My Fintech Empire

Chapter 396 [Video Communication]


At around 10 am, Fang Hong logged into his personal Weibo account K3478 and replied a letter to the two teams.

In the reply letter, Fang Hong expressed his interest in their research, and proposed that the two parties learn more about their research through remote video communication.

In less than an hour, the two project teams wrote back again, and they were very surprised.

At first, I didn't have any hope, because the time to deliver the materials to Fang Hongfa was a few months ago, and now I plan to put the project on hold indefinitely or even kill it directly.

Unexpectedly, the news came today, and the two teams responded as soon as they received the news.

At around 11:40 p.m., Fang Hong and the two teams exchanged short private messages again, and agreed to start a video conference communication tomorrow. The Zhejiang University team’s project was agreed to be carried out in the morning, while the Huada team’s project was agreed to be in the afternoon. Expand.

After confirming the specific time for the video conference communication, the two teams put down their research today and prepared for tomorrow's video connection communication. This is the key point and the last chance for the project not to be put on hold.

If you can't get financial support from Fang Hong tomorrow, it's meaningless.


The next day, weekend morning.

In the study room on the second floor of Jingxinju Villa, Fang Hong was sitting in front of the computer desk. It was already around 10:50 in the morning, and he was starting a video connection with the Zhejiang University team.

After operating for a while, Fang Hong moved the camera, looked at the screen to confirm that there was nothing wrong with the camera on his side, and then jumped the main screen to the connection window of the other party, shrinking his own screen to a corner.

After a while, the video connection is successfully established.

Fang Hong saw the picture from the camera on the opposite side. A man over fifty years old was sitting in front of the picture. There were three young people standing behind him. He asked the young man next to him, "Is the connection successful?"

A young man behind him responded, "Yes, Professor Zhu."

Fang Hong didn't speak. He looked at the man with eyes in the picture, and heard the young man next to him call him "professor". He should be the leader of this project. It is estimated that these young people should be his students. Or a member of the project team, the key is his hairstyle, and the hairline looks like the hairstyle of a strong man.

However, he specializes in technology, and this professor seems not very familiar with the function of online video conferencing.

After a while, Fang Hong saw the young man beside him looking at the camera and saying, "Hello, Mr. Fang, can you hear me?"

There was already a brief introduction to the contact yesterday, and the name was also revealed to the other party. Fang Hong nodded and replied simply: "I can hear you, good morning!"

After a while, the young man responded: "Good morning, Mr. Fang, let me introduce you. This is Professor Zhu Yingdong, the initiator and person in charge of our project. My name is Lu Guangqi. We are all from Professor Zhu. postgraduate."

Several people on the opposite side, including Zhu Yingdong, saw the real face of K3478 blogger for the first time, and they were also very shocked. Although they knew that he was a young man and had just graduated this year, they were still very shocked when they saw the real person.

Especially Zhu Yingdong, his heart is actually quite complicated.

After all, the person on the other side of the video is younger than the graduate students in his team. He is actually not willing to talk about it, especially when the person opposite him is a young man, who is somewhat embarrassing psychologically. In his eyes, he is no different from a child, more or less not. Taste, but there is nothing I can do to keep the project going.

After Lu Guangqi gave a brief introduction, Fang Hong smiled unhurriedly: "Hello, Professor Zhu."

On the other side of the video screen, Lu Guangqi was not talking, and Zhu Yingdong simply said hello.

After a few words of pleasantries, Fang Hong went straight to the point and said: "I have roughly read your project materials, implanting photosynthesis into animal cells, I have to say that your research is very bold and full of imagination. There are not many descriptions, and I would like to hear your specific research."

The tone and demeanor of Fang Hong's speech surprised Lu Guangqi and others on the opposite side of the video, because the calmness shown in his speech and behavior seemed incompatible with his age.

Maybe it's the self-confidence brought about by being worth tens of billions. This is the answer they gave after being surprised.

Professor Zhu Yingdong also directly entered the topic and said: "Our research team implanted the thylakoids involved in photosynthesis in vegetables into aging mammalian cells, rebuilt the energy metabolism balance in the cells, and allowed the aging cells to recover in a short period of time. Rejuvenated, we are preparing to submit related papers to the journal "Nature."

Fang Hong nodded and said nothing.

Zhu Yingdong helped down the frame. He was worried that Fang Hong didn't know much about it, so he said with some basic knowledge: "The human body is composed of various cells. Once there is a problem with the synthesis and metabolism in the cells, the cells will be difficult to function normally and start to turn around. Aging, if we can restore the functional systems of cells, there is an opportunity to reverse aging in damaged cells."

Fang Hong said succinctly: "Is this the starting point of your research?"

Zhu Yingdong nodded and said: "That's right, so we need to find a suitable and normal energy production line. Plant photosynthesis, which has evolved for billions of years in nature, has entered our field of vision. The inner membrane system of chloroplasts, namely thylakoids body, this is a powerful energy factory, we only need to extract it and put it into mammalian cells, and borrow a little light to enhance the anabolic metabolism of animal cells."

Fang Hong in front of the computer put his hands on the table, rested his chin on the back of his hand and looked at the screen and said, "I am not an expert in the field of biology, but with a little common sense, the immune system of animals should recognize thylakoids as foreign substances." And clean it up? That’s the so-called rejection.”

Zhu Yingdong said in an orderly manner: "The idea adopted in our research does seem a bit far-fetched. A very critical question is how to make plant cells survive in such an extreme environment."

Fang Hong nodded and said, "This is what I'm curious about too."

Zhu Yingdong said: "Our idea is to wrap the thylakoid of the plant with the animal's own cell membrane, and use this layer of camouflage to mix into the cell."

Fang Hong was surprised and said, "It's kind of interesting."

Zhu Yingdong added: "The specific operation method is to use cell membrane nano-coating technology. We have carried out some experiments and injected thylakoids into the damaged cartilage of mice. These artificial organelles will quickly pass through the cell membrane. It can be evenly distributed in the cartilage in four hours, and then the thylakoids are awakened by light."

Fang Hong nodded and said nothing.

After a while, Zhu Yingdong in the video said: "The experimental results show that the level of thylakoid anabolism stimulated by light is significantly improved, and the arthritis of mice has also been significantly improved. Year-old status..."

With the passage of time, Zhu Yingdong also gradually ignored that the person opposite was a young man. He was getting better and better and began to paint a big pie: "This technology not only has good clinical potential in the medical field, but also in energy, materials, etc. There is also the opportunity to achieve a wide range of applications in fields such as plants, which may allow us to find new strategies for treating human diseases from billions of years of plant survival mechanisms..."

Time passed quickly, and the video communication between the two parties passed 50 minutes without knowing it, and Fang Hong also learned more about the progress of their project. At this time, Miss Hu Tao came to the study and said in a soft and cute voice: "Brother Hong~, lunch is ready, let's go down to eat before we get busy."

On the other side of the video exchange, Lu Guangqi and the others also saw Miss Hutao appearing in the camera and heard her voice through the video screen. Everyone was stunned, mainly because they didn't expect Miss Hutao to look in a maid outfit.

"Understood." Fang Hong glanced back at Miss Hutao, and said, "I'll be down in a while."

"Well~, hurry up~" Miss Hutao nodded with a coquettish smile, and then left the room. Fang Hong looked at the camera again and looked at Lu Guangqi and the others calmly said: "This scientific research project of yours wants to To be transformed into results and realize commercialization, to be honest, there is no end in sight..."

At this time, Lu Guangqi and the others also came to their senses. When they heard Fang Hong's words, they sighed in their hearts. There is really no hope!

They have no words to refute Fang Hong's words. It is true that the commercialization of scientific research into application results is not a matter of one day, and they cannot even guarantee whether it can be realized.

After a while, Fang Hong changed the subject abruptly: "However, I would like to invest a sum of money in your scientific research project and try it out."


Everyone was taken aback when they heard this. After confirming that they had heard correctly, Lu Guangqi's eyes lit up instantly, and their inner emotions gradually became agitated.

Zhu Yingdong hurriedly said, "Mr. Fang, are you really planning to support our research?"


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