveal to them that he is the ultimate big boss behind Qunxing Capital.


On the following weekend and weekend, Xu Jingren and his roommates quickly settled the site, rented a private house of more than 100 square meters around the school, and then bought hardware facilities at the flea market.

In terms of hardware, the main cost is a few computers, and a few roommates are also full of enthusiasm and motivation. It can be basically done in two days on weekends and weekends, and can enter the development sequence of the Weibo website.

There was Fang Hong guiding the team, even though it was a few college students doing it, but the idea of ​​what the team should do was very clear, and the goals were also very clear.

The venue and everything are done. During the working day next Monday, you can go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register Quantum Jump.

All these are left to Xu Jingren and the others to get them. The company's articles of association, shareholding structure and other materials, these important Dongfanghong have already prepared, Xu Jingren and the others only need to run errands and go through the process.

Compared with other Internet entrepreneurial teams, especially the initial team of college students starting their own businesses, although the start-up stage is as crude, the biggest difference is that Quantum Beat is more professional and clear-minded than other teams!

At the beginning, many entrepreneurial teams have a temporary idea or a novel idea, and then immediately build the website and go online directly. Only when there is improvement later can they think of setting up a company as a real business.

But this is also normal!

After all, Fang Hong, the boss behind Quantum Beat, controls the rhythm and grasps the overall situation. This is an advantage that other college student entrepreneurial teams do not have, or to some extent, this is the most unparalleled core competitive advantage of Quantum Beat.

In the next week or two, with the registration of Quantum Jump completed, the five of Xu Jingren also started a three-point-one-line life. After class, they went to the studio of Quantum Jump outside the school together, and then exploded the liver development website. Then it will be the school dormitory, or simply sleep in the studio.

But Fang Hong is relatively relaxed, he has to skip classes every day to speculate in stocks. Anyway, no one will stop him from skipping classes in college.

Fang Hong won't keep staring at the board after changing hands that day. He still has a lot of time and will go to class, but the boss goes to class to experience the comfortable college life.

During this period of time, Big A also hit the south wall all the way, constantly dropping to new lows and new lows.

On Monday, September 8, the Shanghai stock index plunged -2.68% again to 2143.41 points.

Then it traded sideways for two days. On September 11, it plummeted again by -3.34%, and the index closed at 2078.98 points. On this day, the market directly broke through 2100 points.

At this time, experts are still insisting that 2000 points will never fall below.

All kinds of good news on the news can't save the market's decline. On Tuesday, September 16, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the stimulus of many news such as the reduction of loan interest rates and deposit reserve ratios is still useless.

Because the bad news in the external market was too great yesterday, the U.S. stock market crashed last night.

Just yesterday, September 15th, Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest investment bank in North America, which had been in business for 158 years, announced that it had filed for bankruptcy protection, which hit the headlines of the world news. The resulting financial turmoil swept the world.

Today, the A-share market also had another flash crash of -4.47%. The 2000 points that could never fall below were broken down in one fell swoop, and the market closed at 1986.63 points that day.

Immediately after the next Wednesday, the Shanghai stock index plunged again by -2.90%, and the index fell to the water level of 1922.68 points. The cumulative decline from the high point of 6124 has exceeded 68 percentage points. The downward trend.

The experts simply broke the jar, saying that there is no hope for the big A!

I can't keep going!

However, the sharp drop in the market did not prevent Fang Hong from making money in Big A. During the seven trading days when the market plummeted all the way to the south, the yield curve of his securities account ran counter to the trend of the market, and went all the way north. , the income is a new high and a new high.


(Ps: ask for the next monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, collection, follow-up...)

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