My Fintech Empire

Chapter 38 [Hui, pretend to fly]

Fang Hong cleared his position in Zhongxin Securities at the end of trading, and the funds in his account reached 9,096,700 yuan. The stock rose in this round of rebound, with a cumulative gain of 61 percentage points.

In the past few days, Fang Hong held a full position in the stock of Zhongxin Securities, but he traded T a few times in the intraday, and made a yield of 77 percentage points, which greatly outperformed the gains of Zhongxin Securities itself. Not to mention winning the broader market index over the same period.

After the late trading came out, Fang Hong did not intervene in new stocks. The main reason was that there was not enough time, and there was no buying point in the stocks that were worth intervening today.

Then rest and fight again next week, Big A will not close the door anyway!

As for the Zhongxin Securities ticket, after selling it today, I will throw it aside and don’t pay attention to it for the time being. Not surprisingly, this ticket will open sharply lower next Monday and then hit the limit, and will continue to open sharply lower and move lower every day.

However, Fang Hong did not delete Zhongxin Securities from the self-selection, and he can still do back-drawing after the lower limit.

For this ticket, Fang Hong intends to arbitrage from Ashin for a long time, because the trading volume is huge and the amplitude fluctuates greatly, and the daily trading volume can explode to 6.7 billion. 100 million large-cap stocks.

You know, in this day and age, even Mao Tiao's trading volume is only 100 million a day, and in many cases it is only about tens of millions.

In the current A-share market, there are no more than 10 stocks with a daily trading volume of more than 2 billion, while Zhongxin Securities is the only one with a daily turnover of more than 5 billion, and its trading activity is basically unmatched.

This is the previous epic bull market that made countless big A investors realize Zhongxin Securities. During the previous bull market, many people tasted the sweetness of it, and people often have path dependence.

Of course, the plunge this year also caused countless people to lose their money.

Not long after the market closed, Fang Hong checked the social reputation system, and unexpectedly found that the cumulative reputation value had reached 158,700, and the cumulative achievement points had exceeded 13,900.

Fame points and achievement points suddenly soared like monster stocks.

Fang Hong didn't say a word. After being surprised for a moment, he immediately entered the URL of Tianya Forum.

Quickly found the ID "air-dried salted fish", and then clicked on its post to pull to the latest update location.

"It really is like this..." Fang Hong couldn't help laughing. The latest news released by the host shows that it was posted half an hour ago, and the updated content is:

[The target price has arrived, and it is about 24.25 yuan. It is quite surprising that it will rise in the late trading, but it will be enough to realize the expected profit when the target price is reached. If it rises further, it means that it is beyond my cognition. I don't have to envy the profits I should make. I haven't had any satisfactory tickets recently, so I'll take a short break for a while. 】

When Fang Hong saw the latest content Cao Chenghui posted in his post, he also said happily: "This kid has something, but he puts it all together, and he looks like a master."

As for the post saying that it is time to take a short break, and there are no satisfactory votes, it is clearly the reason why the boss did not give the wealth code.

"It's no wonder my reputation has soared so fast. It turns out that Cao Chenghui is very popular in the circle!" Fang Hong also browsed in other stock forums, and found that many forums and communities had discussions about "weathering salted fish". Discussion thread for ID.

According to the increase of achievement points corresponding to the fame value, Fang Hong estimates that at least 70,000 to 80,000 people now know the ID of "weathered salted fish", and firmly believe that this person is a stock speculator.

Obviously, this wave of Zhongxin Securities has allowed Cao Chenghui to pretend to be in it again, and his reputation has soared!

The delivery order was released on the day of the intervention, but the number of shares bought was a mosaic and was not exposed.

But he said in the post that he dared to buy bottoms at the limit, and he also set a target price of 24 yuan, and now it has risen to the target price. This predicts in advance that the final market will accurately honor his judgment, and his reputation has soared.

Fang Hong went back to Tianya Forum and looked at Cao Chenghui's post. At this time, the comments below were full of worship.

"Great bull pen!"

"Following the master to copy homework and earning more than 20 points, I would have known that the stud was full!"

"It's out at the end of today, thank God!"

"Can God share some similar trending stocks?"

"The great god has already said, there are no good tickets recently, so let's take a short break!"


"Follow the post!"

"Big Master earned more than 50 pips with this full position operation."



"Haha..." Fang Hong, who read the post with great interest, couldn't help laughing.

With all the adoring messages, and the sudden soaring fame and achievement points, Fang Hong decided to add fire to Cao Chenghui, and the fame and achievement points would continue to soar.

The boss directly regards Xiao Cao as a tool for gaining fame.

So, Fang Hong picked up the phone decisively and called Cao Chenghui, and the call was connected after a while.

"Boss, what do you want me to tell you?"

Hearing the voice, Cao Chenghui changed his address to "you". Fang Hong smiled silently, and then said calmly: "Chenghui, have you sold Zhongxin Securities today? If you don't sell it, there is a high probability that you will eat it tomorrow." Limit down..."

On the other side of the phone, Cao Chenghui's heart was filled with emotion when he heard it, and he thought: "So the boss cares about me so much!"

After a while, Cao Chenghui quickly responded with a smile: "It's sold, it's sold, I strictly followed the boss's instructions, and I made more than one million yuan this time, thank you boss!"

Cao Chenghui didn't hide how much money he made. He knew that this young boss was not easy, especially when the boss said "Chenghui" just now, which made him inexplicably feel like the aura of an elder.

For the boss, you must be sincere, as long as you can do things with sincerity, the benefits are indispensable!

No, more than one million will be in hand.

Fang Hong nodded and replied: "Well, it's fine if you sell it. How this ticket goes up will probably go down the same way. If you don't clear the stock, you will be happy for nothing."

Cao Chenghui quickly responded, "Thank you boss for your concern!"

Fang Hongyan said concisely: "That's it."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly, chatted briefly, made a call in the name of caring for his subordinates, and hinted at the future of Zhongxin Securities in the conversation, and then it was up to Cao Chenghui to pretend or not.

Sure enough, Fang Hong found that this kid is a master who will come to things, as long as he is given a chance to pretend, he will be unambiguous at all.

About twenty minutes later, Fang Hong logged on to the Tianya forum again with a look at it, and looked at Cao Chenghui's post.

This guy really moved again.

Cao Chenghui replied in a comment asking whether Zhongxin Securities will continue to rise in the market outlook: [I am not optimistic about this ticket, otherwise it will not be issued today. I feel that it may fall to the limit tomorrow, and the market outlook is not very optimistic. It is estimated that how it goes up or how it will come down. ]

"Haha, not bad, not bad, it is indeed a tool for the boss to earn achievement points. You don't even need to bring overnight. If you have a comparison, you can just install it directly. The installation is good, and the details are also good." Before laughing.

The expression management of the top gangsters is a rare failure.

Fang Hong had nothing to do, so he took a look at other people's posts.

"What? Will the limit drop tomorrow?"

"No way? I entered late trading!"

"Great God, don't scare me, I'm half-baked in!"

"It's impossible to lower the limit, open lower at most, maybe it will continue to rise, the trend is up, how can it be so easy to stop?"

"We'll know when the market opens tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is Saturday, and there will be a short holiday after that, so we have to wait nine days for the opening!"

"There is no Saturday for stock speculators tomorrow, only Monday and Friday."


"The Great God's words made it difficult for me to play World of Warcraft."


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