My Fintech Empire

Chapter 326 [Unified Price]

Qin Feng chatted with the person in charge of the design team of the video call for a while and then ended the communication. He also walked to the middle of the press conference again, and said at the same time: "Two S1 mobile phones can use the video call function anywhere with WiFi. There is no need to install any additional configuration, no need to find a server, no input, no code, no need, just make a phone call."

"You can use the front camera, or the rear camera, and switch to the other side of the rear camera and the person on the other side can see what you see. It's easy to switch back and forth. It can be used anywhere with WiFi. This is the S1 phone, we think We don’t want to be overly modest about this being the biggest upgrade the S1 has brought to the smartphone industry since the original iPhone redefined smartphones in 2007!”

The audience at the scene gave warm applause again. The audience has been completely conquered by this product. Even some people who were waiting to see Qin Feng overturn had to admit that the excellence of this product is indeed in line with the leading propaganda. The battle matched, and even greatly exceeded expectations.

At the same time, Rebs was actually watching the press conference at home. He never expected that Xiaomi would meet such a strong competitor and make such a big move just after it was formally established this month.

Rebus didn't say a word, but his expression was serious, and at the same time extremely confused.

He really couldn't figure out that Xingyu Technology was only established for more than a year, how could it surpass such a shocking work full of "black technology"?

How enchanting is Qin Feng's technical team?

Soon, the conference site entered the stage of announcing the price and release time, which is also the most concerned thing for all consumers, especially those who have been fans of S1.

On the stage, Qin Feng said unhurriedly: "About the price and launch time of S1, first of all, there are two versions of S1, namely S1 basic version and S1-Plus enhanced version. The two versions have three fuselage capacities respectively. models, namely 8GB, 16GB and 32GB."

The basic version and the enhanced version have been introduced before, and the enhanced version is definitely better if there is no one. The biggest difference in appearance is the size. The basic version is 4.0 inches, and the enhanced version is 4.3 inches.

Qin Feng continued: "The two versions come in five colors: pure black, pure white, dark purple, pink, and silver gray, all of which are extremely beautiful."

Compared with the unreleased iPhone 4, which only has two colors of black and white, S1 has launched five colors for consumers to choose from. After all, the main product is the domestic consumer market.

In fact, in terms of color naming, the design team originally wanted to use some gorgeous rhetoric to modify it.

What ceramic white, obsidian black and so on, sound very high.

But Qin Feng did not drop it.

Black is black, white is white, and it doesn't make much sense to spend energy trying to make up those fancy rhetoric.

Qin Feng on the stage of the press conference announced the prices in an orderly manner: "The unified price of S1 standard version 8GB is 2,399 yuan, the unified price of 16GB is 2,999 yuan, and the unified price of 32GB is 3,599 yuan; the unified price of S1-Plus enhanced version 8GB is 3,499 yuan, The unified price of 16GB is 4099 yuan, and the unified price of 32GB is 4699 yuan."

Good guy!

When hearing the announced price, consumers could not help but exclaim.

This price is really not cheap, especially the enhanced version of S1-Plus with 32GB body capacity, which is the main flagship phone, and the price unit of iPhone3GS is in the same echelon.

A consumer at the scene said in amazement: "S1-Plus sells for 4699 yuan? The enhanced version, no, this is the extra money version!"

Consumers who originally wanted to buy a lot of tickets felt dissuaded when they saw this price.

I really can't afford it!

Even if you bite your teeth, you can only buy the S1 standard version with 8GB capacity. Even the cheapest standard version, for many consumers, it will take more than a month's full salary to buy it. In fact, at least you have to save It takes more than three months to afford it, because there are still basic expenses for food, clothing and housing.

As for the price of 4699 yuan for the 32GB enhanced version of the main flagship machine, the vast majority of ordinary consumers have no temper.

But Fang Hong is very calm, the Greater China region has a lot of people, there are a lot of people who can't afford it, and there are a lot of people who can afford it.

When many people in the industry learned of this price, many people felt that even if the product of S1 is excellent enough, it may become a niche product, and the price is really not flattering.

Especially the main flagship machine, it will definitely not sell much.

A comparison can be made by referring to the sales volume of the iPhone in the Greater China market. The sales volume of the iPhone 3GS in the mainland is actually not high.

But Fang Hong knows that Apple fans in the mainland really know the iPhone from the iPhone 4. Some people say that the iPhone 2G is an epoch-making product, but in 2007, many people in China were still using Nokia. threat.

According to the original historical trajectory, it was from the iPhone4 that the embryonic form of Apple's dynasty emerged.

But now, there is no shadow of the iPhone 4, and it has been delayed until April 2011 to land in the Greater China market, and now the S1 has turned out to be Apple's iPhone 4.

Xingyu Technology's first-generation S1 mobile phone is slightly inferior to iPhone4 in terms of comprehensive capabilities, but far better than iPhone3GS. Qin Feng does not pretend that S1 is competing with Apple's iPhone4.

What's more, it will take at least a year for the iPhone 4 to enter the mainland market. During this period of time, the S1 is invincible in the Greater China market. Nokia? Samsung? HTC?

These competitors are even more worthy.

When the iPhone 4 landed in the mainland market in 2011, the day lily was cold!

However, at the press conference at this moment, when many people in the industry thought that the sales of S1 might not be optimistic, Qin Feng once again released a super big move, which made friends and businessmen stunned.

Qin Feng said in an orderly manner: "Xingyu Technology has reached an in-depth partnership with a number of financial institutions. From the date of the launch of our first-generation product S1, we will also launch a zero-interest installment payment activity for mobile phones, which will be divided into two years. 24 issues, even the most expensive S1-Plus, participating in the mobile installment activity only needs a monthly payment of 195 yuan to take home.”

Qin Feng added: "The zero-interest installment payment activity, you can consult the company's customer service at that time, or go to our offline direct sales store for consultation."


There was an uproar in the audience, and then all the consumers shouted frenziedly again, and the consumers present stood up and applauded, and the applause lasted for a long time.

A consumer audience was stunned: "Can you support installment payment? Or is there no interest? Can you take away the 32GB S1-Plus for less than 200 yuan? Isn't the cheapest standard version available for 99 yuan?" bring home?"

A consumer next to him said excitedly: "Get it, get it, you must get it! The monthly payment is less than 200 yuan, no pressure, and zero interest. Buy early and enjoy early, buy! Buy! Buy!!"

Another consumer present couldn't help but said: "This should be to review personal credit and repayment ability? I don't know if I have the qualifications to pass the review."

The conditions for mobile installment payment are relatively low, as long as four conditions are met:

One is that the user must be over 18 years old and have full capacity for civil conduct;

The second is that users need a stable job and income, and have the ability to repay the loan. If they change jobs frequently, they will not meet the requirements of different institutions. If they do not meet the requirements, they will not be able to apply for zero-interest installment payment;

The third is that the user needs to carry valid identity documents such as the second-generation ID card and household registration book. The essence of installment payment is to repay the loan in installments after applying for a loan. The user must submit an identity certificate to the institution for review, and the identity certificate can also indicate that it is the user himself Applying for a loan.

Fourth, the user's personal credit must be good, and there must be no bad credit records in the user's credit report, otherwise it will not be able to pass the review of the lending institution, and the installment payment cannot be made if it fails the review.

Generally speaking, the threshold for zero-interest installment payment is very low. It is enough to have an ordinary and stable job and no default record.

Although the low threshold will also increase the risk, and it will increase the potential bad debts for financial institutions, but the actual risk is actually very low, because ordinary people dare not easily default, even if they grit their teeth, they have to repay the loan. It's not a loan with a large transaction amount like a house, but if you find a factory to make screws, you won't default.

That's why Fang Hong dared to play, and if he dared to play, it meant that Qunxing Capital would cover the bottom line, and the financial institutions he cooperated with would definitely dare to play with him.

Many people in the industry were caught off guard. They never expected Xingyu Technology to have this trick. Some investors present suddenly realized that they almost forgot that the father behind Xingyu Technology is Qunxing Capital.

A poor non-bank financial institution with only money left.

It's not surprising that such a benefactor father provides strong financial resources to support him!

Playing installment payments on mobile phones is something that no one has thought of, and it is zero interest. There is no doubt that if the product is sufficiently excellent, this can greatly offset the disadvantage in price, thereby stimulating consumption and expanding sales.


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