My Fintech Empire

Chapter 355 [All]

The specific investment agreements and contracts don't need to be handled by Fang Hong, just leave it to the beautiful assistant next to him. If there is something, the beautiful assistant can do it, and if there is nothing, the beautiful assistant can do it. What a good assistant.

When approaching the door of the house, Fang Hong stopped and turned to look at Tian Jiayi and said, "Speaking of the Kunpeng project, what are the people in the company's VC department and investment research and analysis department doing? Such a good project in the primary market Why haven't the stars been unearthed?"

Hearing this, although Tian Jiayi was not in charge of the work, she was clearly aware of the company's situation, and immediately explained to the two departments: "Chu Changxing's team didn't come to Qunxing Capital, you made a plan for the company. There are hundreds of fields to focus on, and it is impossible to catch specific start-up companies in every sub-sector, and there will eventually be a hundred secrets.”

Fang Hong was noncommittal, but what she said was true, and it was unrealistic to seize every opportunity.

Tian Jiayi added: "In fact, the company is also concerned about the commercial drone market, but it is mainly focused on DJI, but the company has passed the painful stage and has no willingness to access capital."

Hearing this, Fang Hong said with a smile: "I don't think that there is no pressure, but don't worry, DJI will be under pressure when Kunpeng technology is up. DJI doesn't give it to Qunxing now. There are ways, and there is no need to force it. At that time, DJI will also take the initiative to open the door for us."

For Chu Changxing’s team and Kunpeng Technology, Fang Hong’s most important thing is that its next-generation consumer-level non-professional drone market and a complete set of drones, not to mention lowering the price to below 5,000 yuan, will compete with DJI at that time At that time, the benchmark product can always be 500 yuan cheaper than DJI, or even cheaper, and it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make money.

It's the money-burning battle of banknote power.

Kunpeng stud is ready, are you following DJI or not?

Not with? Then the market share will be eaten up by Kunpeng? At that time, DJI may be squeezed out of the consumer drone market.

And if DJI is forced to lower prices in order not to be squeezed out, it will face a new problem. It will not make money or even lose money. If the product has no profit, it will have to seek financing support from the capital market.

At that time, DJI will have to open the door to let capital in, and Qunxing Capital will come waving banknotes.

First they refused to give, and then they asked for it.

And this kills two birds with one stone, because Kunpeng Technology needs financing support for the money-burning war, so it can only sell more equity in exchange, so Qunxing Capital can also get more equity in Kunpeng.

At that time, after Qunxing Capital has obtained its expected equity shares from Kunpeng Technology and DJI Technology successively, it can use its status as a major shareholder to invite the founders of both sides to have a meal and chat together. right?

Then play the role of a peacemaker, bring the two parties together to shake hands and make peace, stop vicious competition and price wars, and stop rolling. Let the profit of the product return to the average level, and the cake will be the biggest. Wouldn’t it be more delicious?

Of course, there is a prerequisite for overwhelming DJI through the war of burning money, that is, to make Kunpeng's products and DJI's products smooth the gap in technology. If the core technology gap between the two companies' products is too large Big, such as DJI's technology is better, so it is meaningless to fight a price war.

But Fang Hong is very confident in Kunpeng. It seems that the technical content of the prototype is not weaker than that of DJI. The founder Chu Changxing is also very good. The current situation is that we only need to support Kunpeng technology, and the take-off is just around the corner. .

After smoothing out the gap in technology, the remaining variable is the competition of money ability. To put it bluntly, it is to compare who has more money, who can burn more money, and who can't hold on first.

When DJI is unable to sustain itself and is willing to accept Qunxing Capital, the money-burning war can be terminated. If it is not accepted, then it will be exhausted, and then Kunpeng Technology will eat up the market share and replace DJI. .

Entering the interior of the villa, Fang Hong put the prototype aside and sat down on the sofa in the leisure area.

Tian Jiayi also came over, sat down in the empty seat next to him, looked at Fang Hong and said with a smile: "Although the company's VC department has not discovered Kunpeng Technology, it is not in vain. Just a week ago, there was a new project. , the founder of the new energy technology company took the initiative to get in touch, and the investment research and analysis department is also focusing on researching this project, and the conclusion drawn from the preliminary judgment is that it is possible to intervene in the project.”

Hearing this, Fang Hong couldn't help asking: "A new energy technology company? Is it ATL new energy technology company that makes power batteries?"

Tian Jiayi nodded: "Well, this is the company."

Fang Hong was quite surprised to get her confirmation reply. Is it really this company? He is certainly no stranger to this company, because ATL is the predecessor of Ningde era.

However, Ningde Times only took less than nine years of development time to have the ability to aspire to be the world's number one in the industry.

Fang Hong immediately retrieved the past life memory information. According to the original historical trajectory, the founder of ATL company will spin off the company's power battery business department and establish Ningde Times at the end of next year, around December 2011.

Obviously, the co-founder of ATL came to contact Qunxing Capital at this time. The company's VC department and investment research and analysis are ready to intervene in this project, and they must have the ability.

Although the Kunpeng technology has not been discovered, the flaws are not concealed.

After a while, Tian Jiayi said: "Since 2008, the upper echelons of the country have started to formulate relevant policies for the new energy vehicle industry. The investment research and analysis department of the company believes that it is really the time for the country to vigorously promote the development of new energy vehicles, and many discounts have been offered. The right thing to do, and the battery is the key part."

Fang Hong nodded slowly. Ningde Era was able to develop, and it was precisely at this time point that it seized this historical opportunity, and the country's various supportive policies in the field of new energy are indispensable.

Not surprisingly, the country should publish the "Guiding Catalog of Foreign Investment Industries" in 2011 next year. This document clearly restricts wholly foreign-owned enterprises from producing automotive power batteries. development time.

Moreover, this restriction not only contributed to the establishment of Ningde Times to a large extent, but also allowed Ningde Times to maintain a certain technological advantage in the mainland lithium battery industry.

Of course, the most important factor is the country's huge subsidies for the new energy automobile industry in the past ten years. The memory information of his previous life made Fang Hong roughly estimate that in the eight years from last year 2009 to the next 2017, the country's new energy vehicles The direct investment in the automobile industry has exceeded 320 billion yuan, and the cumulative purchase tax reduction and exemption has also reached 70 billion yuan.

If calculated according to the total investment of 390 billion yuan, it is equivalent to about 42% of the total sales of new energy vehicles in the same period in China, or equivalent to a new energy vehicle of 300,000 yuan. The country paid 128,000 yuan, and consumers only spent 172,000 yuan Yuan Kai went home.

Of course, the actual situation must be more complicated. The state has spent so much money to subsidize this emerging industry, and there are many people who cheat on subsidies.

Tian Jiayi looked at Fang Hong and said: "But this time Mr. Zeng did not come here for ATL. In 2008, he began to support the new energy vehicle industry with positive policies. ATL's management sensed an opportunity and decided to set up a power battery department. But because Due to legal restrictions, wholly foreign-owned enterprises cannot produce power batteries, so Mr. Zeng’s proposition is to separate the R\u0026D department and plan to establish a subsidiary company.”

Not surprisingly, this subsidiary is Ningde Times.

Fang Hong smiled and said, "He came to Qunxing to seek cooperation, what do you say?"

Obviously, Tian Jiayi must know the details, she knows all the company's business secrets, because she is Fang Hong's "shadow" in Qunxing Capital, Hua Yu will not have any reservations about her, and she can also read all the company's business secrets information.

Tian Jiayi immediately said: "According to him, if domestic batteries are controlled by the Japanese in the future, the fate of domestic new energy vehicles and new energy batteries will be controlled by the Japanese, so it is necessary to put the ATL power battery department Spun off, 100% controlled by domestic capital."

Hearing this, Fang Hong couldn't help laughing, he must have a lofty idea, of course there is nothing wrong with saying that, but the main reason must be the restriction by laws and regulations.


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